by ADirtySlate Thu Apr 04, 2013 9:34 pm
Soris Ice Goldwing wrote:That is the bbg turned legal so no. Even if the developers implement some item to character system it will be abuse/ hacked to do what the bbg did/does (It still around?).
It is still around, just in a different form.
Anyways, I don't think it is wise to have anything like this. Muling does just fine in the current game. Also, on a tangentially related note, I almost want to say that the BBG glitch might be mistaken for actual skill: one could go into NG+ with awesome weapons and still be the same level as everyone else in NG (for example, just completing a SL1 run). Not important for this topic, but just something to consider next time you see someone with amazing but plausible gear at low level.