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    Most needed co-op zones/levels?


    Posts : 48
    Reputation : 2
    Join date : 2013-07-01

    Most needed co-op zones/levels? Empty Most needed co-op zones/levels?

    Post by sids__09 Fri Jul 12, 2013 2:25 am

    So I've come to a conclusion recently that I am not -- nor do I particularly want to be -- a guy that can hold up in the PVP game. That's nothing against people who enjoy it; I live in a world of laggy connections, slow thumbs, haphazard 'builds' and ADD-induced gear swapping, which sometimes compels me to go from greatswords and heavy armor to Oolacile magic and backstabbing in a single session. I'm not cut out for Souls PvP, and that's okay. I have a BLAST in co-op, and I enjoy the occasional impromptu invasion all the more, when it's not something I set out to do, and I'm working with a team. That, I can handle.

    So, I'd like to set up a couple of toons (or maybe just one, Idunno) to really focus hardcore on co-op and PvE. Sunbro ****, I guess, basically. What's a good level range to shoot for, where I can reach the most people with the biggest need? Like I imagine basically Sen's Fortress and Anor Londo are probably the most-co-opped places, or.... idunno. I want to save the whole world. What soul level (and/or levels?) should I try to set up?
    Chosen Undead
    Chosen Undead

    Posts : 4185
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    Join date : 2012-07-22
    Location : New Londo Ruins, Illinois: Living in Tart's torture chamber

    Most needed co-op zones/levels? Empty Re: Most needed co-op zones/levels?

    Post by GrinTwist Fri Jul 12, 2013 2:29 am

    Most needed co-op zones/levels? 13231110

    Oh! and this chart isn't limited to sunbros either.

    Have a jolly good time.

    PW, the depths, the township and royal wood (if you have them), and the archives (SL 75 might be a good level for that) are high traffic areas for co-op.

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