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    [PS3] Need invading information help please.


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    [PS3] Need invading information help please. Empty [PS3] Need invading information help please.

    Post by Tarkkus Wed Feb 27, 2013 12:40 am

    I'm quite confused when I look at these live streams of PvP people are constantly being invaded/invading but, when I attempt to invade repeatedly or commit sin then sit human for 30 mins nothing happens 😢 I've tried in the Forest Hunter forest, Zone before first taurus demon and Anor Londo (with and without killing the gigantic lady) With a sl 99, 120, & 125 with both Blue Eye Orb and Red Eye Orb. [Would invasions fail alot because of slow internet or something?]

    Note: I do invade/be invaded occasionally it just takes a long time and by then I'm just bored.

    Edit: I would also like to know tips in tricks because I have an idea for a build but it would only rely on being invaded for PvP.

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    [PS3] Need invading information help please. Empty Re: [PS3] Need invading information help please.

    Post by lordgodofhell Wed Feb 27, 2013 12:59 am

    To get invaded faster always use the dried finger.

    Since you're doing sl 100s pvp I would recommend hosting in the Moonpit, Burg, Parish, and Township.

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    [PS3] Need invading information help please. Empty Re: [PS3] Need invading information help please.

    Post by Acarnatia Wed Feb 27, 2013 1:07 am

    If a lot of players are invading you, I suggest you quit and reload your character. The game is set up to prefer connecting with players you already have, so doing that can and will often help for many players.
    Aside from that, I suggest that with the orbs, if it takes more than 10 seconds to start invading, use it again. It's rarely taken longer than that to connect for me unless the invasion is failing.

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    [PS3] Need invading information help please. Empty Re: [PS3] Need invading information help please.

    Post by WyrmHero Wed Feb 27, 2013 1:28 am

    What they said above + try gravelording or drop an RSS and then cancel the sign. It should get you connected.

    Posts : 54
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    Join date : 2012-04-07

    [PS3] Need invading information help please. Empty Re: [PS3] Need invading information help please.

    Post by Tarkkus Wed Feb 27, 2013 2:05 am

    Okay I'll try that when I get time =)

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    [PS3] Need invading information help please. Empty Re: [PS3] Need invading information help please.

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