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    Bandit Knife or Priscilla Dagger


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     Bandit Knife or Priscilla Dagger Empty Bandit Knife or Priscilla Dagger

    Post by edellenator Sat Mar 03, 2012 2:40 am

    I am building my first PVP build, and I wanted to go dex knife, light armor, and parry dagger (haven't decided on which armor set)

    Question is: Pricscilla dagger +5 has better scaling (Dex S) and aux effects, while Bandit knife(+15 raw or +5 crystal) has higher base, higher critical, and a good bleed aux and thrust attack. Which is a better choice, or is it just going to be whichever I like? Thanks!
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     Bandit Knife or Priscilla Dagger Empty Re: Bandit Knife or Priscilla Dagger

    Post by Whknight Sat Mar 03, 2012 5:28 am

    For the most part I believe in personal choice, however I can tell you right off the raw path will do nothing for you at higher levels, and crystal is useful at +4, don't bother putting a slab on it because they have extremely reduced durability.

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     Bandit Knife or Priscilla Dagger Empty Re: Bandit Knife or Priscilla Dagger

    Post by sen545331 Sat Mar 03, 2012 6:54 am

    Imo, bandits, the slightly higher base from priscilla's dagger won't make up for the huge decrease it has in crit

    also, even though prisc's dagger has 500 bleed effect (compared to the bandit's 300) it has a lower bleed build-up (20 for Pdag and 30 for bandit's)

    can't complain about the prisc's moveset though

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     Bandit Knife or Priscilla Dagger Empty Re: Bandit Knife or Priscilla Dagger

    Post by edellenator Sun Mar 04, 2012 3:33 pm

    Thank you! I think this answers my question. I breezed through the game with a sorc. build with +5 ench wing spear and wanted to try something more challenging. Does anyone know if this sounds like a viable build? Any suggestions on armor?

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