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Soris Ice Goldwing
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    Why I think there are bonfires in DS2

    Abyss Dweller
    Abyss Dweller

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    Why I think there are bonfires in DS2 Empty Why I think there are bonfires in DS2

    Post by Dibsville Wed Apr 10, 2013 9:28 pm

    Just my thoughts on this;
    Some people thought that Dark Souls 2 should have a different system, Demon's had the Nexus, Dark had bonfires.
    Well there's a reason DS2 has bonfires.
    It's because it's Dark Souls.
    If it was under a different name, it may have a different system, but due to the fact that it is DARK Souls, they are retaining the bonfire system.
    What do you think?
    Abyss Dweller
    Abyss Dweller

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    Why I think there are bonfires in DS2 Empty Re: Why I think there are bonfires in DS2

    Post by User1 Wed Apr 10, 2013 9:29 pm

    I think exactly the same. It's the most logical explanation I can think of.
    Soris Ice Goldwing
    Soris Ice Goldwing

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    Why I think there are bonfires in DS2 Empty Re: Why I think there are bonfires in DS2

    Post by Soris Ice Goldwing Wed Apr 10, 2013 9:36 pm

    Yeah I think you got the main point Dibs with the bonfires. The two games are under the same name and it would also make sense to have the bonfires share the same functions.
    Abyss Dweller
    Abyss Dweller

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    Why I think there are bonfires in DS2 Empty Re: Why I think there are bonfires in DS2

    Post by User1 Wed Apr 10, 2013 9:37 pm

    I could say, to phrase what I think, "Hit the nail right on the head".

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    Why I think there are bonfires in DS2 Empty Re: Why I think there are bonfires in DS2

    Post by mugenis4real Wed Apr 10, 2013 11:59 pm

    Eh, makes sense I guess. :roll:
    Abyss Dweller
    Abyss Dweller

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    Why I think there are bonfires in DS2 Empty Re: Why I think there are bonfires in DS2

    Post by Dibsville Thu Apr 11, 2013 12:07 am

    Short answer:
    It's DARK Souls 2, thus bonfires are retained.

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    Why I think there are bonfires in DS2 Empty Re: Why I think there are bonfires in DS2

    Post by lonewolf Thu Apr 11, 2013 3:56 am

    i seems that it is corect but i am wondering about healing bus consistensy to DKS to DKS2
    Abyss Dweller
    Abyss Dweller

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    Why I think there are bonfires in DS2 Empty Re: Why I think there are bonfires in DS2

    Post by Dibsville Thu Apr 11, 2013 1:03 pm

    I think the Drop Stones are like a mixture of Estus and Grass.
    Although he had 20, maybe they are regenerated through bonfires.
    On top of that, it had the speed of Grass.
    This may look pretty OP, but it seemed like his health was going up pretty slowly instead of instantly, thus maybe the healing can be interrupted from an attack or fall. High ranking stones may heal faster, but are slower to consume. Just a thought.

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    Why I think there are bonfires in DS2 Empty Re: Why I think there are bonfires in DS2

    Post by ClassicBlaze Thu Apr 11, 2013 1:38 pm

    Since its still Dark Souls it ought to have bonfires, wich i personaly find awesome, i love those lil campfires thingies spread throughout the world big grin

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    Why I think there are bonfires in DS2 Empty Re: Why I think there are bonfires in DS2

    Post by Cartod Thu Apr 11, 2013 2:32 pm

    I think the decision to keep Bonfires in the game was a pretty easy one for From.

    Do they serve an intuitive and useful function? Check.

    Will they make sense to new players and be cheerfully recognized by veterans of the series? Check.

    Do they already make sense in the plot? Check.

    Seems like a no brainer to me.

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