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    Onion Knight's History Summary Archive Part I: Persian Wars.

    Onion Knight
    Onion Knight

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    Onion Knight's History Summary Archive Part I: Persian Wars.  Empty Onion Knight's History Summary Archive Part I: Persian Wars.

    Post by Onion Knight Tue May 21, 2013 4:19 pm

    Basically due to suggestions in chat I decided to start a mini history summary series of more obscure (mainly ancient and medieval) topics.

    If you have no interest in history then I wouldn't bother reading further.

    However if one does have an interest to expand their horizon and has never heard or read up on the topics in the title then this is a great starting point with further reading stated at the bottom.

    I will add maps for easier reference when I have the time. But other than that feel free to make suggestions for future topics or debate and discuss the current one.

    Happy reading guys.

    Background Information

    The main cause for the Persian Wars is generally seen as the conquest of Asia Minor by the Persian Empire. The Greek poleis (city states) upon the western coast of Asia Minor were naturally conquered also.
    The rule of the Persian Empire removed the local political autonomy of the Greek poleis in Asia Minor as they were placed under a Persian Satrap (provincial governor.) This led to a huge amount of unrest within the Greek poleis (led by the most powerful polis there: Ionia) who eventually revolt and appeal to the Greek poleis upon the mainland for aid.
    This leads to the escalation of a provincial revolt into a series of conflicts and expeditions known as the Persian Wars.

    Basic Timeline Summary

    Persian Expansion

    -540BC Persia takes over Asia Minor.
    -513BC Persia continues to expand towards the west (under Darius I) – Scythian expedition. Persia does not succeed in conquering Scythia.
    *Note of interest: Persia attempts to expand to Scythia due to its wealth of mines as well as its access to the north coast of the Black Sea (trade, farmland.) Defeated by Scythian tribes due to Scythia's mobile population (nomadic) and cavalry based military power which destroys Persia's infantry based army.*

    Ionian Revolt

    -499-493BC Greek poleis of Asia Minor revolt against Persia. Greek poleis of mainland Greece do not assist in the revolt, except for Athens and Eretreia.
    *Note of interest: Athens and Eretreia send troops and supplies across the Aegean to assist the revolt.

    Persian Expedition of 492BC

    -493BC Ionian revolt crushed by Persia
    -492BC Persian Expedition against mainland Greece – naval and land-based, coming from the north. Conquest of Thrace and Macedon by Persia. Fleet destroyed by storms at Athos.

    Battle of Marathon
    -490BC Naval expedition (across the Aegean) by Persia. Eretreia destroyed.
    -490BC Battle of Marathon. Athens wins the battle.

    The succession of Xerxes
    -486BC Darius I dies and Xerxes succeeds to the Persian throne. Revolt breaks out in Egypt.

    Xerxes Greek Expedition

    -481-79BC Expedition of Xerxes against mainland Greece – naval and landed forces.
    :First line of defence: Tempe (Greek retreat before battle)
    :Second line of defence: Thermopylae (Greek retreat after/during battle)
    :Third line of defence: Salamis (Greek win)
    -After Salamis, with the Persian fleet destroyed, Xerxes leaves Greece. Mardonius left to continue conquest.
    -Final battle: Plataea (Greek win).

    With the destruction of the remaining Persian forces on the Greek mainland, the war abruptly ends.

    Further (more in depth) reading

    -The Greek World by Simon Hornblower (Great book)
    -Histories by Herodotus (the 'father of history') English translation here:

    Last edited by Onion Knight on Tue May 21, 2013 5:12 pm; edited 3 times in total
    Abyss Dweller
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    Onion Knight's History Summary Archive Part I: Persian Wars.  Empty Re: Onion Knight's History Summary Archive Part I: Persian Wars.

    Post by User1 Tue May 21, 2013 4:26 pm

    Onion, these archives sound great! Medieval and ancient topics are my particular favourites too! I just read through this. A good read, but I wish it was a little longer. sad It covered all of the necessary details though, so I think it's not too much of an issue.

    For the next one, if you weren't planning on it already, I would like to see a summary on the Middle Ages, or at least significant events, timeline, etc, if it's not too much to ask. Or is it focused around wars and the like only? Either way, hope to see a few of these soon! cheers
    Onion Knight
    Onion Knight

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    Onion Knight's History Summary Archive Part I: Persian Wars.  Empty Re: Onion Knight's History Summary Archive Part I: Persian Wars.

    Post by Onion Knight Tue May 21, 2013 4:39 pm

    Thanks for the feedback Remy. I was discussing this in chat with others so I'll just repeat what I said there.
    These are more intended to be accessible introductory guides for background on various military, political, social topics, or as the case here, major events.
    I know that people are interested in more obscure areas of history but struggle when they buy books which assume they know background, timelines, context etc
    I will expand a bit more on the OP. Pointing out things of interest and discussion.
    And something Medieval will certainly come up in the future: most likely castles or something along those lines.
    Abyss Dweller
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    Onion Knight's History Summary Archive Part I: Persian Wars.  Empty Re: Onion Knight's History Summary Archive Part I: Persian Wars.

    Post by User1 Tue May 21, 2013 4:47 pm

    Oh. I see now. Well, as it seems to be more background info on events rather than focusing on a certain time era, I can't think of too much more to add. I shall wait for the expansion on the OP, since these are good reads when I come across them. Pointing out more interesting things about the chosen era is a good idea. I was thinking, there are several eras with a lot of different major events, such as the American Civil War, or the Industrial Revolution. They're just a couple more possible things to add to. No problem for feeding back by the way, this is an interesting topic.
    Onion Knight
    Onion Knight

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    Onion Knight's History Summary Archive Part I: Persian Wars.  Empty Re: Onion Knight's History Summary Archive Part I: Persian Wars.

    Post by Onion Knight Tue May 21, 2013 5:01 pm

    I've started to add points of interest (expanded explanation) does the layout still look readable?
    Abyss Dweller
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    Onion Knight's History Summary Archive Part I: Persian Wars.  Empty Re: Onion Knight's History Summary Archive Part I: Persian Wars.

    Post by User1 Tue May 21, 2013 5:03 pm

    The current layout is easily readable, yes.
    Duke's Archivist
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    Onion Knight's History Summary Archive Part I: Persian Wars.  Empty Re: Onion Knight's History Summary Archive Part I: Persian Wars.

    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Thu May 30, 2013 6:37 pm

    Is this it? I was under the impression there would be more.
    Onion Knight
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    Onion Knight's History Summary Archive Part I: Persian Wars.  Empty Re: Onion Knight's History Summary Archive Part I: Persian Wars.

    Post by Onion Knight Thu May 30, 2013 6:43 pm

    I will when I have time. I've been busy at work and now the Final Fantasy XIV ARR beta is taking up spare time I have. I wasn't aware there was still interest, but yes keep reminding me in pm if you have to. I will complete this.
    Duke's Archivist
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    Onion Knight's History Summary Archive Part I: Persian Wars.  Empty Re: Onion Knight's History Summary Archive Part I: Persian Wars.

    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Thu May 30, 2013 6:47 pm

    Great, I just wondered if it had been forgotten. Just because I don't reply to something doesn't mean I didn't read it. Onion Knight's History Summary Archive Part I: Persian Wars.  2489834671
    Onion Knight
    Onion Knight

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    Onion Knight's History Summary Archive Part I: Persian Wars.  Empty Re: Onion Knight's History Summary Archive Part I: Persian Wars.

    Post by Onion Knight Thu May 30, 2013 6:57 pm

    No escape from the eye of Pendant!
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    Onion Knight's History Summary Archive Part I: Persian Wars.  Empty Re: Onion Knight's History Summary Archive Part I: Persian Wars.

    Post by Serious_Much Thu May 30, 2013 6:59 pm

    TL:DR lol!

    I recognised the bit at the end... I'm lookin at you thermopylae
    Onion Knight
    Onion Knight

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    Onion Knight's History Summary Archive Part I: Persian Wars.  Empty Re: Onion Knight's History Summary Archive Part I: Persian Wars.

    Post by Onion Knight Thu May 30, 2013 7:04 pm

    Spoilers: Thermopylae isn't that important in the wars outcome.

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    Onion Knight's History Summary Archive Part I: Persian Wars.  Empty Re: Onion Knight's History Summary Archive Part I: Persian Wars.

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