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    balanced pvp


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    balanced pvp Empty balanced pvp

    Post by cerealaire Thu Jun 06, 2013 12:24 am

    dark souls 2 should have a god damn balance system im tired of invaders being so overpowered while i have a fair weopen example maxed lightning balder sword medium armor next do you know this guy uses some big weopen then i guess a lag happens that cancels their animation then do the force thingy which causes a spam pretty much equal stats or fair advantages

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    balanced pvp Empty Re: balanced pvp

    Post by SadPanda Thu Jun 06, 2013 12:32 am

    That's the thing, it isn't supposed to be balanced. The whole point of PvP is to hinder somebody elses world. However, I do have a problem with twinks. Invading at a low SL is fine, just don't invade with a +5 chaos spear and spam combustion.

    However, FromSoft said they were fine with low SL players getting killed, as long as the invader got his equipment legitimately. Nowadays, people just save edit in as much **** as they can and mod their stats and invade at a low SL.
    Soris Ice Goldwing
    Soris Ice Goldwing

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    balanced pvp Empty Re: balanced pvp

    Post by Soris Ice Goldwing Thu Jun 06, 2013 12:44 am

    PvP here should not be balanced. The thing is that PvP is tied to our gear, stats to a low extent and how leveled our gear. Really it is what we have that is what makes PvP what it is in the game. And it works both ways. The invader can have the better gear then the host but also the opposite were the invade is less equipped then the host. Also even then it falls to the skill of the two that determines who is the winner. I say it is good but then I don't agree with hacks and some annoying tactics like WoG spamming the whole fight.

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    balanced pvp Empty Re: balanced pvp

    Post by cerealaire Thu Jun 06, 2013 2:54 am

    even though i didnt mention it i dont really care about the stat level crap i just want a fight to be a challenge (its not a challenge if its 1 hit kill) (not just myself if people are on my side) i just want it a competitive type battle were its smooth and it takes time to actually do a fight
    i mean cmon when i see a host getting killed while im trying to help its not coo especially if its a sorcerer and the host cant dodge properly you whomever were summoned for a reason right not to join then somehow the host dies not everything needs it im just saying an idea is an idea if someone is going to argue itd better be convincing

    im not mad i just bought glad
    Abyss Dweller
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    balanced pvp Empty Re: balanced pvp

    Post by Dibsville Thu Jun 06, 2013 2:57 am

    Soris Ice Goldwing wrote:PvP here should not be balanced. The thing is that PvP is tied to our gear, stats to a low extent and how leveled our gear. Really it is what we have that is what makes PvP what it is in the game. And it works both ways. The invader can have the better gear then the host but also the opposite were the invade is less equipped then the host. Also even then it falls to the skill of the two that determines who is the winner. I say it is good but then I don't agree with hacks and some annoying tactics like WoG spamming the whole fight.

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    balanced pvp Empty Re: balanced pvp

    Post by cerealaire Thu Jun 06, 2013 3:18 am

    ok? thats a point but its just me i gotta live with it even you didnt really need to write or repost anything
    Abyss Dweller
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    balanced pvp Empty Re: balanced pvp

    Post by Dibsville Thu Jun 06, 2013 3:20 am

    I'd agree with you that battles of attrition are better, as I prefer it myself, but the thing is, invaders don't play that way. They're normally there to kill you.

    If you want to have a good battle, you can set one up here. Just set your restrictions, such as "No Wrath of the Gods", or "No buffs"

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    balanced pvp Empty Re: balanced pvp

    Post by cerealaire Thu Jun 06, 2013 3:25 am

    so i just post then bam somehow someones going to agree? ill try on the dark souls forums and of course every dark souls players should know that their there to kill you well maybe not souls beginners
    Abyss Dweller
    Abyss Dweller

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    balanced pvp Empty Re: balanced pvp

    Post by Dibsville Thu Jun 06, 2013 3:27 am

    A ton of people on here like to fight with restrictions, it's one way some of us pass the time.

    Trust me, people would be happy to fight you as long as you don't do anything too insane.

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