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    Post by Doctor Snuggles Sun Jun 16, 2013 4:00 pm

    Hey guys, I joined the forums about a week ago but have been lurking for about a month now so I thought it would be time to get a post out there.

    I've been playing Dark Souls for about 6-7 months now but only really gotten into PvP about 1-2 months ago. Its been REALLY tough finding a build that works for me since I can't seem to latch onto a certain style. This is my most recent build that was changed from a 12 STR Falchion + SLB build.

    It's cheesy, stupid, easily countered, but I win about 70%~ of my matches in the Burg/Kiln/Forest due to people being unable to parry my swings, as well as being stunlocked until they die. (It's great when you stunlock 2-3 people ganking you and come out with no damage taken and a triple kill xD)

    I sometimes change out the Wolf Ring since I keep 70+ poise but I'm totally unsure about how to make it work better. Thanks for reading

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    Abyss Dweller
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    Post by Dibsville Sun Jun 16, 2013 4:04 pm

    Welcome to the forums! 
    Nice build you got there. You could make it a pure killer if you just tweaked it a bit, but it's great for only having PvP'd for that amount of time. 
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    Post by Sentiel Sun Jun 16, 2013 4:13 pm

    Hello and welcome to the forums.

    You have a nice build there, but I must say that you're wasting all that Dex if you're using Zwei.
    How about this?
    This is the same build. Just changed masks, one spell, ring and your primary weapon. As great and easy to use as Zwei is, a lot of players you'll face are skilled and know very well how to fight a Zwei, because they're so widely used. Murakumo, on the other hand is by far more dangerous than Zwei and it is one of the most powerful and most dangerous weapons in the game. However it is very hard to master and may even seem as a useless weapon at first sight.
    A good Murakumo user is feared even by the most skilled players and with your stats, you have a build that would be a great Mura user.

    Just a suggestion. ^^
    Doctor Snuggles

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    Post by Doctor Snuggles Sun Jun 16, 2013 4:22 pm

    I did try the Murakumo and it's not a bad sword, I actually have a 15+ in my inventory that I sometimes use in PvE, I just didn't like the moveset. It just didn't seem to pack a big enough punch to warrant all that poise incase I was up against an R1 spammer. Seems like I could get away with fast rolling and 40 poise and be as effective as mid rolling with 70+ poise.

    But yes, I do know the stats are a bit off, I originally had a level 80 dueler that I brought to the Kiln for PvP but I wanted to change it so I bumped everything up as much as I could to stay within a good level.

    Still - I'm working on Dead Angling and while it's hard to tell if I'm doing them properly or not, I win ALOT more than I lose because people spam parry when I'm swinging and they just aren't connecting. Suddenly, I've dealt 1900 damage in 4-5 swings and they die before they get an attack in.

    (Forgot to add in, I'm TERRIBLE at BSing/Parry - Riposte. While the increase of damage is nice and awesome, I couldn't put it to good use considering I can only parry if I get stupidly lucky.)
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    Post by Dibsville Sun Jun 16, 2013 4:25 pm

    The Murakumo is actually your best choice against an R1 spammer. Doing 400 damage per hit, and it breaks 53 poise on every strike, just two hits and you'll stunlock them to death. Unlike the regular Greatswords, the Curved Greatswords never received a speed nerf that slowed them down, so the only way out of a Mura stunlock is to toggle-escape, which 95% of people don't know how to do.
    Doctor Snuggles

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    Post by Doctor Snuggles Sun Jun 16, 2013 4:30 pm

    Thats true, I know the feeling of being stunlocked by a Mura and wondering why on earth I can't do anything against it.

    It just seems like it's 100x easier to parry a CGS than an UGS because of the huge arc in the swings that can throw peoples timing off if you mix up hitting them at the beginning of a swing or right at the end.

    Thats probably just a visual thing and in actuality does nothing to help against parrying. :I
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    Post by Dibsville Sun Jun 16, 2013 4:33 pm

    Parrying a CGS is a lot harder for people because they are scared of it. If you mess it up because you don't know how much lag you have, then it's all over. An UGS can be missed and still blocked due to its large swings unless the user is dead-angling.

    IMO, CGS are much better than UGS, but only because they have the extra hits.

    To me, if a weapon can hit more, than it's probably better than another.
    Doctor Snuggles

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    Post by Doctor Snuggles Sun Jun 16, 2013 4:38 pm

    You do have a point, and I know its a valid one because of your Dagger thread. I tried it out in a couple matches and I just DEMOLISHED people. So many swings in so little time that if they missed a swing I could pump out 2-3 hits for 300-400 damage each time before they even had a chance to roll. Got my *** handed to me by a Dragonslayer Spear though. :L I don't fight against those often though, I'll let that one slide.

    Are there any tips on figuring out Dead Angling? I have a general outline of what it is and what it does, but I can't seem to replicate it consistently enough to say "I can DA".
    Abyss Dweller
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    Post by Dibsville Sun Jun 16, 2013 4:42 pm

    First off, you have to know the hitboxes for people.

    Try dead-angling with Wrath of the Gods. It's extremely easy, simply go up to someone and use WoG, but turn around as you're casting it. If your back is to them, they CAN NOT block it, it will always be a hit unless they roll through it.

    That's one hitbox. It narrows down your dead-angling range to about 180º, so you can begin to see how to dead-angle. Next, try out big weapons, like the UGS (should already have this down). As long as you face about 90º away from them, you just have to chip them for a dead-angle.
    You can begin to go down to smaller and small weapons. I can dead-angle with a Dagger, but only because I can manipulate the hitboxes.
    Doctor Snuggles

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    Post by Doctor Snuggles Sun Jun 16, 2013 4:52 pm

    I feel like I can DA with Wrath pretty easily, it's just getting the swings to have the same effect.

    Say I'm swinging a Zwei from the left to right. Does the person basically have to be at the exact END of the arc of the swing for the DA to take effect? I'd go test this right now but my Xbox is currently in use.
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    Post by Dibsville Sun Jun 16, 2013 4:56 pm

    Hit them with the middle of the swing, while turning. Turn towards the swing. For example, on the first hit, turn left, on the second hit, turn right.

    Don't forget running attacks on smaller weapons can dead-angle. Including, but not limited to:
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    Post by XachAttack Sun Jun 16, 2013 6:18 pm

    Welcome to the forums o/.

    For the record, you CAN block a DA Wrath of the Gods, just turn around and block. Whenever I'm able to catch on that the caster turned around first I do that, it usually works.

    Can't say I have any suggestions like everyone else about your build or what you're doing lol, good luck out there. If you're on PS3 maybe we could fight sometime, I need practice against the Zwei anyway.

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