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Phoenix Rising
A Fierce Plankton
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    New hands-on impression, nerfed poise, i-frames and criticals

    Abyss Dweller
    Abyss Dweller

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    New hands-on impression, nerfed poise, i-frames and criticals - Page 2 Empty Re: New hands-on impression, nerfed poise, i-frames and criticals

    Post by Dibsville Thu Jun 20, 2013 11:07 pm

    You should be careless with bosses. Just remember you can get everything back even if you fail to recover your bloodstain. It's not going to ruin your playthrough if you lose your stuff. (I guess there are a few exceptions, but this is true for any normal playthrough.)

    Posts : 278
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    Join date : 2012-08-19
    Location : the land of the livid dead

    New hands-on impression, nerfed poise, i-frames and criticals - Page 2 Empty Re: New hands-on impression, nerfed poise, i-frames and criticals

    Post by samster628 Fri Jun 21, 2013 2:53 am

    Well looking forward to DS2 already. Yet to see any changes i don't like so i reckon they have done their market research well. I would like to see better covenants though with good reasons for remaining loyal. In DS1 it was just stick with them till they give you all the items then leave via oswald and join another until you got it all.
    Oh and in regards to the capra demon i think he was one of those you arent meant to block. The trick is to lure hum up the stairs then roll off. He will fall and have to recover. That is when you stab him a few times and run up the stairs again.

    Posts : 160
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    Join date : 2013-05-17

    New hands-on impression, nerfed poise, i-frames and criticals - Page 2 Empty Re: New hands-on impression, nerfed poise, i-frames and criticals

    Post by SlothAlmighty Fri Jun 21, 2013 4:04 pm

    I will try that, my normal strategy was to survive long enough to kill the dogs, then circle him and get in hits when I could and avoid his attacks when I can and block when I can't.  the thing is dual wield is about parrying and getting combos.  with capra and many other bosses, you can only get in one or two hits at a time before retreating to a defensive position.  I think I need to get really good at dodging in order to pull off a dual wield character.

    either that or revert to my shield for bosses and use dual wield on for normal enemies.

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