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    a little help

    Tyler Durden
    Tyler Durden

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    a little help Empty a little help

    Post by RANT Fri Jan 20, 2012 2:03 am

    my stats are these:

    vit: 40

    att: 12


    str: 40

    dex: 10


    im panning on using sunlight blade for my demon great machete and man serpent greatsword, but im wondering what would give me better damage output, going for 50 str or 40 faith, i tried looking it up but i could only find faith stats, anyone know?

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    a little help Empty Re: a little help

    Post by DxV04 Fri Jan 20, 2012 5:27 am

    I have to look that up later this weekend. I am curious myself

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    a little help Empty Re: a little help

    Post by SuperMint Fri Jan 20, 2012 12:43 pm

    ^Literally was debating this exact question myself just awhile ago

    If your going for damage alone, the 40 faith will give you more since scaling pretty much drops off after 40, plus it increases your miracles. The strength does give you access to havel's shield, Grant, and the dragon weapons though, so it's your call on that one.

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    a little help Empty Re: a little help

    Post by ChizFreak Fri Jan 20, 2012 12:46 pm

    RantFromRant wrote:my stats are these:

    vit: 40

    att: 12


    str: 40

    dex: 10


    im panning on using sunlight blade for my demon great machete and man serpent greatsword, but im wondering what would give me better damage output, going for 50 str or 40 faith, i tried looking it up but i could only find faith stats, anyone know?

    You look like the build I'm working on, hear this:

    Grant +5 with 40 faith and 34 stret 725 damage.

    But if you want to buff, you should use the Man Serpent Sword, it has good damage, scales well with Stret, and it's much more faster than the Machete (serpent has the same moveset the claymore has).

    50 sret wouldn't add too much damage to your Serpent sword, I really don't like the Machete (or any ultra great sword).

    You should lvl up faith to 40, remember to use buffs on yourself also, like replenishment.

    EDIT: Just checked some numbers, if you lvl up 40 stret to 50 stret, it will not add more than 16 points of damage (doesn't worth it).
    Tyler Durden
    Tyler Durden

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    a little help Empty Re: a little help

    Post by RANT Fri Jan 20, 2012 2:34 pm

    @chizfreak only 16 from 40 str to 50? are you sure? im probably gonna up pumping faith, i dont care about havels shield or grant, i two hand my weapon and use grass shield i made this build specifically for my machete, its a freaking beast, with 40 str its already better than the bk weapons which i dont like that much, on my all around build i tried all str scaling weapons and ended up liking the machete a lot, right now its doing around 600 no buff, im gonna end up having wog and sunlight blade, dont need anything more than that, then i guess its settled, my build is finish, now im ready for psn fight club!

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