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    support class build


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    support class build Empty support class build

    Post by tofucactaur Wed May 29, 2013 11:48 am


    Recently I have been putting my white stone summon down in the forest, and then when the host goes to rush/gank an invader, I just don't participate in the fight(at times just constantly throwing down 'I'm sorry!' stones). This sort of facilitates a dueling type situation for a person probably not intending to duel support class build 3679643796 It's sort of fun....(I am a bit bored). Anyway, this sort of got me thinking about a 'support' class build, which only deals with buffs and status ailments. I thought it would be funny in any sort of PVP, whether questing, or in the forest if the host is doing poorly give him a buff. I am not sure where it will work best yet, but here is what I have come up with;

    At this stage I do not have confirmation on whether the Channeler's Trident buff will still buff if your toon does not meet the minimum requirements (I am sort of relying on this right now). Apart from that, the 16 STR and 14 DEX are just there to provide a bit of variety in terms of weapon choice. You will obviously have to use elemental. Large faith to cast the regen and anti-magic miracles. There are a few items aswell, poison knives and dung pies etc....Weapons and armor are users choice really, not much poise is needed because ideally you want to avoid direct combat as much as possible. It may also be best to avoid some of the more sinister spells(TWOP).....
    Also, ring choice could be mixed up, get rid of the white seance ring and drop a havels for more armor or a heavier weapon, or a wolf ring if you want some poise....or something funny like the fog ring to help stay out of combat!

    Anyway, let me know your thoughts! Suggestions/ideas /criticisms very welcome happy

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    Join date : 2012-07-27

    support class build Empty Re: support class build

    Post by Jansports Wed May 29, 2013 12:37 pm

    I made sure it could use the trident in case you do need the stats in order to dance buff. Since it has some Int now, Hidden body to stay less of a target. I also considered Chameleon (Imagine a slow moving bush that made you unable to cast awkward would that be)

    Undead Rapport to make more friends to benefit from the support you'll be giving.

    Force is just a great thing, you can use it to protect the host from all kinds of projectiles and sorcery by deflecting it.

    I was going to double up the heals and get soothing.... but 48 faith is an absurd requirement.

    Looks like it might be fun to mess around with

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    Location : The Abyss

    support class build Empty Re: support class build

    Post by Walter_White Wed May 29, 2013 1:50 pm

    u get the aura from trident buff without meeting stat req...don't know if it works

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    Location : melbourne

    support class build Empty Re: support class build

    Post by tofucactaur Wed May 29, 2013 10:18 pm

    nice build with the INT, I like that aswell, I was also considering Undead Rapport, it could be quite funny. Force is a good one aswell, nice. I really like the addition of Lloyds talisman, didn't think of that one! I posted another topic in general asking if people knew if the buff worked without minimum requirements, and it looks like it will. I might do a little bit of testing today to double check, would suck to make the whole build and not have it work properly. I might start making this today, if anyone else has any opinions/thoughts/made one themselves let me know! support class build 4203215067

    Posts : 283
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    Join date : 2012-07-04
    Location : melbourne

    support class build Empty Re: support class build

    Post by tofucactaur Fri May 31, 2013 10:06 am
    remembered rosies support class video, its pretty cool. i think i want to avoid any actual combat on my behalf in terms of offensive weapon play or offensive almost considering not running a weapon, would be hilarious....just run a shield instead.. am really only keeping something equipped if it was REALLY necessary to engage in combat

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