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Phoenix Rising
Soris Ice Goldwing
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    PvP Discussion


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    PvP Discussion Empty PvP Discussion

    Post by LagStab Fri May 31, 2013 9:55 pm

    How do you feel about backstab fishing? Is there a point of allowance for going for back stabs, or all are bad?

    What level are you, where do you duel?

    What level will allow the most PvP?

    Your set up/build, weapon/armor of choice?

    Mine: If you can backstab, do it, people can defend it, and I hate when mages get mad at a backstab. Brb, weapons/armor gets nerfed but magic gets improved..

    Level: 101, currently new game ++, dueling in forest. I need to find the sweet spot level for dueling!

    I assume level 75's have a lot of pvp? Unsure..

    Build: Dexterity + vitality. I use chaos blade, Greatlord greatsword, Life Hunt Sycthe, and Moonlight robes or Giant Armor

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    PvP Discussion Empty Re: PvP Discussion

    Post by tonberryking01 Fri May 31, 2013 10:12 pm

    I don't feel bad about backstabbing, especially when I'm full dragon form against someone in full Havel's. I try not to just fish for them, though.

    I usually duel around level 90-100 in Oolacile Township. I can usually find quite a few people, but I'm not sure what the ideal level is.

    My favorite build (if not the most effective one) is full dragon with some pyromancies.

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    PvP Discussion Empty Re: PvP Discussion

    Post by Saturday-Saint Fri May 31, 2013 10:23 pm

    Cool with BS's. Do PvP at SL 120. Use a variety of builds.

    Soufwes, is that you?

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    PvP Discussion Empty Re: PvP Discussion

    Post by SirArchmage Fri May 31, 2013 10:23 pm

    Level 55 is usually the range for random invasions, 99 or 100 for people that want to invade a lot of duelers, 120 for more tournament or serious duelers, and 130 and up for hosting.

    I hate it when peoples only fighting style is back stabs. Sure, punish bs, and even roll-bs turtlers, but if you can't do anything except that then you really are bad at pvp. I love punishing bs-fishers with strength builds, especially with how so many people underestimate them.

    Also, I use most every kind of build there is. I've used faith builds, dex, strength, quality, pyro, tank, berserker, you get it. My favorites are faith tanks and dexterity pyros.
    Soris Ice Goldwing
    Soris Ice Goldwing

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    PvP Discussion Empty Re: PvP Discussion

    Post by Soris Ice Goldwing Fri May 31, 2013 10:24 pm

    I don't mind backstabbing when it comes to randoms in the game, but I don't fish it or like those who fish them. Though that is not an issue for me. Anyone is liable for a backstab from me given the chance but I don't attempt it on purpose.

    I tend to use a sl 110 build and some for different purposes at different sl ranges. Depending on what I find. My best has Artorias and Ciaran's armor and is set up as a dex/str mix so I can switch and still be strong. I tend to be in the Painted World as that I get many invasions for me.

    I don't know what the ideal sl range is but many peopl have sls in the 50, 100, 120 ranges for overall PvP builds.
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    PvP Discussion Empty Re: PvP Discussion

    Post by Animaaal Fri May 31, 2013 10:42 pm

    LagStab wrote:...How do you feel about backstab fishing?...

    I'm fine with it, I just don't like getting lagstabbed.

    LagStab wrote:...What level will allow the most PvP?...

    I think sl 110 would allow for the most pvp outside the arena.

    LagStab wrote:...Your set up/build, weapon/armor of choice?...

    I've personally had several builds. My favorite is which ever one has Big Logan's Hat...which is over half of the builds I had.

    Other than that, I don’t like some dead angles. Some are fine, others seem not so fine.
    Phoenix Rising
    Phoenix Rising

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    PvP Discussion Empty Re: PvP Discussion

    Post by Phoenix Rising Fri May 31, 2013 10:48 pm

    I normally don't BS. I can defend pretty well against them so if I get BS'ed its usually my fault. PvP Discussion 2640184516

    Usually PvP in the township, at SL 120.

    I have a few builds I use. A 40/40 quality build, a dex/faith build, and a dex/pyro build in the works. At SL 100 I'm also working on a dex build.

    Weapons: I have an arsenal...I do a lot of menu-swapping. Usually I'm using the chaos blade, longsword, bss, furysword, claymore, bastard sword, flamberge...I prefer fast-pace weps.

    Armor: Thieves' mask, black leather armor, iron bracelets, and hswc....normally. PvP Discussion 2640184516

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    PvP Discussion Empty Re: PvP Discussion

    Post by BrotherBob Fri May 31, 2013 10:50 pm

    1) Backstabbing, in itself, is not bad in my opinion. Fishing can be punished, so, while annoying, it's nothing that bothers me.

    2) SL25 in Darkroot Garden. Tons of PvP. I seldom see a "Failed to invade" message, despite the fact that I'm on a Strict NAT Type!

    3) If you're good enough at PvP and PvE, I'd stay at SL1. I'm not trolling; I'm dead serious. If you can kill the Kings at SL1, become a Darkwraith, and go invade in Darkroot Garden/Forest, I doubt you'll ever see a "Failed to invade" message.

    4) Meh, I switch gear every other hour, so....

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    PvP Discussion Empty Re: PvP Discussion

    Post by LagStab Sat Jun 01, 2013 10:40 am

    Yes, I hate fishers as well, but if the other is spamming dark magic, I do not feel 1 second of guilt about it.

    I am SL 101 right now, should I level up to get more PvP experience, or stay at 101?

    Also, what is the arena, is this DLC only, as I have yet to purchase the DLC
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    PvP Discussion Empty Re: PvP Discussion

    Post by Encore Sat Jun 01, 2013 10:52 am

    IT is DLC only.

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    PvP Discussion Empty Re: PvP Discussion

    Post by LagStab Sat Jun 01, 2013 10:57 am

    Darn sad

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    PvP Discussion Empty Re: PvP Discussion

    Post by Jansports Sat Jun 01, 2013 1:03 pm

    I don't see the point in Fishing for a BS, against anyone decent it's not going to work, and whats more it's likely to backfire on you. Since I myself know how to handle BSfishing whenever I see it I just let them know it's not gonna work on me by planting my weapon into them with some vigor.

    I usually hang around township and burg at SL100-120 though I am currently working on a 130 to host / darkmoon

    I think actually SL80 is where you'll get the most action. You can invade all the SL100 duelers and you can also catch people doing lord soul and DLC areas

    I use whatever armor gives the defense/poise I need for the build within my weight limits. As for weapons it depends on the build but I tend to use the great scythe various spears falchion BSS broadsword Zwei halberd BKGA large club. Those are the main ones.

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    PvP Discussion Empty Re: PvP Discussion

    Post by Seignar Sat Jun 01, 2013 2:32 pm

    LagStab wrote:Darn PvP Discussion 57929600
    Don't worry about sucks anyways.

    I'm fine with backstab fishing as I know that unless you're skilled with that, you're only going to get hurt yourself. I PvP at SL 100. The level that offers the most PvP is Level 1 because Red Orbs can invade infinitely up, but you would rather prefer 55 in order to have a fighting chance.

    My set-ups vary. In depends on the build I'm making and I constantly switch them, so I have no defining build to answer with.

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