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    NG+ Abyss question


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    NG+ Abyss question Empty NG+ Abyss question

    Post by DustyMonolith Sun Mar 04, 2012 8:04 pm

    I just started my first NG+, going into it as a Darkwraith. Since I had to smoke Sif in NG, I never got to battle Forest Hunters and now that I can in NG+ I'm having a blast.

    My question is since I'm a Darkwraith already, can I enter the Abyss without the Ring of Artorias, or do I still have to kill Sif?

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    NG+ Abyss question Empty Re: NG+ Abyss question

    Post by Maneater_Mildred Sun Mar 04, 2012 8:17 pm

    Good question. Sorry i dont have an answer for you, i have always assumed that you need it in each ng the 1st time you go there. After the 1st visit you can go back without the ring no matter what covenant you are in, so not sure if being a DW will help. If nobody gives you an answer you could test it and let us know.
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    NG+ Abyss question Empty Re: NG+ Abyss question

    Post by Carphil Sun Mar 04, 2012 8:57 pm

    Nah you have to equip the ring to access the Abyss and slain four kings. Only after leaving the abyss and warping back that you don't need the ring anymore.

    I know, we all love Sif, but its impossible to keep him alive sad

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    NG+ Abyss question Empty Re: NG+ Abyss question

    Post by Artorias Sun Mar 04, 2012 10:07 pm

    Unless you bb glitch the ring

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