by JoeBroski09 Fri Mar 08, 2013 4:53 am
I like to think of myself as tough, fast, enduring, smart, but, most of all, faithful. I am a follower of Christ, so I went ahead and put a bunch of faith in there. I played baseball for 10 years, as well as a few years of football, so I'm pretty good on the physical and running aspects. I love to run and be fast and sprint, as well, so I put Cloranthy ring and Crest shield. I put the ivory talisman, cause I have 2 older sisters, so I am a little bit girly. Gargoyle halberd is my favorite weapon, and I enjoy my experiences, so I have the Silver Serpent Ring. Oh, and I love coats. I live in western Washington, so it rains 3 out of the 4 seasons, at least. And I don't enjoy any type of glove, unless it's nice and fitting, like a sports glove, and the black sorcerer's glove is like that. And the black leather legs are the closest to jeans, really.
My story would be a guy who created a new type of technology that allowed him to link his mind with the video game, but in a horror, he can't get out unless he beats the game. If he dies in game, he dies in real life.
EDIT: I put in the composite bow because I also archery hunt with my dad. So, I'd probably have some kind of awesome bow with me.