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    Offering SL-1 playthrough help PSN


    Posts : 83
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    Join date : 2012-06-18
    Age : 39
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    Offering SL-1 playthrough help PSN Empty Offering SL-1 playthrough help PSN

    Post by shagtheturtle Sun May 05, 2013 9:55 pm

    Basically what the title says. I have a SL-1 Toon that is full equipped and ready to battle any area/boss you are struggling with.

    For this to work, you must be SL-11 or lower, though I would prefer it if you were doing a SL-1 runthrough...but if you are in the range, I will help.

    I'm very effective against the two hardest bosses in a SL-1 run, O&S and the kings.

    PSN is Shagtheturtle, drop me a line...always looking for people who like challeneges.

    Hope to see some of you soon!

      Current date/time is Tue Oct 08, 2024 11:46 am