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    Continue with vitality past 40 or use the extra points on something else?


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    Continue with vitality past 40 or use the extra points on something else? Empty Continue with vitality past 40 or use the extra points on something else?

    Post by Defalus Thu Mar 21, 2013 7:56 am

    I am planning to build my character around Grant.

    I started as a cleric and my current stats are :35 vitality,40 endurance,50 strength,30 faith,11 attunement,8 dexterity.

    Should i cap my character at 120 or 125?it currently sits at 111.

    Please let me know whether the 200 extra health or so is worth over 3-4 extra attunement slots or extra dexterity for the crescent axe(in case i decide to use it) or other weapons.


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    Continue with vitality past 40 or use the extra points on something else? Empty Re: Continue with vitality past 40 or use the extra points on something else?

    Post by Dutchy Thu Mar 21, 2013 8:06 am

    I've had a bit of a play armound with numbers but see how you like this

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    Continue with vitality past 40 or use the extra points on something else? Empty Re: Continue with vitality past 40 or use the extra points on something else?

    Post by Defalus Thu Mar 21, 2013 8:23 am

    Hello Dutchy and thanks for taking the time to reply and make that build for me.I have most of my gear down,i also like to use unusual or least used armour and shields even if they are not the best.Im unsure whether it is okay to stop at 40 vitality and spend the left over points on something else or not and if i should cap at 120 or 125.


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    Continue with vitality past 40 or use the extra points on something else? Empty Re: Continue with vitality past 40 or use the extra points on something else?

    Post by Dutchy Thu Mar 21, 2013 8:41 am

    Best to cap at 120, and i'd say, if there really is nothing else you can spend them on, go with VIT, but you've got all that faith, you should try and put some more attunement slots in there so you can make use of it. happy

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    Continue with vitality past 40 or use the extra points on something else? Empty Re: Continue with vitality past 40 or use the extra points on something else?

    Post by reim0027 Thu Mar 21, 2013 9:25 am

    I like to keep vitality at around 1500 (or higher if I can) for PvP. Usually, it ends up being near 40.

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    Continue with vitality past 40 or use the extra points on something else? Empty Re: Continue with vitality past 40 or use the extra points on something else?

    Post by Automancer Thu Mar 21, 2013 9:36 am

    Are you using the FaP ring? If you are, 40 Vit is more than enough with 1590.
    If not, 40 vit without FaP nets you 1500 which is just as good. Diminishing return begin after 40 or was it 45?

    I'm also creating a build that uses the Grant. Have a look and see what works for you. I have 14 dex because i use many Occult dex weapons as well so i just have enough dex to wield them.

    I'm personally at 120 for now because i'm debating whether i should use the extra 5 levels myself for more attunement. But most likely i will be going to 125.

    Go to SL120 if you want to duel those near SL100. SL125 if you don't bother about the SL100 range. Take your pick.

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    Continue with vitality past 40 or use the extra points on something else? Empty Re: Continue with vitality past 40 or use the extra points on something else?

    Post by Nybbles Thu Mar 21, 2013 11:11 am

    since the invention of dark magic, i find that 50 vit and 1800 hp is barely enough to survive a single hit from dark bead or pursuers. even then you will still get OHKO if your opponent is a min/maxer.

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    Continue with vitality past 40 or use the extra points on something else? Empty Re: Continue with vitality past 40 or use the extra points on something else?

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