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    Looking to trade for the Obsidian Sword (PC)


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    Join date : 2013-06-03

    Looking to trade for the Obsidian Sword (PC) Empty Looking to trade for the Obsidian Sword (PC)

    Post by bennykun Mon Jun 03, 2013 9:52 pm

    to keep it short I tried to cut the black dragon tail but one helpfull soul that teamed up with me forgot? about it and did a great job at killing teh dragon before removing its tail..
    well if anyone is looking for slabs, some boss souls (Gwyndolin, Sif, guardian, queelag, Iron Golem, Artorias), Channeler's trident, Armor of thorns complete..etc.. tell me what you would need and I 'll check if I have it... in a nutshell I would be more than happy to trade for the Obsidian GreatSword.. Looking to trade for the Obsidian Sword (PC) 460936331
    my character is lvl 75 .. my GWL nickname is BenEtTete

    Posts : 216
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    Join date : 2013-02-15
    Location : The Archives

    Looking to trade for the Obsidian Sword (PC) Empty Re: Looking to trade for the Obsidian Sword (PC)

    Post by Zyrrashijn Thu Jun 06, 2013 2:13 am

    Hello, i have an offer for you. I have a priest at sl100 who hasn't beaten the ol' Drake. Would you like us both to get on him and try the cut-off? I succeeded once as a phantom with it.
    Only thing is you would have to go up a few levels (SL80 should suffice)

    Stay tuned

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