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    Let's talk "moon"


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    Let's talk "moon" Empty Let's talk "moon"

    Post by LunarFog Tue Apr 16, 2013 11:03 pm

    I'm placing my bet on Dark Souls 2 featuring a covenant(or covenant-parallel), weapon, armor set, and/or area with a deep tie to the moon. Which makes me of course, want to be the first one to worship it and make it my own.

    Which leads me to my problem:

    I plan to create a lunar-based covenant when Dark Souls 2 comes outAfter all it's only fitting for a queen to have followers but what should the mindset be? What qualities and traits would you expect the moon to have?

    Stealth is an obvious choice(referenced by the forest hunters). Magic is also unfortunately a given. Is there anything else?

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    Let's talk "moon" Empty Re: Let's talk "moon"

    Post by twilightwarwolf Wed Apr 17, 2013 12:23 am

    for the moon? well id say as for it would be serious but not tense, even tempered, and calm on a general basis for traits for personality.

    id say for mindset you may be protecting something rather than going out of your way to kill something in a sense more to a defensive style. if they have ice spells or things of that generality and color id say that would also be perhaps a trait heck you may even go for dex weapons specifically because as a sun is furious and highly emothional and possibly impatient thus a greatsword or something like that where as a moon would be fast and unseen and patient so perhaps a dagger or a falchion? idk i also know this if they bring back moon wep upgrades like DeS you could make diffent types of moon people going off of moon types like cresent moon, full moon, and half that kind of thing. heck you could have events based on lunar periods. and maybe you could have an affilation with wolves as people tend to put them with the moon.

    i can think up more the more i think into it but hows that for something? if i get anything else ill come back and post it.

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    Let's talk "moon" Empty Re: Let's talk "moon"

    Post by LunarFog Wed Apr 17, 2013 12:54 am

    twilight. What you just said. It was beautiful
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    Let's talk "moon" Empty Re: Let's talk "moon"

    Post by Forum Pirate Wed Apr 17, 2013 2:01 am

    As is, I'd go the other way. dex weapons are (generally) fast and furious but large weapons require patience and timing. I get what he's saying, but from an in game perspective weapons like the large club require a ton more patience than I ever needed with a katana. Its not really reactionary, but it takes a lot of patience, where mindless r1 spam is actually dangerous with a katana or a spear.

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    Post by twilightwarwolf Wed Apr 17, 2013 8:33 am

    id honestly say you could spam both and have deadly affects and furious seemed more like str weps rather than dex weps though i see what you mean. in all reality i all weps need timing and can be used furiously but imo i see dex weps as weps of the the moon and str weps of the sun (especially how the sunbro cov has a sh!t ton of str wep users)
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    Let's talk "moon" Empty Re: Let's talk "moon"

    Post by Forum Pirate Wed Apr 17, 2013 8:52 am

    Association Bias. It seems like str weapons are furious because the media says so, but having to 2h your weapon and recover from swinging 8 lbs if you miss with a claymore is a much bigger deal than missing with a 3 lb longsword with a shield in your off hand. (actual weight approximations, not in game units)

    If you're fast and furious (never mind that large str weapons are not fast) with, say, the large club, you get parried, or roll bs'd, or kited. You must have patience. You must be subtle. The same with the zweihander/dgm, and any axe or hammer. They may stunlock, but you still have to hit in the first place, probably more than once, with shorter and/or slower weapons

    You can be patient with a katana/spear/falchion but its not generally necessary. Run up, unlock, press r1 at them is an effective strategy, as all these weapons are difficult to parry and pivot fast enough to stuff bs attempts.

    If she wants it based on common themes dex weapon yeah, but thats not how the game works atm

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    Let's talk "moon" Empty Re: Let's talk "moon"

    Post by Automancer Wed Apr 17, 2013 9:09 am

    I have a funky idea. If you managed to beat someone, 'moon' them with a Proper Bow

    Ok, i'll shut up now.

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    Let's talk "moon" Empty Re: Let's talk "moon"

    Post by LunarFog Wed Apr 17, 2013 2:18 pm

    I understand both of your points, but I'm going to have to say I'm going to go with dex weapons. I do think that big strength weapons are the more "patient" weapons 100%, but dex weapons are also used for stealthy things (like backstabbing) so I'm gonna go with that.

    I'm probably going to have to get over my hatred for magic since the moon is magical in almost everything.
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    Let's talk "moon" Empty Re: Let's talk "moon"

    Post by Animaaal Wed Apr 17, 2013 3:20 pm

    Anyone that uses any weapon without any patience gets owned.

    The hand axe and r club do not require the amount of patience as "big" weapons. Nor does the GB hammer.

    Not all weapons that have decent str scaling are slow. You have to be patient for the first should practice that with all weapons.

    If you don't a good to great player will parry you.

    Ideas about the moon?

    -Blue/white clothing/armor

    -Moon is opposite to sun, so no pyros.

    -I would allow miracles with sorceries.

    -The moon sheds light in the dark.....
    ...maybe helping low levels through the first couple boards for low ranking cov members? Kind of a way to earn their clout?

    -Without the dark (and the moon) nothing would get rest and "rejuvenate" so to speak. Healing magics?

    -Oolacile magics for sure (if ava)

    -A cresent moon kinda looks like a scythe or shotel blade.

    -Vampire themes? Life sucking? Darkhand?

    -The moon is commonly associated with females.

    -Moonbeam is commonly associated with 60's hippies.

    -And what automancer said lol.
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    Let's talk "moon" Empty Re: Let's talk "moon"

    Post by sparkly-twinkly-lizard Wed Apr 17, 2013 5:54 pm

    what about things like blue moons and harvest moons? also im pretty sure theirs gonnabe some nice cresent shaped weapons in dks 2 so those would be great...

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    Let's talk "moon" Empty Re: Let's talk "moon"

    Post by LunarFog Wed Apr 17, 2013 7:30 pm

    Hmm...Dex weapon....territorial...magic..changing...patience...crescent/round shapes..assistance...

    This will definitely help me lay down the framework for the covenant.
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    Let's talk "moon" Empty Re: Let's talk "moon"

    Post by Soris Ice Goldwing Wed Apr 17, 2013 7:43 pm

    How the heck did I miss this? A covenant based on the ties of the moon is something that must be done. I love the night better than the sun. Though Twilightwarwolf pretty much got the mentality of the moon vs sun. I assume you don't want the myth of the moon inducing lunacy Lunarfog? Unless lunacy applies to the ones you target?

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    Let's talk "moon" Empty Re: Let's talk "moon"

    Post by LunarFog Wed Apr 17, 2013 11:59 pm

    Soris Ice Goldwing wrote:How the heck did I miss this? A covenant based on the ties of the moon is something that must be done. I love the night better than the sun. Though Twilightwarwolf pretty much got the mentality of the moon vs sun. I assume you don't want the myth of the moon inducing lunacy Lunarfog? Unless lunacy applies to the ones you target?
    Lunacy might apply to me and the people who follow me <3

    In other news, I found out that girls are more often tied to the moon because the moon has a month long cycle that's similar to the girls....month...long...cycle...

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    Let's talk "moon" Empty Re: Let's talk "moon"

    Post by Dibsville Thu Apr 18, 2013 12:00 am

    I sincerely hope there's a type of moon spells that will heal you, as well as augment your opponent with status ailments.
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    Let's talk "moon" Empty Re: Let's talk "moon"

    Post by Soris Ice Goldwing Thu Apr 18, 2013 12:03 am

    Blood moon should be a symbol of power and aggression. There is something mystifying about them. Dibs has a point with lunar healing powers, the moon has that effect too. So much more interesting than the sun.
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    Let's talk "moon" Empty Re: Let's talk "moon"

    Post by Dusk Soul Thu Apr 18, 2013 12:06 am

    I've seen some covenants that have classes, perhaps doing something similar based on the moon phases?

    Something along the lines of:

    Crescent Moon: Slashing Weapons or that have arc-like movesets
    Full Moon: Sorceries and big weapons,flashy things.
    New Moon: Stealth, backstabs.

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    Let's talk "moon" Empty Re: Let's talk "moon"

    Post by LunarFog Thu Apr 18, 2013 12:09 am

    Dusk Soul wrote:I've seen some covenants that have classes, perhaps doing something similar based on the moon phases?

    Something along the lines of:

    Crescent Moon: Slashing Weapons or that have arc-like movesets
    Full Moon: Sorceries and big weapons,flashy things.
    New Moon: Stealth, backstabs.
    Nice...very nice

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    Let's talk "moon" Empty Re: Let's talk "moon"

    Post by Soris Ice Goldwing Thu Apr 18, 2013 12:14 am

    Blood moon: the elite group. Lunarfog you have ideas so use them! The Moon must be the known counterpart to the sun.
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    Post by Dusk Soul Thu Apr 18, 2013 12:21 am

    Or it could be that depending on your class (rank can work too) you have to invade as a specific phantom.

    Blood Moon as Red ones, new moon as blue ones, etc, etc.

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    Let's talk "moon" Empty Re: Let's talk "moon"

    Post by LunarFog Thu Apr 18, 2013 1:03 am

    Dusk Soul wrote:Or it could be that depending on your class (rank can work too) you have to invade as a specific phantom.

    Blood Moon as Red ones, new moon as blue ones, etc, etc.
    Hmm...The night always symbolized freedom for me. I don't think I'll use ranks. Just...suggested builds called classes.

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