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    Dark Souls Mechanics and games that share them


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    Dark Souls Mechanics and games that share them Empty Dark Souls Mechanics and games that share them

    Post by JerichoXBlack Fri May 31, 2013 12:59 am

    I absolutely adore the DS and DKS1 game mechanics, particularly the combat features: useful dodging that has I-frames, properly designed timed parry feature, a guard feature that isn't a kill-all for attackers, the BS feature, the riposte to punish as well. I love it all.
    But it made me wonder why I liked this style so much? Mainly due to the fact that I have become COMPLETELY bored of my other games and can't quite enjoy "action" oriented gameplay anymore due to the feeling of poor flow, that's a personal opinion though, not trying to bash other titles. So I tried to recall the games I've played that had similar features to DKS1 that I played when I was younger. So I'm wondering if anyone would like to share theirs? Or perhaps be able to give me some examples of other games to play that have similar mechanics.
    One was Megaman legends 1/2, the dodge feature in there was killer to me when I was young (never played the original Megaman games so please don't preach of them)another title, but more recent would be Amalur, with it's limited roll mechanic, the block/parry feature tied together, as well as Dragon's Dogma with the block feature and dodge features (though I dislike how separate they can be)Monster Hunter is another, due to the stamina feature, the block feature, and the useful roll dodges.
    In closing, if anyone would like to share some of their titles (I left out a ton because I don't remember XD) please do! I'd love to get some good ideas for what to play next for a bit while I wait for DKS2, and to distract me when DKS1 gets a little droll. Thanks!
    Abyss Dweller
    Abyss Dweller

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    Dark Souls Mechanics and games that share them Empty Re: Dark Souls Mechanics and games that share them

    Post by Dibsville Fri May 31, 2013 5:48 am

    Monster Hunter.

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    Dark Souls Mechanics and games that share them Empty Re: Dark Souls Mechanics and games that share them

    Post by tofucactaur Fri May 31, 2013 10:00 am

    you mentioned pretty much all there is(UNFORTUNATELY), however, in terms of basic 3rd person action, if you have not played shadows of the colossus, then do yourself a favor and get it. i assume most people on this forum would have though....seriously one of the best games ever, truly original

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    Dark Souls Mechanics and games that share them Empty Re: Dark Souls Mechanics and games that share them

    Post by JerichoXBlack Fri May 31, 2013 7:04 pm

    I have play SotC and it was very fun. I didn't quite appreciate it when I was younger but I do now. I sure would have loved to have found some more games DS/DKS1 esque, honestly, if only in gameplay. If more folk stumble by this and have interesting examples, please feel free to continue posting! I'm definitely going to be checking in here and there to see if there are any more answers =)

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