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    Undead: Comparitive Anatomy


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    Undead: Comparitive Anatomy Empty Undead: Comparitive Anatomy

    Post by Derpwraith Sun Jul 07, 2013 2:12 am

    For a while, I have always wondered about certain things that the undead curse can probably do to the body. The positive and negative changes to the human body once they have been branded with the Darksign.


    Can undead reproduce?

    Can undead die from starvation?

    What exactly does estus do to the undead body?

    Do undead have to urinate and defecate?

    How would you answer these questions?

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    Undead: Comparitive Anatomy Empty Re: Undead: Comparitive Anatomy

    Post by Shkar Sun Jul 07, 2013 2:24 am

    None of those can be answered in any sort of way, but my guesses are as follows:

    No, the undead already have a shortage of souls and humanity; it's likely there wouldn't be enough for a successful pregnancy.

    Doubtful. There are undead in the asylum who are very clearly locked in. I doubt there are enough rats to support them, but it is possible that given enough time, they might eventually die.

    Heals them. If you want more specific, it is probably close to a cauterization or magical healing.

    Probably not. There bodies don't seem too be taking in nourishment, so they would have nothing to expel.
    Chosen Undead
    Chosen Undead

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    Location : New Londo Ruins, Illinois: Living in Tart's torture chamber

    Undead: Comparitive Anatomy Empty Re: Undead: Comparitive Anatomy

    Post by GrinTwist Mon Jul 08, 2013 2:33 am

    Derpwraith wrote:

    Can undead reproduce?

    Can undead die from starvation?

    What exactly does estus do to the undead body?

    Do undead have to urinate and defecate?

    How would you answer these questions?

     There really can't be any real definite answer on this, but I'm bored and want to answer anyway.

    1. Probably not, since they have already died their ability to reproduce has probably gone with their beating heart.

    2. This seems to be answered through some of the hollows we see in New Londo, no. They never seem to die and some hollows, for all we know because of the time distortion, could have been standing or sitting in the same spot for decades never being affected by starvation.

    3. I have no idea on this, it could be used to mend both broken bones and cut wounds though. My guess is that a mix of pyromancy and magic could be involved.

    4. I refer you to answer one, they seem to have lost their ability to do these things once they originally died and turned undead.
    Chosen Undead
    Chosen Undead

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    Age : 27
    Location : Bracing myself for the Winds of Change, being supported by the towering pillars of my friends.

    Undead: Comparitive Anatomy Empty Re: Undead: Comparitive Anatomy

    Post by Encore Mon Jul 08, 2013 2:59 am

    I think Estus is water mixed with ashes of the Bonfire, mixing it with trace amounts of humanity and gives a small amount of restorative abilities.

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