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Soul of Stray Demon
Onion Knight
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    this builds hype, demon souls 2 listing. no joke, error maybe?


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    this builds hype, demon souls 2 listing. no joke, error maybe? Empty this builds hype, demon souls 2 listing. no joke, error maybe?

    Post by passivefamiliar Mon Jul 01, 2013 4:27 pm

    so. i have 2 links for you. first, this one there has a listing of games. scroll down and you'll see demon's souls 2. a freaking 2! ps4 game.

    the second link there is the article that led me there. it is a bit upsetting, but still....

    HYPE!!!  i hate thinking it wont ever happen. i will feed on the lies and far fetched ideas and illusions.i wish for little reasoning here. i want to want to hold on to wanting.
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    this builds hype, demon souls 2 listing. no joke, error maybe? Empty Re: this builds hype, demon souls 2 listing. no joke, error maybe?

    Post by Dibsville Mon Jul 01, 2013 4:29 pm

    Dark Souls 2 looks like a completely new game anyway, so I'm hoping this one is actually a sequel.
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    this builds hype, demon souls 2 listing. no joke, error maybe? Empty Re: this builds hype, demon souls 2 listing. no joke, error maybe?

    Post by Reaperfan Mon Jul 01, 2013 4:37 pm

    I'd heard rumors of this a bit ago, but I gotta say I'm incredibly skeptical.  Mostly because I doubt FROM will have anything to do with it's development seeing as how they don't own the Demon's Souls IP.  If it's true, I think there's a possibility of whoever Sony gets to make it making it well, but since the industry has really just treated these games as "LOOK AT HOW MUCH YOU'LL DIE!  THESE GAME ARE TEH HARDCOORZ!" I don't really trust any modern developer without a history of making "fun difficulty" with making a difficult game.  If it's just a rumor and nothing more, color me unsurprised.  If it's genuinely being made, color me incredibly skeptical.

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    this builds hype, demon souls 2 listing. no joke, error maybe? Empty Re: this builds hype, demon souls 2 listing. no joke, error maybe?

    Post by passivefamiliar Mon Jul 01, 2013 6:21 pm

    i know...I'm not exactly betting the farm on it. I just hate that one aarch stone left unexplored. But I guess that's part of the allure of it all.

    and iI agree that dark 2 looks like a new game all together. Might as well given it a new name and called it a spiritual spiritual succesoret(not sure how to refer to a 3red successor...does that have a different word??)

    still holdihg on to the slim chance of a demon souls 2 of sorts.  It would sell so well. It would boost ps4 sales to. If it came out slightly after darksouls2 the hype it would have as being a true sequel to the original soul would be grand,.

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    this builds hype, demon souls 2 listing. no joke, error maybe? Empty Re: this builds hype, demon souls 2 listing. no joke, error maybe?

    Post by ResIsBestStat Mon Jul 01, 2013 8:17 pm

    I really hope that if this is real the  developers of Demon's Souls 2 make it good and not unavoidable difficulty. You can easily run through enemies and the same should apply to Demon's Souls 2 if you know the area well.

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    this builds hype, demon souls 2 listing. no joke, error maybe? Empty Re: this builds hype, demon souls 2 listing. no joke, error maybe?

    Post by Myztyrio Mon Jul 01, 2013 9:31 pm

    That'd be ***' sick. Some guy talks about the possibility of DeS3 in one of his newer videos.

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    this builds hype, demon souls 2 listing. no joke, error maybe? Empty Re: this builds hype, demon souls 2 listing. no joke, error maybe?

    Post by densetsushun Tue Jul 02, 2013 5:26 am

    I'm not keen on believing it until I see more concrete evidence, last time I saw a PS4 games list I saw "Agni Philosophy", which was a tech demo of a Square Enix engine.
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    this builds hype, demon souls 2 listing. no joke, error maybe? Empty Re: this builds hype, demon souls 2 listing. no joke, error maybe?

    Post by Sentiel Tue Jul 02, 2013 7:30 am

    The Sixth Archstone awaits.

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    this builds hype, demon souls 2 listing. no joke, error maybe? Empty Re: this builds hype, demon souls 2 listing. no joke, error maybe?

    Post by twigsterxd Tue Jul 02, 2013 12:23 pm

    I doubt there would be a Demons 2 at this time.
    1. Dark Souls is still in promotion and not yet released,
    2. Atlus, has nothing on their sites or forums,
    3. Not enough publicity to ruin expectations of good sales,
    4. Why would it come out for ps4 when they have no idea how sales will go
    Also, there's no game image on that site telling me that they probably meant dark souls 2 since there is speculation it will be available for new gen as well
    Should also add that Atlus isn't dumb enough to bring out a game that competes with one they are partnered with
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    this builds hype, demon souls 2 listing. no joke, error maybe? Empty Re: this builds hype, demon souls 2 listing. no joke, error maybe?

    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Tue Jul 02, 2013 12:33 pm

    I'll buy it.


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    this builds hype, demon souls 2 listing. no joke, error maybe? Empty Re: this builds hype, demon souls 2 listing. no joke, error maybe?

    Post by Walter_White Tue Jul 02, 2013 12:48 pm

    Is Atlus the publisher for DkS2 in NA?
    I'm pretty sure, that SCE holds the rights for demons souls and only SCE can order a demons souls 2.
    SCE is publisher in JNP and did some development on demons souls. Atlus is only the Publisher for NA, as Bamco is for EU.

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    this builds hype, demon souls 2 listing. no joke, error maybe? Empty Re: this builds hype, demon souls 2 listing. no joke, error maybe?

    Post by twigsterxd Tue Jul 02, 2013 12:58 pm

    Atlus is the publisher for Demons according to my NA version.
    Namco is my NA version of dark souls.
    SCE only holds the licensing to both games.
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    this builds hype, demon souls 2 listing. no joke, error maybe? Empty Re: this builds hype, demon souls 2 listing. no joke, error maybe?

    Post by Onion Knight Tue Jul 02, 2013 1:40 pm

    densetsushun wrote:I'm not keen on believing it until I see more concrete evidence, last time I saw a PS4 games list I saw "Agni Philosophy", which was a tech demo of a Square Enix engine.

     Knowing SE the game concept using the engine will probably come out in 10 years under another name.

    Also I am sceptical. Remember the last 'From Soft is making DeS sequel on PS4!!11!' rumour? Destiny of Spirits? Yeah, the one that turned out to be a f2p Pokemon rip-off on the PS-Vita.

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    this builds hype, demon souls 2 listing. no joke, error maybe? Empty Re: this builds hype, demon souls 2 listing. no joke, error maybe?

    Post by densetsushun Tue Jul 02, 2013 2:28 pm

    Onion Knight wrote:
     Knowing SE the game concept using the engine will probably come out in 10 years under another name.

    Also I am sceptical. Remember the last 'From Soft is making DeS sequel on PS4!!11!' rumour? Destiny of Spirits? Yeah, the one that turned out to be a f2p Pokemon rip-off on the PS-Vita.

    Knowing SE, that could very well be, but I have reason to believe they won't. Agni Philosophy was used to demonstrate the Luminous engine/Luminous Works, which they're applying to FFXV, not to mention the antagonist from Agni Philosophy looks strikingly similar to the one shown in the FFXV trailer.

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    this builds hype, demon souls 2 listing. no joke, error maybe? Empty Re: this builds hype, demon souls 2 listing. no joke, error maybe?

    Post by passivefamiliar Wed Jul 03, 2013 5:01 am

    alot of people say they wont because of dark souls 2...but i think its why the MIGHT. dark souls 2 got a big e3 showing. it made some waves, its likely to sell more than the first dark souls by a good margin. so if they were to release demons souls 2, it would get noticed alot more and it could be advertised alot easier.

    true it would be slightly conflicting sales...but if they time it right it could be a benefit. and it COULD push ps4 sales up. a true souls sequal only on ps4, that could sway a few on the fencers of next gen.

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    this builds hype, demon souls 2 listing. no joke, error maybe? Empty Re: this builds hype, demon souls 2 listing. no joke, error maybe?

    Post by densetsushun Wed Jul 03, 2013 5:21 am

    passivefamiliar wrote:true it would be slightly conflicting sales...but if they time it right it could be a benefit. and it COULD push ps4 sales up. a true souls sequal only on ps4, that could sway a few on the fencers of next gen.
    This would be awesome but I don't think Bamco thinks that far ahead. I don't know who owns the Dark Souls IP, but if it's Bamco, then I'm sure that when they asked From Software to develop Dark Souls and subsequently Dark Souls II, they asked them to sign a no competition clause that would prevent them from developing anything similar that isn't published by them. That would mean Bamco would need to publish the sequel and judging by how they're focusing so much on Dark Souls II and treating it as a AAA game, I doubt they want to do much with it.

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    this builds hype, demon souls 2 listing. no joke, error maybe? Empty Re: this builds hype, demon souls 2 listing. no joke, error maybe?

    Post by Emergence Wed Jul 03, 2013 11:04 am

    Sony owns rights to the Demon's IP. Not Atlus, or Namco who serve only as publishers. It is easily in the realm of possibility for a Demon's 2, especially as a competitor to Dark Souls, and especially if Dark Souls 2 takes a dramatic enough departure to alienate core fans. Right now the Demon's IP lays like a snake in the grass. Could become the deus ex machina after all.

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    this builds hype, demon souls 2 listing. no joke, error maybe? Empty Re: this builds hype, demon souls 2 listing. no joke, error maybe?

    Post by densetsushun Wed Jul 03, 2013 1:32 pm

    Emergence wrote:Sony owns rights to the Demon's IP.  Not Atlus, or Namco who serve only as publishers.  It is easily in the realm of possibility for a Demon's 2, especially as a competitor to Dark Souls, and especially if Dark Souls 2 takes a dramatic enough departure to alienate core fans.  Right now the Demon's IP lays like a snake in the grass.  Could become the deus ex machina after all.
    In that case Namco may not want From to develop a Demon's Souls 2 if they fear it could be a serious competitor.

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    this builds hype, demon souls 2 listing. no joke, error maybe? Empty Re: this builds hype, demon souls 2 listing. no joke, error maybe?

    Post by Emergence Wed Jul 03, 2013 2:31 pm

    That's where it gets murky and why Miyazaki is the wild card in all of this. After all he is not directing Dark 2 and it's presumed that's not necessarily entirely of his own wishes in addition to presumably working on another game.

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    this builds hype, demon souls 2 listing. no joke, error maybe? Empty Re: this builds hype, demon souls 2 listing. no joke, error maybe?

    Post by passivefamiliar Wed Jul 03, 2013 5:37 pm

    wait...did they fire Miyazaki? Im not big into who made what and what name is tagged to what game. But by my understand thats the guy who made souls what it could you NOT want him working for you? I understoof when i thought he choose to do a different project, but if they turned him down. Shame on them. He could really stick it to them then and make a demons 2 that would most likely outsell dark 2. In comparision to not being multiplatform at the very least.

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    this builds hype, demon souls 2 listing. no joke, error maybe? Empty Re: this builds hype, demon souls 2 listing. no joke, error maybe?

    Post by Emergence Wed Jul 03, 2013 9:12 pm

    Really the circumstances behind why he is not the lead director and only supervisor are unclear.  It could be one or the other or a combination of both.  Regardless we know these 2 things: Dark Souls 2 will be a departure from his vision in some way (not necessarily bad) and secondly whatever he is working on will have core Souls elements that we all are familiar with, whether it's Demon's 2 or something brand new altogether.

    Best case scenario? Dark 2 and subsequent Dark games nail it and Miyazaki makes and nails Demon's 2 or something new and we are treated to a golden age in hardcore rpg gaming.
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    this builds hype, demon souls 2 listing. no joke, error maybe? Empty Re: this builds hype, demon souls 2 listing. no joke, error maybe?

    Post by skarekrow13 Wed Jul 03, 2013 9:30 pm

    I posted this in Off Topic and my thoughts were that it would be amazing for Sony owners to have two Souls games. I would possibly never be heard from again
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    this builds hype, demon souls 2 listing. no joke, error maybe? Empty Re: this builds hype, demon souls 2 listing. no joke, error maybe?

    Post by skarekrow13 Thu Jul 04, 2013 9:17 am

    Double post! Because I just reminded myself of a point I wanted to make.

     Demon's Souls recently became a free PS+ game (kinda recent) which I think everyone knew but, could have been put up to drum up interest in the series

     Basically any shred of evidence to get my hopes up I'm clinging to

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    this builds hype, demon souls 2 listing. no joke, error maybe? Empty Re: this builds hype, demon souls 2 listing. no joke, error maybe?

    Post by Emergence Thu Jul 04, 2013 11:11 am

    I don't think despair is in order. I think we will see a Demon's 2. Sony wants it, and that's enough right there to have more than a slim hope for.
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    this builds hype, demon souls 2 listing. no joke, error maybe? Empty Re: this builds hype, demon souls 2 listing. no joke, error maybe?

    Post by skarekrow13 Thu Jul 04, 2013 11:40 am

    So you're saying Sony gets what they want? Well they want my money so if that were true then.......

     Wait. They have lots of my money? Oh yeah

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    this builds hype, demon souls 2 listing. no joke, error maybe? Empty Re: this builds hype, demon souls 2 listing. no joke, error maybe?

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