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    Black Swordsman build


    Do you like berserk?

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    Black Swordsman build Empty Black Swordsman build

    Post by XDHappyDX Sat Jul 13, 2013 10:01 pm

    Intoducing Guts.
    Well ive been reading Berserk and I thought why not make a Guts build! So here it is, the build is based of Guts after the golden age arc.

    Leave comments below and enjoy the build ^.^

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    Black Swordsman build Empty Re: Black Swordsman build

    Post by SirArchmage Sat Jul 13, 2013 11:45 pm

    Well. There are a few things I'd like to address.

    First off is health. I noticed that you forego other stats to make this build mainly a vitality dump. If you put some points into endurance and out of health, to can put on the Ring of Favor so that you have more health then before, plus more stamina.

    I naturally assume this armor choice is aesthetic. So even though it is I'll advised to have less poise then your own weapon breaks, won't comment much on it.

    Likewise for the tearstone ring.

    If you will be mainly two handing your weapon, put more points into dex instead of strength. You will have more damage. As well as the fact that the greatsword stun locks when two handed, while it does not do this while one handing the sword.

    Instead of fire orb, do fire surge. Great for taking out the last shred of someone's health.

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    Black Swordsman build Empty Re: Black Swordsman build

    Post by Saturday-Saint Sat Jul 13, 2013 11:51 pm

    DBS and no spells is still the only Guts build to me.

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    Black Swordsman build Empty Re: Black Swordsman build

    Post by XDHappyDX Sun Jul 14, 2013 1:20 am

    Thx for the coments
    Tearstone is akin to him going berserk and the pyro is his offhand cannon (cosplay purposes).

    Here is a revised build using fap ring...
    At first I was reluctant to use fap ring but... it does make the build more accurate consideing Guts tendency to soak massive damage.
    Im not to concerned with the break point because after all Guts is a human and i can take atleast two hits from all one handed attacks but the lack of any ability to parry does worry me making this build less viable.
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    Black Swordsman build Empty Re: Black Swordsman build

    Post by Animaaal Sun Jul 14, 2013 1:53 am

    I'm not familiar with Guts, but putting the avelyn or pyrohand in the right hand will allow you to parry with your bare fist.


    And cosplays are awesome.

    kudos to you dude. big grin 

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    Black Swordsman build Empty Re: Black Swordsman build

    Post by XDHappyDX Sun Jul 14, 2013 1:58 am

    Thx the avelyn and pyro glove are on Guts left hand :(so i guess to be real legit I cant parry.

    P.s Cosplays are awesome even gankers bow down to my King Jeremiah build.

     Muahahaha burn in chaos fire!!!
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    Black Swordsman build Empty Re: Black Swordsman build

    Post by Animaaal Sun Jul 14, 2013 2:04 am

    Wow, you're a diehard...I love it.

    If it's any consolation, I had to make a couple exceptions on a Plo Koon Jedi build I had once. Shrug 

    Maybe you should buck the system, sounds like Guts would...sounds like Guts has nuts.

    I couldn't help it xD

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    Black Swordsman build Empty Re: Black Swordsman build

    Post by XDHappyDX Sun Jul 14, 2013 2:10 am

    Cosplaying is only fun when you get all the gimps it's challenging ^.^

    I once tried to emulate a black knights play style in the burg. Ofcourse I got bsed but it was awesome landing the r2's. Ahhh Darksouls why are you so awesome.

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    Black Swordsman build Empty Re: Black Swordsman build

    Post by TheMeInTeam Sun Jul 14, 2013 10:14 pm

    Unless they advanced the manga suddenly quite far beyond where I've read, Gatts never gets magic.  His arm cannon is a 1-shot sneak attack and would best be mirrored by great fireball...but it doesn't make a lot of sense that he has 4.

    The only thing you could easily justify would be power within, symbolizing his state of mind (and the terror he can produce on the battlefield) when get goes into his berserker rage...especially in that armor, which allows him to injure himself but pull more strength out.

    Avelyn works; Gatts runs a repeating crossbow and it's by far the closest thing to it.

    Greatsword only looks like what he used before the first eclipse he encountered.  After that, he got a rather obnoxious sword that has been his icon and one of the most recognizable BFS in anime/manga.  I guess it's acceptable, only because there's nothing in this game that's almost as wide as a person and as tall.

    You could try black knight version though:

    Be sure to carry throwing knives too big grin.

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    Black Swordsman build Empty Re: Black Swordsman build

    Post by xenon_nobelium Mon Jul 15, 2013 9:53 am lvl100 with better stats all over

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    Black Swordsman build Empty Re: Black Swordsman build

    Post by XDHappyDX Wed Jul 17, 2013 2:11 am

    Thx for the tips. @TheMeinTeam further on in the manga he is seen to reload his cannon multiple times in the thick of combat. It is also appropriate to down grade the cannon attack because of his downgraded weapon, kinda like scaling guts down. It just seemed appropriate. The PW idea is awesome though I think ile try it out.

    @Xenon_Noelium That is also viable. Tadaaaa


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    Black Swordsman build Empty Re: Black Swordsman build

    Post by LunarFog Wed Jul 17, 2013 2:17 am

    I don't know anything about guts os although this might work from a roleplay point of view, it won't be very effective in fights.

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    Black Swordsman build Empty Re: Black Swordsman build

    Post by sids__09 Wed Jul 17, 2013 2:19 am

    cosplay yessssss

    Someone needs to give me a second golem axe already. I started on Wolverine, because I need something to do while I wait.

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    Black Swordsman build Empty Re: Black Swordsman build

    Post by TheMeInTeam Wed Jul 17, 2013 4:38 pm

    LunarFog wrote:I don't know anything about guts os although this might work from a roleplay point of view, it won't be very effective in fights.

    If he goes back to the greatsword he can stunlock like any zwei build at least, and with high STR it would hurt like crazy with PW even though it isn't "perfect" scaling.  It would at least be functional.

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    Black Swordsman build Empty Re: Black Swordsman build

    Post by LunarFog Wed Jul 17, 2013 10:03 pm

    As the build is now it's just not very safe.  You'd have to be aggressive to avoid being put in a situation where blocking is necessary, and with only one type of weapon that's slow and  very highly likely to be parried and danced around, he won't be able to hit anyone.  The option of roll-attacking or kick comboing is also out the window because midroll it too slow and the weapon is too slow to hit someone after a kick.  The running attack is vertical and has a very narrow window, and the avelyn makes him a sitting duck if he ever fires it.  Switching to a claymore would help with being able to land hits, but with 15 dex the damage output would be nothing.  And compared with other SL 120s the stats are pretty ineffective.  

    It might be "functional" but it's definitely not good.
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    Black Swordsman build Empty Re: Black Swordsman build

    Post by Serious_Much Wed Jul 17, 2013 10:14 pm

    I love guts, and while cosplays aren't the most viable sometimes, but they're more for fun than anything else.

    But yeah.... This build needs more dragon bone smasher silly

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    Black Swordsman build Empty Re: Black Swordsman build

    Post by XDHappyDX Thu Jul 18, 2013 8:02 am
    Hows that. People can dance all they want but backstabs will be hard, I can just roll into them to cancel the damage; mobility isnt a problem because of high poise and my damage is decent. The only problem not adressed is the moveset of the weapon, but hey live a little. Shrug

    This playing style will have to be less on reflex and more on predicting and planning ahead. Also I have the throwing knifes and black fire bombs to mix things up a little.

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