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    I'm getting more worried


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    I'm getting more worried Empty I'm getting more worried

    Post by Hue Thu Apr 04, 2013 3:10 pm

    Every time i watch the trailer again, the fact that you're not alone (the woman at the start); the evill organization you don't know a lot about; the badass, unique looking armor; and the stereotypical 50 foot beast behavior (crash onto the ground, slowly circling our badass player character, roaring for 9000 minutes, and finally deciding to attack), and the shiny DARK SOULS II logo engraved in stone at the end; it does not even show actual game footage
    This is just so different from you starting in a jail cell, naked, to later find your standard equipment, and much later being spammed by the hellkite drake, and mindlessly be ttacked by pretty much everything you find on your way; and so similar to the shallow games of this generation

    DkS2 is likely to be casul
    But i hope i'm wrong and the guy we see and the trailer is our dark lord, and the game is set several years later
    Tell me that i'm wrong

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    I'm getting more worried Empty Re: I'm getting more worried

    Post by sinspaw Thu Apr 04, 2013 3:59 pm

    No disrespect man, but I thought we were past over extensive analysis of a cgi trailer that really, cannot have any in depth interpretation taken from it.

    Just... wait a bit longer before you draw despair out of thin air.

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    I'm getting more worried Empty Re: I'm getting more worried

    Post by DE5PA1R Thu Apr 04, 2013 4:17 pm

    sinspaw wrote:Just... wait a bit longer before you draw despair out of thin air.

    Somebody call me?

    OP: You're wrong.

    Well, it's not that cut-and-dry, but I do think your fears are misplaced. Note that a third party made the trailer. Not a wise decision, but probably more a symptom of crash development and compromised standards than less value in the game itself.

    We'll know more on April 11th.

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    I'm getting more worried Empty Re: I'm getting more worried

    Post by ollebsson Thu Apr 04, 2013 10:16 pm

    Are you serious?
    It's a trailer, you can't compare it to the intro in DkS 1! Have you seen any of the trailers for the first game? Demon's souls intro cgi has a powerful knight doing all kinds of cool moves and a dragon roaring for an eternity. Evil organization? It could just be an armor or whatever, you are looking into it and assuming to much.. Patience my friend!

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    I'm getting more worried Empty Re: I'm getting more worried

    Post by ErrJon6661 Thu Apr 04, 2013 11:21 pm

    What if Dark Souls 2.... is just a movie.....

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