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    Dark Souls 2 Demo Availability?


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    Dark Souls 2 Demo Availability? Empty Dark Souls 2 Demo Availability?

    Post by bosslugger Tue Jun 18, 2013 6:59 pm

    Sorry if this has already been asked, I searched the forum and didn't see it listed.

    Did anyone attend E3 and ask From if the demo that was on the showfloor would be coming to PS3/Xbox?

    9 months is a LONG time to wait and a playable demo would be greatly appreciated...

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    Dark Souls 2 Demo Availability? Empty Re: Dark Souls 2 Demo Availability?

    Post by sinspaw Tue Jun 18, 2013 9:58 pm

    I may be wrong, but I'm pretty sure the Souls' games never got demos in the past. That said, since they have bumped DkS2's marketing, it's not impossible that some demo shows up at some point. Granted, this wouldn't be anytime soon, only hypothetically like a month, tops, before the game's release. Personally, I just don't think it's going to happen.

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    Dark Souls 2 Demo Availability? Empty Re: Dark Souls 2 Demo Availability?

    Post by SadPanda Tue Jun 18, 2013 10:07 pm

    Seeing as it is being treated like a AAA title, FROM would be smart to release a demo. The only roadblock would be the difficulty. Make the demo too hard, and people won't think the game is fun. Make it too easy, Souls fans would be upset. 

    It's a risky choice, but if Bamco released a demo, it would not only help market the game, but introduce newcomers to the series.

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    Dark Souls 2 Demo Availability? Empty Re: Dark Souls 2 Demo Availability?

    Post by bosslugger Wed Jun 19, 2013 5:50 pm

    True, but there is a new director at the will ultimately depend on how they want to market it. Frankly, the Souls' series is so well known at this point they don't need a demo, but it would be really nice to experience what those at E3 got to play. 

     I may be wrong, but I'm pretty sure the Souls' games never got demos in the past. That said, since they have bumped DkS2's marketing, it's not impossible that some demo shows up at some point. Granted, this wouldn't be anytime soon, only hypothetically like a month, tops, before the game's release. Personally, I just don't think it's going to happen.

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    Dark Souls 2 Demo Availability? Empty Re: Dark Souls 2 Demo Availability?

    Post by SlothAlmighty Wed Jun 19, 2013 9:02 pm

    they just need to release new beta versions each month for those on this forum.

    yeah, that'd work.

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    Age : 29

    Dark Souls 2 Demo Availability? Empty Re: Dark Souls 2 Demo Availability?

    Post by chaos4ever181 Wed Jun 19, 2013 9:04 pm

    if they are going to do a demo, they should do at least the first few levels of the game like the tutorial level and the 1st level/stage, and perhaps a taste of the 2nd stage/level. That way, it won't be forcefully difficult since it's only the first levels, and the demo won't have to spoil too much of the game lore-wise.

    It's a win for people just starting out and to those who only want a taste of what is to come. It's a win for all!
     Praise the Sun

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