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    A Question About the Firt's Born

    Demon Slayer
    Demon Slayer

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    A Question About  the Firt's Born Empty A Question About the Firt's Born

    Post by Demon Slayer Fri Feb 22, 2013 10:10 pm

    So we all think that the firt's born is suposed to be Solaire if that's so why he,s ring appears in a corpe right before the stairs leading to Gwyndolin and if he helps you with Gwyn isn,t that suposed to mean that he already went through anor londo then why do we see this corpe in there and why is he in the kiln of the firts flame if he ddye way before getting there

    Is that solaire corpe? Or Solaire is the real the Firt's Born?

    Sorry for bad english


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    A Question About  the Firt's Born Empty Re: A Question About the Firt's Born

    Post by Sanhedrim Sat Feb 23, 2013 8:17 am

    As the Ring of the Sun's Firstborn mentions, the Firstborn was relieved of his divine status. It's possible the ring was taken from him as part of the punishment, as it might have originally been a mark of honor, similar to the four knights' animal rings.

    And remember, just because a corpse carries an item that -could- belong to a certain character doesn't mean it -has- to be that character. You find Artorias's Wolf Ring on a random corpse in Darkroot Forest rather than at his grave.

    EDIT: The corpse in the Darkmoon Tomb could just be some unfortunate schmuck who stole the ring and then ran afoul of Gwyndolin's servants.

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    A Question About  the Firt's Born Empty Re: A Question About the Firt's Born

    Post by EarthScraper Thu Feb 28, 2013 7:39 pm

    Sanhedrim wrote:As the Ring of the Sun's Firstborn mentions, the Firstborn was relieved of his divine status. It's possible the ring was taken from him as part of the punishment, as it might have originally been a mark of honor, similar to the four knights' animal rings.

    And remember, just because a corpse carries an item that -could- belong to a certain character doesn't mean it -has- to be that character. You find Artorias's Wolf Ring on a random corpse in Darkroot Forest rather than at his grave.

    EDIT: The corpse in the Darkmoon Tomb could just be some unfortunate schmuck who stole the ring and then ran afoul of Gwyndolin's servants.

    Yeah another example is Havel's stuff, but Solaire and the First Born is a really strange subject, so we may never know who that corpse is and who is the first born

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