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    Can you infect people if you are an Egghead?


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    Can you infect people if you are an Egghead? Empty Can you infect people if you are an Egghead?

    Post by Slarg232 Mon May 27, 2013 9:27 pm

    Because if you ask me, that would be the whole point of having the Egghead.

    Wiki entry on the Egghead says you can't, but Chaos Cov says you can....
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    Can you infect people if you are an Egghead? Empty Re: Can you infect people if you are an Egghead?

    Post by Serious_Much Mon May 27, 2013 9:27 pm

    No you can't, apparently sad

    was just about to quote the wiki but since I last checked it, they've made an about turn on whether you can infect or not.. that sucks :|

    Just for reference it used to say you could infect other players when you were in +3 chaos servant and you have developed head... You know what, I trust Ublug's opinion more that these random guys so I'm gonna say go for it and tell us the results happy

    Last edited by Serious_Much on Mon May 27, 2013 9:30 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Can you infect people if you are an Egghead? Empty Re: Can you infect people if you are an Egghead?

    Post by Slarg232 Mon May 27, 2013 9:30 pm

    Has it been tested, or are we just assuming?

    Because my brother wants to do a lot of low level invading, and I think it would be HI-LARIOUS to invade people in Blighttown and inflict them with Egghead.

    Right before the Fire Boss silly
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    Can you infect people if you are an Egghead? Empty Re: Can you infect people if you are an Egghead?

    Post by Serious_Much Mon May 27, 2013 9:32 pm

    Slarg noone has posted any proof (not that you need it to say no)

    But you should try it just so you can verify it for us happy
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    Can you infect people if you are an Egghead? Empty Re: Can you infect people if you are an Egghead?

    Post by Dibsville Mon May 27, 2013 9:34 pm

    The wiki gets things wrong all the time.
    Like saying Dark Bead has 6 beads...

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    Can you infect people if you are an Egghead? Empty Re: Can you infect people if you are an Egghead?

    Post by Slarg232 Mon May 27, 2013 9:38 pm

    Right, making him now. Going to have the Gargoyle Tail Axe, PoisonBite Ring, and Rusty Iron Ring.

    You can invade an area after you beat the boss, just not Host, correct?
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    Can you infect people if you are an Egghead? Empty Re: Can you infect people if you are an Egghead?

    Post by Dibsville Mon May 27, 2013 9:39 pm


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    Can you infect people if you are an Egghead? Empty Re: Can you infect people if you are an Egghead?

    Post by Slarg232 Mon May 27, 2013 9:44 pm

    Excellent. Maggot Heads, ROLL OUT!

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    Can you infect people if you are an Egghead? Empty Re: Can you infect people if you are an Egghead?

    Post by Slarg232 Mon May 27, 2013 11:00 pm

    What level do you guys think would be good for Blight Town? 30?
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    Can you infect people if you are an Egghead? Empty Re: Can you infect people if you are an Egghead?

    Post by Latitoast Mon May 27, 2013 11:09 pm

    Yeah, 30-40 is good.

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    Can you infect people if you are an Egghead? Empty Re: Can you infect people if you are an Egghead?

    Post by barrywilkins Mon May 27, 2013 11:26 pm

    I get constant invasions in Blighttown on my sl 30. Like literally, they do not stop happening. If you're going to invade, do it next to Quelana. You'll spawn in Quelaag's Lair instead of the branch of unholy lag next to the Great Hollow.

    As to the original question: I punch people with my maggot all the time, yet I haven't seen a single growth happen. I've even tested it on my friends FOR SCIENCE while being +3 with the Chaos Servants, nuthin. I'm afraid it doesn't happen unless there are very specific circumstances behind it Can you infect people if you are an Egghead? 3268406929
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    Can you infect people if you are an Egghead? Empty Re: Can you infect people if you are an Egghead?

    Post by sparkly-twinkly-lizard Tue May 28, 2013 12:19 am

    i remember a stream highlight where a guy got egged mid fight and had been fighting a maggot headed dm a few minutes earlier... but the fight was in demon ruins so who knows maybe he forgot he got bit by a maggot npc...

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    Can you infect people if you are an Egghead? Empty Re: Can you infect people if you are an Egghead?

    Post by retro Tue May 28, 2013 2:57 am

    sparkly-twinkly-lizard wrote:i remember a stream highlight where a guy got egged mid fight and had been fighting a maggot headed dm a few minutes earlier... but the fight was in demon ruins so who knows maybe he forgot he got bit by a maggot npc...
    It seems most likely that he either forgot, or he was playing against a hacker (who have the ability to inflict egg head, curse, and other things they're not supposed to be able to do).

    I've heard of multiple people testing the egg-head-kick, and it has never worked for anyone.

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    Can you infect people if you are an Egghead? Empty Re: Can you infect people if you are an Egghead?

    Post by WaffleGuy Tue May 28, 2013 10:20 am

    Slarg232 wrote:What level do you guys think would be good for Blight Town? 30?

    Make it 11 dude. Then you can invade anyone everywhere! :p

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    Can you infect people if you are an Egghead? Empty Re: Can you infect people if you are an Egghead?

    Post by befowler Tue May 28, 2013 11:07 am

    If it is going to work my guess is you should be both cov +3 and have the fathead version of the egghead (feed it a ton of souls and it gets bigger). I had one I used in Anor Londo for a long time and am still not sure whether or not it infected people. I once fought a fatrolling DMB there and landed 6-7 bites on him, and later got a long message in German that google translate seemed to think meant he was infected. But never got a straight answer from any US player -- was also several patches ago, so who knows.

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    Can you infect people if you are an Egghead? Empty Re: Can you infect people if you are an Egghead?

    Post by ICEFANG Tue May 28, 2013 12:30 pm

    I've tried it for extended periods, I never infected and I know I hit. I don't think its possible.

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    Can you infect people if you are an Egghead? Empty Re: Can you infect people if you are an Egghead?

    Post by Djem Tue May 28, 2013 8:35 pm

    Well to be fair, you wouldn't know if you infected someone or not with a simple invasion. It takes some time to get the egghead after being infected.
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    Can you infect people if you are an Egghead? Empty Re: Can you infect people if you are an Egghead?

    Post by ublug Tue May 28, 2013 9:49 pm

    I have never tried to infect anyone myself, but someone trustworthy said that they had infected another player when they were chaos covenant +3. Others then tried it and failed, so I guess the player that thought they did it were trolled, or it could have been patched.

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    Can you infect people if you are an Egghead? Empty Re: Can you infect people if you are an Egghead?

    Post by ICEFANG Tue May 28, 2013 11:13 pm

    Yes but when you maggot, you also don't latch or anything, you just stagger like a kick with some damage.

    I also forgot to say, I've 'fought' a friend and intentionally we maggot'd him over and over, twice his life (with Havel's Armor, and 50 vit...), and he did not get infected.

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    Can you infect people if you are an Egghead? Empty Re: Can you infect people if you are an Egghead?

    Post by iGBx Wed May 29, 2013 6:57 am

    Hey guys, I said this before, it is not possible. I have 2 PS3's and 2 copies of Dark Souls.

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    Can you infect people if you are an Egghead? Empty Re: Can you infect people if you are an Egghead?

    Post by Odinbear Wed May 29, 2013 9:29 pm

    Slarg232 wrote:Right, making him now. Going to have the Gargoyle Tail Axe, PoisonBite Ring, and Rusty Iron Ring.

    You can invade an area after you beat the boss, just not Host, correct?

    You can invade before boss is beat or after boss is beat in your world. After a host defeats a boss they cannot be invaded.
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    Can you infect people if you are an Egghead? Empty Re: Can you infect people if you are an Egghead?

    Post by Dibsville Wed May 29, 2013 9:32 pm

    iGBx wrote:Hey guys, I said this before, it is not possible. I have 2 PS3's and 2 copies of Dark Souls.

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