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    Happiest PvP victory yet


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    Happiest PvP victory yet Empty Happiest PvP victory yet

    Post by PhlyingDutchman Sun Mar 04, 2012 7:55 pm

    I've been doing a lot of level 160 PvP at the Kiln, as a Darkmoon Blade and now a Darkwraith. It's about 50% honorable duels, and 50% farmers/win-at-all-costers. Anwyay, I wanted to share this story from today.

    I invade as a Darkmoon, ready to coat my Balder side sword with the power of sunlight. Fast swords are a style I haven't used until recently, but I'm getting better with every fight. I'm about to give my foe a proper bow, but I'm halted for a moment by his appearance, or I should say their appearance.

    Standing before me between the pillars are three massive warriors. The host in the middle, in full Havel's except for his mask of the father, carries a Havel's shield and a Black Knight Great Axe, and is eating a green blossom. To his right is a Warrior of Sunlight, also in Havel's armor, but I think Mask of the Child. He holds a catalyst in his right hand and is already casting homing crystal soulmass. To the left of the Host is a white phantom, ALSO in Havel's armor (I don't recall the headpiece). They don't seem to be looking for a fair fight, so my training with the side sword is going to have to wait.

    I switch to my mighty fire-imbued zweihander, which has carried me through my darkest hours in this world. It's a good thing I didn't bow, because a crystal ring shield blast comes flying my way a immediately. I roll left and it misses. They charge as I grip my sword in both hands. The soulmasses miss me, and the host does a frontflip to close the ground between us. I swing as he starts to, and catch him with his shield down, but he connects as well, taking a third of my life with that massive axe. His phantoms circle left and right. I block the attack of the one on the left, taking some damage anyway. I'm running out of time and space. I swing again, and this time, I connect with all three. Right to left, my zweihander cuts through the golden phantom, the host and the white phantom. The host stuns, the others don't. I swing back, left to right. This one stuns the left phantom, but his hit drops me to a sliver of life remaining. With the last of my stamina, I throw a final swing as the golden phantom downs me. The hit connects, and as I fall to my knees, the host collapses.

    A tenuous moment passes. But then it shows up: "Target Destroyed" right before "You Died". As the world starts to fade, I am granted the slain sinner's ear. The two phantoms look at each other, and disappear. Fade to black.

    The guilty pay the price, and their little farming operation is shut down, if only for a minute.
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    Happiest PvP victory yet Empty Re: Happiest PvP victory yet

    Post by Maneater_Mildred Sun Mar 04, 2012 8:03 pm

    Praise the moon, the sinner has paid his debt.

    Always love killing the host and leaving the phantoms standing around like idiots, good job.

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    Happiest PvP victory yet Empty Re: Happiest PvP victory yet

    Post by reim0027 Sun Mar 04, 2012 8:05 pm

    Those fights feel great! Nice job.

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    Happiest PvP victory yet Empty Re: Happiest PvP victory yet

    Post by ViralEnsign_ Sun Mar 04, 2012 8:15 pm

    I had the same kind of experience in the forest but I managed to get off my DMB and went to town on those fools.

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    Happiest PvP victory yet Empty Re: Happiest PvP victory yet

    Post by Yesuurd Sun Mar 04, 2012 8:24 pm

    Ahh, that is one of the most rewarding feelings in this game, great story...

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    Happiest PvP victory yet Empty Re: Happiest PvP victory yet

    Post by Crowned Sun Mar 04, 2012 8:41 pm

    Organized trolls,LOL. As far as Zwei spam goes,you were pretty epic. Bow

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