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    Help with a new dex/faith build


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    Help with a new dex/faith build Empty Help with a new dex/faith build

    Post by Chef1989 Thu May 02, 2013 1:33 pm

    I'm new to the forum although I've been following for quite some time now. My first build was a strength intelligence build that I liked very much. I'm trying a dex build now because I'd like to get better at quicker weapons, and faith for the weapon buffs and supportive spells. I have built my character to level 50 now, and am just finishing in anor londo. I have built some basic stats; vitality to 35, endurance to 30, dex to 22 and strength to 16 (I really am loving the claymore). Haven't touched faith yet (knight start class). I'd appreciate some advice on the build, weapons, and miracles since I am new to this kind of build.


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    Help with a new dex/faith build Empty Re: Help with a new dex/faith build

    Post by xxalucard Thu May 02, 2013 1:44 pm

    Chef1989 wrote:I'm new to the forum although I've been following for quite some time now. My first build was a strength intelligence build that I liked very much. I'm trying a dex build now because I'd like to get better at quicker weapons, and faith for the weapon buffs and supportive spells. I have built my character to level 50 now, and am just finishing in anor londo. I have built some basic stats; vitality to 35, endurance to 30, dex to 22 and strength to 16 (I really am loving the claymore). Haven't touched faith yet (knight start class). I'd appreciate some advice on the build, weapons, and miracles since I am new to this kind of build.


    You should get at least 30 faith if you want to make any kind of basic faith build (barring an int/faith hybrid, to which I would suggest at least 28 faith).

    30 faith is for the best Canvas Talisman damage-scaling, and Darkmoon Blade / Sunlight Blade.

    28 faith is required for Wrath of the Gods, which is the [hatemail-generating] bread and butter of any decent build.

    I'd recommend going at least 12 attunement so you can use both of those (one of the buffs & wrath of the gods), and then decide if you want more slots after playing with those.

    I like to start with minimum numbers, because that way you have a chance to try out things without worrying about wasting any skill points

    I'm not an expert on pure faith builds, so maybe another member could help describe the pro's / cons of going either 30 or 50 faith

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    Help with a new dex/faith build Empty Re: Help with a new dex/faith build

    Post by DigitaLinsanitY Thu May 02, 2013 2:16 pm

    what is your target SL? Judging by "faith for the weapon buffs and supportive spells" you're looking to do damage with your weapon and magic as more of a utility, yes?

    here is a fairly default starter kit adjust based what you need. didn't offer any gear layout, it depends on how you want to play it.

    Notice going cleric would give you 1 more SL to work with.

    got a talisman and 3 popular dex weapons (you should by no means keep all three on you at once).
    The rapier class has some nice weapons too. With 16 str, the halberd is also a good weapon. Play around with some base weapons and see what move sets you like.

    you can always buff a shotel :affraid:

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    Help with a new dex/faith build Empty Re: Help with a new dex/faith build

    Post by Chef1989 Thu May 02, 2013 2:39 pm

    Thanks for the replies happy

    Forgot to mention this will be a 120 build. I plan on using faith for sunlight/ darkmoon blade, wrath of gods, magic barrier, etc. I would like 16 attunement. As far as weapons, I recently tried the famous balder side sword and really enjoyed the move set. Rappers are fun as well. I'm looking just generally to use weapons with quick move sets, and a halberd, spear or polearm as a backup.

    It's going to be an adjustment because I'm so used to strength weapons, ultra greatswords and the like. I'm not one to spam r1s so the weapon I find with the most useful and versatile move set I will use.

    Also I should mention, as I am recently trying my skills at pvp, this build will be mostly for pvp.

    Thanks again for the help happy

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    Help with a new dex/faith build Empty Re: Help with a new dex/faith build

    Post by Chef1989 Thu May 02, 2013 2:42 pm

    Also, I commonly see dex builds have dex at 40 or more. Is this to get the most out of scaling for +15 weapons? Is it also true that high dex increases casting speed and most weapon move sets? Always wondered that one.

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    Help with a new dex/faith build Empty Re: Help with a new dex/faith build

    Post by xenon_nobelium Thu May 02, 2013 2:47 pm this should be your template stat wise. alternately lower vit to 36 and raise dex to 45 for some fun with fastest casting time gravlord sword dance, emit force and/or utility pyromancys.

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    Help with a new dex/faith build Empty Re: Help with a new dex/faith build

    Post by xxalucard Thu May 02, 2013 2:50 pm

    Chef1989 wrote:Also, I commonly see dex builds have dex at 40 or more. Is this to get the most out of scaling for +15 weapons? Is it also true that high dex increases casting speed and most weapon move sets? Always wondered that one.

    Most dex builds will have 45 dex for a couple of reasons. 40 dex, like you said, is for the best scaling for dex-based +15 weapons. 45 dex is for the maximum casting-speed increase (for most/all offensive spells).

    It serves 2 purposes: 1) Scales with dex weapons for damage (like the balder side sword)
    2) Gives you a casting speed boost (mostly for pyromancy, but affects other types of offensive spells as well-- including, I believe, wrath of the gods)

    For the spell-casting speed boost, it only begins when you have 35 dex (before that there is no improvement to casting speed), and caps at 45 dex. Many, including myself, advocate 45 dex if you are going to use offensive spells as part of your typical line-up. Though it may not be much of an increase in speed with some spells, it can sometimes generate combos that before were not possible... such as "Kick ~ Great Combustion" (under 45 dex, these 2 moves do not have a guaranteed link; in other words, if you kick someone, and do GC as fast as you're able, the person will be unable to avoid it ((at 45 dex)) )
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    Help with a new dex/faith build Empty Re: Help with a new dex/faith build

    Post by Animaaal Thu May 02, 2013 2:54 pm

    Chef1989 wrote:Also, I commonly see dex builds have dex at 40 or more. Is this to get the most out of scaling for +15 weapons? Is it also true that high dex increases casting speed and most weapon move sets? Always wondered that one.

    Pyro begins a decrease in casting time from 35 dex up 45 dex, with EACH stat point decreasing ever so slightly with each stat investment.

    Sorceries dont work quite the same way. SOme sorceries dont see ANY reduction incasting time until you actually reach 45 dex.

    The only miracle I'm aware of that gets a casting time reduction are the sunlight spears, but from what I've seen, its a very small reduction and not worth the investment.

    Keep in mind some pyros, sorceries, and miracles do not recieve ANY benefit from dex. WotG and "mist pyros" being some of them.

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    Help with a new dex/faith build Empty Re: Help with a new dex/faith build

    Post by DigitaLinsanitY Thu May 02, 2013 3:20 pm

    For what you're trying to do and based on some of the replies made imo 45 dex would be a waste.

    good shout about wotg not getting faster, didn't know that. +1 for you sir
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    Help with a new dex/faith build Empty Re: Help with a new dex/faith build

    Post by Animaaal Thu May 02, 2013 3:27 pm

    Thanks bud Bow

    I'm not sure if the "Gravelord miracles" recieve a reduction...

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    Help with a new dex/faith build Empty Re: Help with a new dex/faith build

    Post by Chef1989 Thu May 02, 2013 3:42 pm

    45 dex seems a little not worth it to me. I'd rather put the extra points into vitality and endurance to hit 40. I'm strict about a 120 build this time because my last build was a strength intelligence build that I ended up bringing to 140. When I invade its usually players that give around 200k souls. Not that there's anything wrong with high level players, it just gets a little frustrating getting one shotted by a backstab or black magic. Would you guys reccomended 120 or 100 as a cap for good pvp?

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    Help with a new dex/faith build Empty Re: Help with a new dex/faith build

    Post by DigitaLinsanitY Thu May 02, 2013 4:19 pm

    Regarding your soul level concern.

    I'm not an authority by any means... was hoping someone else could answer.

    I've never had a problem finding a "duel"/ hosting at 120. Darkmoon orb invades down, so you should be fine here too (I don't darkmoon so someone else should chime in on this)

    For high level invasions (red orb), go with 100 (or 99? for the arena)

    again... hope someone more knowledgeable about such things gives more input

    *couple edits to word in a way that may make more sense*

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