Jansports wrote:I can't accurately explain what I think tier 2 would be because I do not consider spears to be the only tier 1. And for that matter I don't think all spears are in the same tier, some are better than others.
At least an honest answer. It is wrong, but at least some thought was put into it.
Jansports wrote:I think I can expand on what I think makes a tier 1 weapon. As various users present varying levels of success with a wide variety of weapons, I think those weapons that really "stand on their own" would be tier 1. Weapons like the MLGS or Murakumo, where you can make a build literally just to use that weapon and that weapon alone and be as successful as builds with multiple tools (say CMW+Uchi)
More thought and decently explained. However a CMW/SLB/DMB whatever spear wins any buff battle trade because of the in game mechanics tested and tried in game already. You receive the thanks for actually reading and possibly giving way to accurate research of developing a tier 2. This thread, imo, will be locked before completion however. Especially after reading the next few comments…shame really.
Serious_Much wrote:what the hell is this tier 1/2 crap?
Some new meta fashion thats come in? Did ENB coin it?
I made a promise so here it goes: But Tolvo said!!!....
Tolvo wrote:Tiers are common in fighting games and other competitive balanced gaming communities.
However I think you are flat out wrong Animaal.
If there is a Tier 1, and a Tier 3, there must be a Tier in between. While in some buildings there may be an empty 13th floor it is still a part of the building, you just aren't supposed to stop on it.
Tier 2 exists if you believe in the Tier system, and believe in a third Tier.
Numbers exist in a specific way, FACT.
Thank you. But I am not wrong. There is a tier 2. It is custom made and comprised as a hybrid, just to reiterate. I assume you either didn’t read it all, or just a little. There is a tier in between. It’s a figure of speech. Please do not comment without actually reading, or do so, this conversation invites it like I said.
Completely non-productive to read something like this and say 3 is after 2 and 4 is after 3. Yes I know, thanks for the heads up so to speak, but again, please read.
Emergence wrote:Why are we beating a dead horse with the spear debate? The community loves to run from the fighting game mentality of "play to win" and pushing mechanics to the extreme and yet here we are putting weapons into tiers which is as FG as you can get. Settle this the way they settle FG tiers. Two similarly skilled advanced players square off for 10 rounds and chart which weapon wins out of 10. Do this for every weapon vs every weapon and then organize into an aggregate grid.
Just stop the rhetoric and conjecture already and get out there and prove all of your opinions with some real research.
This is not rhetoric as it has been proven in game already. I do not believe I need to explain why tiers exist in Dark Souls, and how it is unrelated to this particular comment. Most have already agreed there are tiers, but none have agreed what tier 2 is.
And I would say yes, this is a part of the research and development process.
RantFromRant wrote:this again? really? meh.
Comment predicted. But ya, I’ve felt the same way before. It would be nice for this sentiment to be side-stepped for the sake of completion of the topic. I’d like to see tier 2 developed, and am willing to decipher through the "this again" comments for the sake of clearly defining tier 2.
skarekrow13 wrote:First, some weapons can be called more efficient or as Rynn stated perfectly, "Advantaged" than others. I'm sure Emergence's idea would be a good start to testing objectively which ones have inherent advantages and there's oodles of anecdotal evidence around to see who thinks what. Jan suggested that the amount of usage in "the wild" is a good indicator as well and I agree to some extent.
For me though, only one tier system matters:
Tier 1- Weapons that I love to use (Great Scythe, Priscilla's Dagger, Gargoyle Tail Ax, Black Bow of Pharis)
Tier 2- Weapons that I like to use (Sanctuary Guardian Tail, Great Bows, Claws, Blacksmith Hammer, Lucerne, Four Pronged Plow)
Tier 3- Weapons I've tried experimenting with because they looked cool or something similar and the relationship just never worked out (GSoA-even tried dual wielding, MLGS, Crystal Ring Shield, BKGS, probably a few more in here)
Tier 4- Weapons that I don't like to use (everything else)
This is going in the direction of objective observation. I don’t want to say why Pricialla’s Dagger is not a tier 1 weapon. But this sort of objectivity is a good start in the right direction.
Emergence wrote:I did not presume to say it would be perfect or even of the same quality of a FG tier ranking but it would certainly be better than wild opinions. And now I'm getting really annoyed.
Gives way to this:
Animaaal wrote:...Someone inevitably says aloud, “Spears have counters” “I haven’t lost to one in forever” or “anything can be mastered” and it’s considered an accurate argument...
Like I said. This was completely predicted. I’m not surprised anymore at the clouded statements this argument inevitably brings. What is defined in the op is anything but a wild opinion. However, this clearly demonstartes how round and round this conversation has gone. Openinga a can of worms is not my thing so to speak, and if the op is objectviely read, one would arrive at that conclusion.
Just to add my personal opinion, I’d rather beat a dead horse until it is actually dead.
These are the comments and reasons tier 2 has never been developed. There is no need to do any in game research anymore. It has already been done, just not discussed.
FinPeku wrote:...Yay, the "spears are op" conversation!...
Lol. That it is not. But thank you for the light-heartedness.
I would give you thanks for the effort, but it is a one time thing.
I am now going to fully read and try to objectively understand what Finpeku is saying, as I have not yet done for personal reasons, and will either arrive at a rebuttal or, concede to certain points. It looks well written, I look forward to reading the rest.
I implore people to put more thought into what they are saying like Finpeku, Jansports,and skare.
If this thread is not locked, I’d like to continue the conversation with an actual conversation.
To anyone not understanding the premise of the op, this is NOT a spears are op thread. It has been requested that those types of threads not be made anymore, and that point has been decided already anyway.
The question is: What are the real t2s?
Again...if 2 robots played Dark Souls.....