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Phoenix Rising
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    Do you put your hotbar in a certain order?

    Abyss Dweller
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    Do you put your hotbar in a certain order? Empty Do you put your hotbar in a certain order?

    Post by Dibsville Sun Apr 21, 2013 4:56 pm

    I always put a few things in certain places, no matter how the build is, they go there. (put a blank space if you don't put anything specific there).

    Do you put your hotbar in a certain order? 2005 Do you put your hotbar in a certain order? 2002____________ Do you put your hotbar in a certain order? 2014 Do you put your hotbar in a certain order? 2017
    Abyss Dweller
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    Do you put your hotbar in a certain order? Empty Re: Do you put your hotbar in a certain order?

    Post by User1 Sun Apr 21, 2013 4:59 pm

    Can't be arsed to find images at the moment, so I'll just write it instead:
    1. Estus
    2. RSS
    3. WSS
    4. Humanity
    5. Dried Finger

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    Do you put your hotbar in a certain order? Empty Re: Do you put your hotbar in a certain order?

    Post by Odinbear Sun Apr 21, 2013 6:57 pm

    I do put certain items in certain order. I also do this. All 3-5 slots are used for offensive/defensive items. Passive items like, WSS, RED ORB, etc are setup so I hit START, X,X,X. , and if I have WSS in the first spot, 4 quick taps and I lay the sign, it's a pain cycling through TOTALLY USELESS items , in a crisis situation. Hehe. Reorder your items and you can semi- increase your 5 Quick slots, to 5 quick & 2-3 semi quick picks.

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    Do you put your hotbar in a certain order? Empty Re: Do you put your hotbar in a certain order?

    Post by tinypantha Sun Apr 21, 2013 7:55 pm

    1. Estus
    2. Humanity
    3. Divine Blessing
    4. Elizabeth Mushroom
    5. Black Firebomb

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    Do you put your hotbar in a certain order? Empty Re: Do you put your hotbar in a certain order?

    Post by Elifia Sun Apr 21, 2013 8:50 pm

    The only thing for me that's pretty much guaranteed to be on my bar is the Estus. All other stuff 100% depends on what I'm doing.

    If I expect to be poisoned I'll put some moss in there.
    If I expect to run out of Estus I'll put my humanities in there.
    If I'm hosting PvP I'll put the dried finger in there.
    If I'm going to invade I'll put in the invasion item and humanities.
    If I'm playing on a pure melee build and think I might need a ranged option, I'll put some poisoned knives or fire bombs in there.
    And if I'm playing as a dragon, the dragon stones.

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    Do you put your hotbar in a certain order? Empty Re: Do you put your hotbar in a certain order?

    Post by Hugh_G_Johnson Sun Apr 21, 2013 11:50 pm

    1. estus (I always remove it when I'm a phantom)
    2. green blossom
    3. repair powder or gold/charcoal pine resin and at low SLs firebombs
    4. situational, though usually empty
    5. humanity

    I very rarely use a hotbar spot for an invasion item, but I usually switch it for estus after I've cleared the enemies or if I'm not going to bother engaging. I also organize my main menu and weapons in a certain order so I can get to them quickly/blind as well. I wonder how much of my menu I could re-create from memory alone... silly
    Chosen Undead
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    Do you put your hotbar in a certain order? Empty Re: Do you put your hotbar in a certain order?

    Post by Rynn Mon Apr 22, 2013 1:59 am

    2:Elizabeths Mushroom
    3:Divine Blessing
    4:Red Moss Clump
    5:Dried Finger or Black Seperation Crystal

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    Do you put your hotbar in a certain order? Empty Re: Do you put your hotbar in a certain order?

    Post by Flankydizzle Mon Apr 22, 2013 2:01 am

    Usually something like:

    1. Estus
    2. Red Orb
    3. Hello
    4. Very Good
    5. I'm Sorry

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    Do you put your hotbar in a certain order? Empty Re: Do you put your hotbar in a certain order?

    Post by WaffleGuy Mon Apr 22, 2013 7:49 am

    Red Orb/Blue Orb/Purple Moss
    Poison Knives/Lloyds Talismans
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    Do you put your hotbar in a certain order? Empty Re: Do you put your hotbar in a certain order?

    Post by Phoenix Rising Mon Apr 22, 2013 4:28 pm

    1. Do you put your hotbar in a certain order? 55398243
    2. Do you put your hotbar in a certain order? 1697547848
    3. Green Blossom
    4. Humanity
    5. Homeward Bones

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    Do you put your hotbar in a certain order? Empty Re: Do you put your hotbar in a certain order?

    Post by ResIsBestStat Mon Apr 22, 2013 5:13 pm

    The guys with Divine Blessings are obviously hackers...

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    Do you put your hotbar in a certain order? Empty Re: Do you put your hotbar in a certain order?

    Post by twigsterxd Tue Apr 23, 2013 12:20 am

    1. always eustus, 5. always white chalk. 2 3 and 4 depends on whether host or phantom. always empty unless i'm in blight town. hum in slot 2 as phantom. reason chalk is in slot 5 is if i'm solo, i can tell when threatened by invader so i get ready for them.

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    Do you put your hotbar in a certain order? Empty Re: Do you put your hotbar in a certain order?

    Post by reim0027 Tue Apr 23, 2013 1:45 am

    For PvE:
    1. Estus
    2. Homeward Bone
    3. Blooming Moss

    For PvP duels:
    1. Grass
    2. resin buff?
    3. Blooming Moss
    4. Blood Moss
    I also have Humanity at the bottom of my menu, and my summon sign at the top of my menu, so I can access it fast.

    For Invasions:
    1. Grass
    2. Lloyd's
    3. Resin buff?
    4. Moss (I change it quickly depending on the setup of the host/phantom
    5. Dung Pie.
    Mr. Tart
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    Do you put your hotbar in a certain order? Empty Re: Do you put your hotbar in a certain order?

    Post by Mr. Tart Tue Apr 23, 2013 3:10 am

    1. Estus Flask
    2. WSS
    3. Humanity/Green Blossom
    4. Nothing/Green Blossom
    5. Nothing/Any Pine Resin/Prism Stone/Covenant Related Item

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    Do you put your hotbar in a certain order? Empty Re: Do you put your hotbar in a certain order?

    Post by DaFarmerProject Tue Apr 23, 2013 9:36 am

    PvP, I have no set order... PvE however, order:
    1. Estus, 2. Orange Sign, 3. White Sign, 4. Homeward Bone, 5. Usually Purple MC, but interchangable.

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    Do you put your hotbar in a certain order? Empty Re: Do you put your hotbar in a certain order?

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