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    Chained Prisoner Lore?


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    Age : 29

    Chained Prisoner Lore? Empty Chained Prisoner Lore?

    Post by Johnthethird Wed Jun 26, 2013 5:38 pm

    Any Ideas?

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    Chained Prisoner Lore? Empty Re: Chained Prisoner Lore?

    Post by MosquitoPower Wed Jun 26, 2013 5:48 pm

    What zone?

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    Chained Prisoner Lore? Empty Re: Chained Prisoner Lore?

    Post by Jansports Wed Jun 26, 2013 5:57 pm

    It seems like the bloated head denizens of Oolicile did quite a lot during their stay. The statues have all had their heads removed (leaving just a body holding a catalyst) As well as it appears as if certain areas of the township have been slightly altered, with wood cobbled together roughly in contrast to the majestic stone the buildings naturally exist in.

    I would say the Prisoner is perhaps someone who was at first not corrupted by the abyss seeping into the city, who was chained up by those that were for being different, still human. And while locked up their despair and anger allowed the abyss to take hold turning them into the monstrous abberation we find lurking in the depths of the city.

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    Chained Prisoner Lore? Empty Re: Chained Prisoner Lore?

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