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    DS Prepare to Die Edition


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    DS Prepare to Die Edition Empty DS Prepare to Die Edition

    Post by Raikan007 Wed May 08, 2013 9:18 am

    Quick question (we in South Africa never got the Ps3 for this) I have spent weeks organizing it, eventually did happy it arrives from the UK, had to get mate to buy it and ship it) yes I am that much of fan, best game ever created, ever!

    Now, my questions are:

    1) does this have the full game (as the initial DS) and the addons?
    2) how many more hours is the new levels etc?
    3) do you have to start from the start, brand new to access the new levels?

    anymore info would be greatly appreciated happy


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    DS Prepare to Die Edition Empty Re: DS Prepare to Die Edition

    Post by Maplepop Wed May 08, 2013 9:32 am

    1) Yes
    2) Depends how you play/your skill level etc - it's pretty challenging when you first get there... I'd say 10-20 hours...
    3)Yes you will have to start from fresh... You can access the DLC once you've got the Lordvessel and can get to the Archives, but make sure you kill the Golden Golem behind the Hyrda in Darkroot Basin beforehand - this will enable you to speak to Dusk. Once you've done that head to the Duke's Archives and Kill the Golem there by the lift - he will drop a pendant. This will allow you to enter Oolacile once you return to the spot where you killed the Golden Golem in the Basin (Apologies if you already knew this!)
    DLC is the best part of Dark Souls for me...
    I spend most of my time there co-oping... The Township is always eventful and Artorias/Manus are two of the best boss fights in the game... soooo epic happy
    Have Fun!

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    DS Prepare to Die Edition Empty Re: DS Prepare to Die Edition

    Post by Maplepop Wed May 08, 2013 9:34 am

    Oh, and fighting Kalameet is pretty cool too DS Prepare to Die Edition 3063782546

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    DS Prepare to Die Edition Empty Re: DS Prepare to Die Edition

    Post by Raikan007 Wed May 08, 2013 9:40 am

    Maplepop wrote:1) Yes
    2) Depends how you play/your skill level etc - it's pretty challenging when you first get there... I'd say 10-20 hours...
    3)Yes you will have to start from fresh... You can access the DLC once you've got the Lordvessel and can get to the Archives, but make sure you kill the Golden Golem behind the Hyrda in Darkroot Basin beforehand - this will enable you to speak to Dusk. Once you've done that head to the Duke's Archives and Kill the Golem there by the lift - he will drop a pendant. This will allow you to enter Oolacile once you return to the spot where you killed the Golden Golem in the Basin (Apologies if you already knew this!)
    DLC is the best part of Dark Souls for me...
    I spend most of my time there co-oping... The Township is always eventful and Artorias/Manus are two of the best boss fights in the game... soooo epic happy
    Have Fun!

    thats great bud happy I am quite a DS gamer, played it dozens of times happy noted and noted! after a bit of researching some people say you can actually MISS the DLC and how one would not even notice it much, or are they casual DS players?

    After completing the game say about 6 times would you say that if I start from scratch again I will see the differences but only once you reach the Archives?

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    DS Prepare to Die Edition Empty Re: DS Prepare to Die Edition

    Post by Maplepop Wed May 08, 2013 10:06 am

    I suppose if you don't know anything about the game and are going into it blind then I guess you could actually miss the DLC, as it is a seperate area in which (in true Dark Souls style) you aren't given any particular instructions as to how to access it.
    Other than the different Cutscene you can trigger when fighting Sif I don't believe the DLC has any other effect on the rest of the standard game - although i've only ever owned the PTD edition so I may be wrong :/
    The DLC just allows you to enter a seperate warpable 'world' if you like, which is full of new enemies/bosses/magic/weapons/armour/NPCs/lore - AND LOTS MORE FUN! happy

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    DS Prepare to Die Edition Empty Re: DS Prepare to Die Edition

    Post by Raikan007 Wed May 08, 2013 10:14 am

    Maplepop wrote:I suppose if you don't know anything about the game and are going into it blind then I guess you could actually miss the DLC, as it is a seperate area in which (in true Dark Souls style) you aren't given any particular instructions as to how to access it.
    Other than the different Cutscene you can trigger when fighting Sif I don't believe the DLC has any other effect on the rest of the standard game - although i've only ever owned the PTD edition so I may be wrong :/
    The DLC just allows you to enter a seperate warpable 'world' if you like, which is full of new enemies/bosses/magic/weapons/armour/NPCs/lore - AND LOTS MORE FUN! happy

    thank you so much! that is all I wanted to know happy was wanting to play the game again, get ready for DS2 and even more excited that we have more to do than the original happy cannot wait!

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    DS Prepare to Die Edition Empty Re: DS Prepare to Die Edition

    Post by Maplepop Wed May 08, 2013 11:08 am

    No worries fella
    Aha... Well i'm sure the DLC will tide you over til then... Maybe i'll see you in the Township sometime
    Good luck happy

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    DS Prepare to Die Edition Empty Re: DS Prepare to Die Edition

    Post by Raikan007 Fri May 31, 2013 10:35 am

    Maplepop wrote:No worries fella
    Aha... Well i'm sure the DLC will tide you over til then... Maybe i'll see you in the Township sometime
    Good luck DS Prepare to Die Edition 4203215067

    It has arrived happy Praise the Sun! the misses is away for the WHOLE weekend! DS time yo!

    just one thing, you said once I kill the golem, do I have to go to the Archives IMMEDIATELY or can I kill it after the hydra and then say later on when I am ready to go, go or will the golem have gone?

    anyone can clear this up for me quickly?? would be great as I am not on my pc over the weekends


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    DS Prepare to Die Edition Empty Re: DS Prepare to Die Edition

    Post by AnCapaillMor Fri May 31, 2013 10:45 am

    It's anor londo after the golem and then maybe the archives. But no you don't have to, you can leave sens and go back to the parish and others areas. Just make sure to save yourself trouble and open the shortcut.

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    DS Prepare to Die Edition Empty Re: DS Prepare to Die Edition

    Post by Raikan007 Fri May 31, 2013 10:50 am

    AnCapaillMor wrote:It's anor londo after the golem and then maybe the archives. But no you don't have to, you can leave sens and go back to the parish and others areas. Just make sure to save yourself trouble and open the shortcut.

    thanks bud, and how do I do that? have not played DS in over a year now happy

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    DS Prepare to Die Edition Empty Re: DS Prepare to Die Edition

    Post by AnCapaillMor Fri May 31, 2013 10:56 am

    If you go down the stairs in the tower by where the merchant is you'll find a key. The keys oepns up a cage lift that takes you down to the bottom of sens, the cages are on your way to the golem fight.

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    DS Prepare to Die Edition Empty Re: DS Prepare to Die Edition

    Post by Raikan007 Fri May 31, 2013 11:00 am

    thank you mate, is that where you find big hat?? after the boulder breaks down the wall?

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    DS Prepare to Die Edition Empty Re: DS Prepare to Die Edition

    Post by Elifia Fri May 31, 2013 1:07 pm

    Raikan007 wrote:thank you mate, is that where you find big hat?? after the boulder breaks down the wall?

    Nope. To find the key you must first get to the roof. There's this jump that you gotta make to reach the Crestfallen Merchant. Go down there, get key.
    The cages are in the building that the bomb-throwing giant stands on. It's on the same elevation as the dead end with the Balder knight. In fact, the Balder knight is looking straight at those cages.

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    DS Prepare to Die Edition Empty Re: DS Prepare to Die Edition

    Post by Walter_White Fri May 31, 2013 1:13 pm

    1. Golem: misunderstanding - not the Stone Golem in Sens, there is a blue Crystal Golem in the Archivs, who drops the pendant after u killed the Golden Crystal Golem behind the Hydra in Basin (and spoke to the princess). Forgett sens and NEVER track back through sens without getting the lordvessel first unless u really want this and know, what you do!
    Step by step:
    Kill hydra in basin
    kill golden goelm behind hydra
    speak to dusk
    go to archives (needs lordvessel placed) kill blue crystal golem
    go where you killed the golden crystal golem and examine

    And why restart? If you played the EU Version on your PS3 then u can use those chars in the DLC with the PtD Edition. Even though the BLES numbers are different all BLES are compatible with each other (learned that the hard way, when i wanted to have a second save for my mega ordered a BLUS)

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