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Demon Slayer
13 posters

    EVENT: The DarkStalkers Mass Invasion

    Demon Slayer
    Demon Slayer

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     EVENT: The DarkStalkers Mass Invasion  Empty EVENT: The DarkStalkers Mass Invasion

    Post by Demon Slayer Fri Mar 15, 2013 9:57 pm

    No Matter how Honourable you think you are, We all have a Dark side.

    Our Goal
    We are the Darkstalkers, we are the followers of the Great Serpent Kaathe. We have been hidden away, shunned by society, but no more. We shall take our REVENGE, against those very undead that we tried to free, from the cycle of the never-ending flame. By the guidance of Kaathe, and our leader, The Dark Lord, we shall do what our ancestor, the Furtive Pygmy, wished for us to do. We shall end the flame, we shall destroy Gwyn, we shall win! For the Humans to be truly free, the Dark must fall, we shan't falter, we shan't abandon Kaathe, we will let the Dark fall! For the Dark Lord

    Our Lore

    Kaathe, is a Primordial Serpent. He has been around since the Dragons, and has been awaiting in the Abyss, forever waiting for the Dark Lord. Kaathe showed the power that comes with the Dark, and with this he tempted the Four Kings and his Knight's. The Knight's surround the Abyss, serving as a test to find those worthy of joining the Darkstalkers. But now, we need not hide any longer. The Dark Lord has returned, we shall leave our home New Londo, and slay all those foolish enough to believe in the Gods. We shall not falter, as we invade all of Lordran, until Dark has ruled the world.

     EVENT: The DarkStalkers Mass Invasion  Z

    The Rules

    Those that are a Darkstalker must follow the Code of Kaathe, and promise to kill in his name

    1. Always kill without any remorse

    2. Obtain the host's humanity at any cost

    3. Don't feel restrained by these fools pathetic "Code of Honour"

    4. Kill Those *****

    5.Darkstalker members may take part in the invading, anyone can host for it but only DS can score points

    SL55 Cap you may use anything less then 55 but no higher,
    This is an inter covenant event, to find out who is The best killer in our ranks.


    Host- 1 point
    phantom- 2
    the points stack so in a 3v1 situation if you kill both phantoms and the host you get 5 points, fall kills only count if you are the one to do it.

    Highest scoring Darkstalker will be awarded the title of Shadow of The
    Oolacile Township

    All those who wish to participate please post in this thread with your Game Name, Console, and if you will be a host.

    Event Starts at March 22, 2013 Friday Night 9 pm GMT and it will take place in Oolacile Township.

    Heres a Countdown For The Mass Invasion to Start:

    Mass Invasion Roster:

    (Forum Name) or (* = same as psn name)


    1)shadowzninjaz (*)Ps3


    1) reim0027(reim0027_5 Ps3
    2) GrinTwist (*)Ps3

    Last edited by Demon Slayer on Fri Mar 22, 2013 5:51 pm; edited 6 times in total
    Demon Slayer
    Demon Slayer

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     EVENT: The DarkStalkers Mass Invasion  Empty Re: EVENT: The DarkStalkers Mass Invasion

    Post by Demon Slayer Fri Mar 15, 2013 10:14 pm

    Ok Every one Start Posting!

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     EVENT: The DarkStalkers Mass Invasion  Empty Re: EVENT: The DarkStalkers Mass Invasion

    Post by shadowzninjaz Fri Mar 15, 2013 10:45 pm

    I will host this!
    No fear!
    Bring it on invaders Well What is it

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     EVENT: The DarkStalkers Mass Invasion  Empty Re: EVENT: The DarkStalkers Mass Invasion

    Post by reim0027 Sat Mar 16, 2013 12:05 am

    Sounds good to me. Another reason to invade, this time I actually will get points though.
    Chosen Undead
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     EVENT: The DarkStalkers Mass Invasion  Empty Re: EVENT: The DarkStalkers Mass Invasion

    Post by GrinTwist Sat Mar 16, 2013 12:27 am

    Finally , I've been waiting for a mass invasion for a while now. Count me in. happy

    I'm on PS3 and my PSN is my name on the forums.

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     EVENT: The DarkStalkers Mass Invasion  Empty Re: EVENT: The DarkStalkers Mass Invasion

    Post by reim0027 Sat Mar 16, 2013 1:19 am

    Fue - maybe you should make a thread in the PvP section, linking it to this one. It may have more traffic there; more people to read it.
    Abyss Dweller
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     EVENT: The DarkStalkers Mass Invasion  Empty Re: EVENT: The DarkStalkers Mass Invasion

    Post by User1 Sat Mar 16, 2013 9:25 am

    If this is available on Xbox, I'm in.
    Chosen Undead
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     EVENT: The DarkStalkers Mass Invasion  Empty Re: EVENT: The DarkStalkers Mass Invasion

    Post by billy_bayonet Sat Mar 16, 2013 10:11 pm

    Fue can you state only Darkstalker members may take part in the invading, anyone can host for it but only DS can score points
    Demon Slayer
    Demon Slayer

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     EVENT: The DarkStalkers Mass Invasion  Empty Re: EVENT: The DarkStalkers Mass Invasion

    Post by Demon Slayer Sat Mar 16, 2013 10:48 pm

    Will do Boss :red-orb:

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     EVENT: The DarkStalkers Mass Invasion  Empty Re: EVENT: The DarkStalkers Mass Invasion

    Post by Ghadis_God Sat Mar 16, 2013 10:57 pm

    I'll participate, and win this Oolacile invasion just like the last one!

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     EVENT: The DarkStalkers Mass Invasion  Empty Re: EVENT: The DarkStalkers Mass Invasion

    Post by Jansports Sun Mar 17, 2013 12:08 am

    billy_bayonet wrote:Fue can you state only Darkstalker members may take part in the invading, anyone can host for it but only DS can score points

    I will thwart all unworthy from earning a single point, I will finger spam, I will get on two toons and finger spam. I will be maximum possible SL to get invaded regularly.

    I will likely be in the hospital when this happens nevermind

    rawr ooga booga

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     EVENT: The DarkStalkers Mass Invasion  Empty Re: EVENT: The DarkStalkers Mass Invasion

    Post by FattyOfDoom Sun Mar 17, 2013 12:55 am

    Ghadis_God wrote:I'll participate, and win this Oolacile invasion just like the last one!
    Why the bad rep?
    Tyler Durden
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     EVENT: The DarkStalkers Mass Invasion  Empty Re: EVENT: The DarkStalkers Mass Invasion

    Post by RANT Sun Mar 17, 2013 2:52 am

    i have been gravelording township whenver im not coop'ing so i will make sure to gl that day.
    Compulsory Poster
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     EVENT: The DarkStalkers Mass Invasion  Empty Re: EVENT: The DarkStalkers Mass Invasion

    Post by Ahhotep1 Sun Mar 17, 2013 8:56 am

    Just a Heads-Up!!

    The countdown timer is messed up. It doesn't display the same "time to event" for everyone. With one hour to go for the Guerrilla Event it was telling Fin he had 9 hours to go. And told Helm he had 6 or 7 hours to go. I removed it immediately from my OP. happy
    Demon Slayer
    Demon Slayer

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     EVENT: The DarkStalkers Mass Invasion  Empty Re: EVENT: The DarkStalkers Mass Invasion

    Post by Demon Slayer Sun Mar 17, 2013 9:41 am

    Ahhotep1 wrote:Fitz,
    Just a Heads-Up!!

    The countdown tier is messed up. It doesn't display the same "time to event" for everyone. With one hour to go for the Guerrilla Event it was telling Fin he had 9 hours to go. And told Helm he had 6 or 7 hours to go. I removed it immediately from my OP. happy
    Thanks a hhop : D

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     EVENT: The DarkStalkers Mass Invasion  Empty Re: EVENT: The DarkStalkers Mass Invasion

    Post by Ghadis_God Mon Mar 18, 2013 12:28 am

    Add me to the participants! I think I might use my SL50 scaling Zwei build for this, I have a lot of fun with him and he looks like a boss. That is, if I can kill Manus with him, which is not guaranteed. Then again, I never really got invaded in the township at SL50, most people don't want to venture there at such a low level.

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     EVENT: The DarkStalkers Mass Invasion  Empty Re: EVENT: The DarkStalkers Mass Invasion

    Post by shadowzninjaz Mon Mar 18, 2013 3:27 am

    Ghadis_God wrote:Add me to the participants! I think I might use my SL50 scaling Zwei build for this, I have a lot of fun with him and he looks like a boss. That is, if I can kill Manus with him, which is not guaranteed. Then again, I never really got invaded in the township at SL50, most people don't want to venture there at such a low level.

    Oh thats goin be fun!

    I might make a lvl 80 build so it will make ur guys invasions easier
    Wonder what my build will be like

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     EVENT: The DarkStalkers Mass Invasion  Empty Re: EVENT: The DarkStalkers Mass Invasion

    Post by Jovias-86 Tue Mar 19, 2013 5:52 am

    Hey Fue... Im in! happy
    Chosen Undead
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     EVENT: The DarkStalkers Mass Invasion  Empty Re: EVENT: The DarkStalkers Mass Invasion

    Post by GrinTwist Thu Mar 21, 2013 1:23 am

    So unfortunately, some personal issues have come up that won't allow me to participate on this event on Friday. If anything I'll be on for a few hours in the middle of the day but after that don't expect me logging on after that.

    Just a heads up for any of you that are participating.
    Demon Slayer
    Demon Slayer

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     EVENT: The DarkStalkers Mass Invasion  Empty Re: EVENT: The DarkStalkers Mass Invasion

    Post by Demon Slayer Fri Mar 22, 2013 7:20 pm

    como on everyone sign up!

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     EVENT: The DarkStalkers Mass Invasion  Empty Re: EVENT: The DarkStalkers Mass Invasion

    Post by reim0027 Fri Mar 22, 2013 9:34 pm

    Damn. Family calls tonight. :evil:

    Sorry man. If I'm on later, I'll start invading.

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     EVENT: The DarkStalkers Mass Invasion  Empty Re: EVENT: The DarkStalkers Mass Invasion

    Post by Kirk-Barb Sat Mar 23, 2013 1:53 am

    I tried to participate in your mass invasion as a host, but it didn't work out. For 3 hours my Black Knight cos-play was available for invasion, but all I found myself in was rooms full of Japanese players. No matter how many times I quit and started again it was always the same. The lag was terrible and all anyone wanted to do was backstab me. I just don't understand how I can be lagging behind when they are in my world!!!!!????? The evening was miserable. I managed only about a half dozen fights where foes weren't dragging me back from across the room for the backstab. :pale:

    I hope you had a much better evening of it.

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     EVENT: The DarkStalkers Mass Invasion  Empty Re: EVENT: The DarkStalkers Mass Invasion

    Post by Ghadis_God Sat Mar 23, 2013 3:25 am

    By the way, i already have the title Shadow of Oolacile fromt he last mass invasion, you might want to think up a new one.

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     EVENT: The DarkStalkers Mass Invasion  Empty Re: EVENT: The DarkStalkers Mass Invasion

    Post by reim0027 Sat Mar 23, 2013 9:24 am

    How did everything go last night for everyone?

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     EVENT: The DarkStalkers Mass Invasion  Empty Re: EVENT: The DarkStalkers Mass Invasion

    Post by Ghadis_God Sat Mar 23, 2013 8:08 pm

    I went for a couple of hours and got 45 kills.

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     EVENT: The DarkStalkers Mass Invasion  Empty Re: EVENT: The DarkStalkers Mass Invasion

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