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Peaceful Wollyhop
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    Monster Hunter Freedom Unite


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    Monster Hunter Freedom Unite Empty Monster Hunter Freedom Unite

    Post by LunarFog Tue Jun 25, 2013 6:14 pm

    I'm going to start playing monster hunter with 2 family members.  We're going to try to beat my cousin's record of killing Fatalis.  So I have a few questions.

    How do bow-and-arrows compare to crossbows?

    How are hunting horns after you memorize all the note combos?

    Would a support character be useful in a group of 3, or would our group be better with just 3 pure attackers?

    Elemental damage vs pure physical?

    I'm thinking of making a hunting horn character with the wide-area skill and health/armor/demon flutes
    Peaceful Wollyhop
    Peaceful Wollyhop

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    Monster Hunter Freedom Unite Empty Re: Monster Hunter Freedom Unite

    Post by Peaceful Wollyhop Tue Jun 25, 2013 8:32 pm

    First of all which Fatalis are you fighting? Black Crimson or White? It makes all the difference.

    Elemental is generally better for Fatalis. Best element is dragon but she is also neutral to fire.

    Actually there is a hell of a lot to say. Fata is one of my specialties ans so I will PM a bulk load of info.
    Peaceful Wollyhop
    Peaceful Wollyhop

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    Monster Hunter Freedom Unite Empty Re: Monster Hunter Freedom Unite

    Post by Peaceful Wollyhop Tue Jun 25, 2013 9:12 pm

    It's late here so I will do it in the morning
    Tyler Durden
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    Monster Hunter Freedom Unite Empty Re: Monster Hunter Freedom Unite

    Post by RANT Tue Jun 25, 2013 10:41 pm

    Raw is best but elemental works great for fata, hunting horns are awesome for support and attacking too, bows are generally better since you can do headshots all day.  Bows are kinda easy against fata and it will take much longer to kill him but only if you're by yourself. Also make sure you get the right boosts for you, I can't recall much of it since I haven't played it in over a year.
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    Monster Hunter Freedom Unite Empty Re: Monster Hunter Freedom Unite

    Post by sparkly-twinkly-lizard Tue Jun 25, 2013 11:16 pm

    bows have infinite ammo where as bowguns (crossbows as you call them) require you to tote around a ton of ammo and the materials to combine more of said ammo if you want max effectiveness. as for HH's they hit decently, have more reach than hammers and can inflict k.o like hammers all packaged with a nice support ability.

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    Monster Hunter Freedom Unite Empty Re: Monster Hunter Freedom Unite

    Post by Railage Sat Jun 29, 2013 12:58 pm

    Make sure to have a support character using a sleep attribute weapon.

    The sleep coating for the bow and the sleep bullets work wonders.

    Also the sleep attribute Sword and Shield is great.

    The purpose of having these sleep weapons is to bomb the Fatalis, sleep bombing him is very effective.

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    Monster Hunter Freedom Unite Empty Monster Hunter Freedom Unite Update 6/29

    Post by LunarFog Sat Jun 29, 2013 1:58 pm

    Thank you for the help with bows and bowguns and hunting horns in my last thread.  Sadly, I just started playing a few days ago and won't probably fight Fatalis for weeks or months.

    I decided to focus on dual sword status  and elements for now and get hunting horns in the future.  I also deecided to get a heavy crossbow over a regular bow.  So here are my future plans.

    1.) A Dual sword for every element.  They kill things way faster than I remember Great Swords ever doing.  Just as long as you can get the thing to hold still.
    2.)A bow for every status.
    3.)Hunting horns notes.
    4.) Heavy Bowgun

    1.)  Armor skills: Element Attack
    Elemental weapons:  
    Lightning - Divine Power saws: 364 Raw/220 element
    Fire - Punishment blades: 350 Raw/400 element
    Ice - Frozen Death: 364 Raw/370 element
    Water - Holy Guild Knight 364 Raw/280 element
    Dragon - Eternal Sacrifice: 182 Raw/510 element
    Poison - Chameleos Dual Blades: 350 Raw/230 status

    Armor Skills: Expert
    Affinity - Midnight Blades - 336 Raw.
    Notes/Questions: With high enough expert, the affinity rate for the Midnight Blades  would be 80%.  Would the attack boost from that be significant?  And what other skills should I get?  I'm thinking of Sharpness so they don't dull as quickly.

    2.) Armor Skills: Status attack
    Notes/Questions:  Bows ARE good for status right?  And are there any other skills I should get?

    3.)  Have no clue how to get hunting horns.  I'm thinking I'll look for note combinations that do different things and then look for the best ones?  Are there any skills I should get for hunting horns?  I'm thinking of Stealth so I can play songs when I need to without getting interrupted.

    4.)  Does the bowgun attack power increase the damage of the cluster shots explosions?  Because I'm thinking of trying to get a bowgun that rapid fires cluster shots and then get the skills: Recoil, Auto Reload.  Or maybe I should get a bowgun that rapid fires crag shots and get gunnery?  Any other skills I should be aware of are also appreciated.
    Tyler Durden
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    Monster Hunter Freedom Unite Empty Re: Monster Hunter Freedom Unite

    Post by RANT Sat Jun 29, 2013 4:09 pm

    crap, like i said before, i have not played in over a year so im probably not gonna be of much help.
    if you just got the game its gonna take a while to get the mats to make the 'best' of all the weapons, one of the easier and best hunting horns to get is narga's horn, it has decent damage and can ko like a hammer and the note combos are so helpful for you and your team. the heavy bowguns are so good too, dodge works great with them, get shao(big *** dragon) heavy bowgun and you can kill anything with it. im gonna do a little research to frshen up my memory and ill get back to you.

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    Monster Hunter Freedom Unite Empty Re: Monster Hunter Freedom Unite

    Post by Emergence Sat Jun 29, 2013 4:47 pm

    Merged the two topics into one so there aren't two active threads getting bumped.

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