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    Post by Marino. Fri May 24, 2013 3:22 pm

    I need someone to show me how to edit Pictures .

    As some of you may remember my Family will open a Bistro in the next few Weeks, and we have decided to name it "Route 430" since the Street it's next to also has the number 430 .


    Help would be much appreciated pony13

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    Post by ResIsBestStat Fri May 24, 2013 3:23 pm

    Yo marino, didn't come online these days because of exams and things like that, however i heard that reneage was banned, why and how did that happen?
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    Post by Marino. Fri May 24, 2013 3:25 pm

    And now you're taking over his lineage by derailing threads ?

    I don't know the details but i think the ban was warranted .
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    Post by PlasticandRage Fri May 24, 2013 4:51 pm

    Do you have any photo editing programs Marino? If you don't google Gimp 2. It's a lot like photoshop, but free, then I can coach you on how to do it if you want.

    I'd offer to just do it for you, but I wouldn't have time till next week.
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    Post by Marino. Fri May 24, 2013 5:28 pm

    I'll download that Program, thanks Plastic happy

    I would like to learn how to edit Pictures and such, i would take you up on that offer when you have time and i can't figure it out by myself pony13

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    Post by PlasticandRage Fri May 24, 2013 8:39 pm

    A lot of people think Gimp is easier than Photoshop, but I disagree. I think Photoshop is a lot more user friendly, but Gimp is free, and Adobe programs are ridiculously expensive. If you're planning on using the picture you posted you probably don't have too hard a road ahead of you. It's pretty simple as far as details and colors which means it's going to be a lot easier to work with.

    There are a ton of videos on youtube that're photo editing tutorials. I think the smartest thing to do would probably be to get your program, then find a good basics tutorial video for that program specifically, and just work along with it. Pause it at the end of each new tool or concept and then repeat it yourself, so you at least have an understanding of the fundamentals. I know there are quite a few that work directly off of Gimp 2.

    If you can do that then it'd be a lot easier for me, or anyone else who might chime in, to teach you things from here because we could explain things by tool and you'd know what we were talking about as opposed to just having to describe each thing and where to find it.
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    Post by Marino. Sat May 25, 2013 9:08 am

    Thanks Plastic, i really appreciate your help .

    I already fiddled around a bit (not very succesful) and it seems pretty selfexplainatory .
    For example i want to Cut the "66" out, complete the American pattern and then make a "430" where the "66" used to be .

    If i have the time later i post my results pony14

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