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    Xbox: Need somebody to transfer items from sl120 to new toon RESOLVED


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    Xbox: Need somebody to transfer items from sl120 to new toon RESOLVED Empty Xbox: Need somebody to transfer items from sl120 to new toon RESOLVED

    Post by SunlightCrusader Wed May 22, 2013 10:24 am

    Essentially I need somebody with an extremely low level toon that has an RSS to take the items from my sl20 and then drop a white sign for my low level to deliver said items. I will pay in either boss souls or titanite. If you would prefer something else you can request it but I cannot promise I will have it or be willing to give it.

    The transaction would go as such:
    120 gives stuff to you
    You give stuff to new toon
    120 (or different one of my toons as needed) delivers payment to you

    Payment after delivery seems reasonable since I am giving you my stuff. Also if you could have a decent forum rep that would help the whole trust thing. None of the stuff I'm transferring is that great or rare so I wouldn't expect theft but better safe than sorry.

    Thanks in advance.
    Proper Bow

    Last edited by SunlightCrusader on Thu May 23, 2013 8:35 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Duke's Archivist
    Duke's Archivist

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    Xbox: Need somebody to transfer items from sl120 to new toon RESOLVED Empty Re: Xbox: Need somebody to transfer items from sl120 to new toon RESOLVED

    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Wed May 22, 2013 11:09 am

    Would be all over it, but damn that RSS.

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    Xbox: Need somebody to transfer items from sl120 to new toon RESOLVED Empty Re: Xbox: Need somebody to transfer items from sl120 to new toon RESOLVED

    Post by SunlightCrusader Wed May 22, 2013 11:33 am

    WhatDoesThePendantDo? wrote:Would be all over it, but damn that RSS.
    Yeah thats the catch isn't it? Odds are only sl 1 challenge toons or griefing toons would have it at that level. But it's the only way to really have contact between an super low sl and a 120.

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    Xbox: Need somebody to transfer items from sl120 to new toon RESOLVED Empty Re: Xbox: Need somebody to transfer items from sl120 to new toon RESOLVED

    Post by DaemonNacht Thu May 23, 2013 5:11 pm

    Pendant, How does one not have it? :p

    Hullo, I happen to have a sl 10 with a RSS. It can reach whatever level in the game so I could help. happy Well, as long as it's less than 50 items. Lol. I don't have the attention span for more than that. :p

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    Age : 29
    Location : Maryland, United States of America

    Xbox: Need somebody to transfer items from sl120 to new toon RESOLVED Empty Re: Xbox: Need somebody to transfer items from sl120 to new toon RESOLVED

    Post by SunlightCrusader Thu May 23, 2013 8:34 pm

    DaemonNacht wrote:Pendant, How does one not have it? :p

    Hullo, I happen to have a sl 10 with a RSS. It can reach whatever level in the game so I could help. happy Well, as long as it's less than 50 items. Lol. I don't have the attention span for more than that. :p

    I actually managed to resolve this earlier with a rather friendly random fellow I met. Thanks nonetheless though. I will give you the thanks for offering though.

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    Xbox: Need somebody to transfer items from sl120 to new toon RESOLVED Empty Re: Xbox: Need somebody to transfer items from sl120 to new toon RESOLVED

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