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    Darkmoons are out.


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    Darkmoons are out. - Page 2 Empty Re: Darkmoons are out.

    Post by Paragon Fri Apr 19, 2013 2:52 am

    @forum pirate: how do you know that the Darkmoons are gone. As established as you are you still need evidence in order to make a claim like that.

    @everybody: Good or Bad the Darkmoons are still the lesser of two evils. Darkwraiths are lore confirmed to be evil. Darkmoon morality is up for debate but generally agreed that they are less evil and more hypocritical, or perhaps hypercritical is more accurate, than the Darkwraiths.

    @KrazyKev: don't attribute your experiences with a covenant to everybody in that covenant. Thats stereotyping and its wrong. Whatever problems you have with people are because those people are or are behaving like A-holes not because they are in one covenant or another. I personally prefer Darkmoons over Darkwraiths but I still respect the Darkwraiths because their are good Darkwraiths out there just like there are bad Darkwraiths and the same applies to the Darkmoons. Darkmoons are the only covenant that the game does not allow you to indict meaning that their actions are justified in-game, even if they aren't justified from your perspective. Whatever they do to you outside of hacking or glitching the game You Deserve It.

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    Darkmoons are out. - Page 2 Empty Re: Darkmoons are out.

    Post by Johnthethird Fri Apr 19, 2013 3:13 am

    Darkmoon: You dont play into Gwyndolin's corrupt agenda so ima gon invade u

    Darkwraith: U has teh humanity! Giv Meh ur Humanity!!!!!!11111one

    Forest Hunter: GEt Off Mah Propaty

    Dragon: Hello Sir. Would you like to partake in a friendly dual with me for the cost of a single dragon scale to the winner?

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    Darkmoons are out. - Page 2 Empty Re: Darkmoons are out.

    Post by Paragon Fri Apr 19, 2013 4:47 am

    Johnthethird wrote:Darkmoon: You dont play into Gwyndolin's corrupt agenda so ima gon invade u

    Darkwraith: U has teh humanity! Giv Meh ur Humanity!!!!!!11111one

    Forest Hunter: GEt Off Mah Propaty

    Dragon: Hello Sir. Would you like to partake in a friendly dual with me for the cost of a single dragon scale to the winner?

    lol! I agree with all of them except the first. Why you hatin' on us moonbros?

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    Darkmoons are out. - Page 2 Empty Re: Darkmoons are out.

    Post by Halicarnassis Fri Apr 19, 2013 5:03 am

    I'm gonna agree with Luvz on this one - if you've committed a sin in the game you open yourself up to being invaded by a darkmoon. Whether you PVP or PVE you still have to pay the price for committing your sin.

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    Darkmoons are out. - Page 2 Empty Re: Darkmoons are out.

    Post by alchemydesign Fri Apr 19, 2013 2:04 pm

    I don't know if anyone's mentioned it or not but there is the Dried Finger...resets the timer on being invaded.

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    Darkmoons are out. - Page 2 Empty Re: Darkmoons are out.

    Post by KrazykevS10 Fri Apr 19, 2013 3:39 pm

    luvz2fight wrote:@forum pirate: how do you know that the Darkmoons are gone. As established as you are you still need evidence in order to make a claim like that.

    @everybody: Good or Bad the Darkmoons are still the lesser of two evils. Darkwraiths are lore confirmed to be evil. Darkmoon morality is up for debate but generally agreed that they are less evil and more hypocritical, or perhaps hypercritical is more accurate, than the Darkwraiths.

    @KrazyKev: don't attribute your experiences with a covenant to everybody in that covenant. Thats stereotyping and its wrong. Whatever problems you have with people are because those people are or are behaving like A-holes not because they are in one covenant or another. I personally prefer Darkmoons over Darkwraiths but I still respect the Darkwraiths because their are good Darkwraiths out there just like there are bad Darkwraiths and the same applies to the Darkmoons. Darkmoons are the only covenant that the game does not allow you to indict meaning that their actions are justified in-game, even if they aren't justified from your perspective. Whatever they do to you outside of hacking or glitching the game You Deserve It.
    If you had actually read my post instead of skimmed it,you would know I said MOST Darkmoons are douches.I haven't stereotyped anyone,not once have I assumed an invading one would cheat.But your last sentence makes me concerned,that is the kind of crappy attitude that has ruined the covenant in the first place.As I said,farming living,breathing people is wrong,you act like I'm a huge sinner for stopping ganks.They sit in my covenant's forest and WANT us to invade.We simply defend our land and out of the lore,wreck those crap players.If they can kill us and the Darkmoons don't care and we can't do it to them,then it is a corrupt system.You can't look at the world in black and white.
    I'm not claiming Darkmoons have no right to invade me,I'm saying they have no right to treat me as a human being like crap because I have done PVP.Sitting behind the forest NPCs,trying to make me betray them is just cowardly.I have never seen a Darkwraith do it.
    Onion Knight
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    Darkmoons are out. - Page 2 Empty Re: Darkmoons are out.

    Post by Onion Knight Fri Apr 19, 2013 4:32 pm

    swordiris wrote:Darknoons are gone?

    How do you know this?

    Darkmoons are out. - Page 2 Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRFZFrEzY5HmccxqnrRw4MREPHvUlkpUByvBxLMZ0ntMLpVdF9O

    Darkmoons are out. - Page 2 Dark-souls-ii-concept-art-emerges

    This NPC has been confirmed to punish sinners. I haven't read anywhere that Darkmoons (or a similar covenant) have been removed, I could be wrong about that though. Although it's a pretty sound assumption that they've been replaced by the ai.

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    Darkmoons are out. - Page 2 Empty Re: Darkmoons are out.

    Post by Elifia Sat Apr 20, 2013 2:59 am

    This is in the "Everything we know about Dark Souls 2" thread:

    So if anyone was wondering where we got this 'Darkmoons are out' information, now you know.
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    Darkmoons are out. - Page 2 Empty Re: Darkmoons are out.

    Post by Forum Pirate Sat Apr 20, 2013 8:29 pm

    KrazykevS10 wrote:
    luvz2fight wrote:@forum pirate: how do you know that the Darkmoons are gone. As established as you are you still need evidence in order to make a claim like that.

    @everybody: Good or Bad the Darkmoons are still the lesser of two evils. Darkwraiths are lore confirmed to be evil. Darkmoon morality is up for debate but generally agreed that they are less evil and more hypocritical, or perhaps hypercritical is more accurate, than the Darkwraiths.

    @KrazyKev: don't attribute your experiences with a covenant to everybody in that covenant. Thats stereotyping and its wrong. Whatever problems you have with people are because those people are or are behaving like A-holes not because they are in one covenant or another. I personally prefer Darkmoons over Darkwraiths but I still respect the Darkwraiths because their are good Darkwraiths out there just like there are bad Darkwraiths and the same applies to the Darkmoons. Darkmoons are the only covenant that the game does not allow you to indict meaning that their actions are justified in-game, even if they aren't justified from your perspective. Whatever they do to you outside of hacking or glitching the game You Deserve It.
    If you had actually read my post instead of skimmed it,you would know I said MOST Darkmoons are douches.I haven't stereotyped anyone,not once have I assumed an invading one would cheat.But your last sentence makes me concerned,that is the kind of crappy attitude that has ruined the covenant in the first place.As I said,farming living,breathing people is wrong,you act like I'm a huge sinner for stopping ganks.They sit in my covenant's forest and WANT us to invade.We simply defend our land and out of the lore,wreck those crap players.If they can kill us and the Darkmoons don't care and we can't do it to them,then it is a corrupt system.You can't look at the world in black and white.
    I'm not claiming Darkmoons have no right to invade me,I'm saying they have no right to treat me as a human being like crap because I have done PVP.Sitting behind the forest NPCs,trying to make me betray them is just cowardly.I have never seen a Darkwraith do it.
    Yeah, quit inserting your subjective morality into my thread. As I said, I'm not here to debate morality. They have the right to play the game however they like, your fun is not their problem, and vice versa. just dc people you don't want to fight.

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    Darkmoons are out. - Page 2 Empty Re: Darkmoons are out.

    Post by sparkly-twinkly-lizard Sat Apr 20, 2013 9:07 pm

    i find it weird that in dks where the cost of losing as a host or phantom is pretty low, people seem to be really humorless when it comes to pvp, where as in demons souls you'd lose levels and souls for losing but the sheer number of randomly funny or polite invaders was and is higher... anyway
    its a game, you're anonymous who cares if you play the bad guy plus if you invade as a darkwraith you don't have to kill the host, you can just screw around or kill the phantoms they summon, whats more dm's got really poor invasion rates, maybe there'll be something new with more pvp traffic that still isn't looked at as a"villain".
    actually something i think would be cool would be unaffiliated phantoms, there are no set "good" phantom online method and no set "bad' phantom online method its all up to the phantom how they behave...
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    Darkmoons are out. - Page 2 Empty Re: Darkmoons are out.

    Post by Onion Knight Sat Apr 20, 2013 9:26 pm

    I understand why the Darkmoon's would be removed in a sense. It stick's with the principle of trying to offer the same game experience offline as online, having the ai punish sinners allows offline players to experience this feature unlike in Dark Souls.
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    Darkmoons are out. - Page 2 Empty Re: Darkmoons are out.

    Post by Animaaal Sat Apr 20, 2013 11:08 pm

    No, I would not be pissed. It wouldn't bother me at all.

    After the souls series made its home in my anal orifice and decided to "rectify" any doubts as to what my favorite game was, which game I was going to play that day, or even what game I felt was the most influential in my life....I quit thinking, I just played.

    I've come to terms with the whole Sif thing as well.

    Every single time I help a host find him (vet or not), I wait, he howls, I fall to my knees with respect, and throw the I'm sorry carving.

    I also like to kill all the NPCs if I remember. Souls is just different.

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    Darkmoons are out. - Page 2 Empty Re: Darkmoons are out.

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