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2 posters

    PS3, sl55ish -- need Golem axe or Soul


    Posts : 48
    Reputation : 2
    Join date : 2013-07-01

    PS3, sl55ish -- need Golem axe or Soul Empty PS3, sl55ish -- need Golem axe or Soul

    Post by sids__09 Sun Jul 14, 2013 9:06 pm

    Making an Iron Golem Sunbro; need a second axe to finish it off. Presently all I have to trade is humanity or a Soul of Smough.... or of course, co-op services, sexual favors, etc. Let me know, thanks. PSN is same as username, sids__09

    Posts : 48
    Reputation : 2
    Join date : 2013-07-01

    PS3, sl55ish -- need Golem axe or Soul Empty Re: PS3, sl55ish -- need Golem axe or Soul

    Post by sids__09 Mon Jul 15, 2013 4:36 am

    Nudging it up. I should mention I've got toons with pretty much every weapon at my disposal for sharing, so we can make a slightly-complicated deal if necessary... In fact if someone's brave enough to try muling for me again (I wouldn't recommend it, it was kind of a fiasco last time), I can even just slide an axe off one of my other dudes. However you wanna work it. I am your jelly donut.

    Posts : 651
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    Join date : 2012-06-15
    Age : 110
    Location : The Abyss, tending to Kaathe.

    PS3, sl55ish -- need Golem axe or Soul Empty Re: PS3, sl55ish -- need Golem axe or Soul

    Post by Derpwraith Tue Jul 23, 2013 8:16 am

    sids__09 wrote:Nudging it up. I should mention I've got toons with pretty much every weapon at my disposal for sharing, so we can make a slightly-complicated deal if necessary... In fact if someone's brave enough to try muling for me again (I wouldn't recommend it, it was kind of a fiasco last time), I can even just slide an axe off one of my other dudes. However you wanna work it. I am your jelly donut.

    I can give you a maxed out Golem axe and anything else you need for the game, once I give you whatever you need you'll be all set for the game. And all of this will be for free.

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    PS3, sl55ish -- need Golem axe or Soul Empty Re: PS3, sl55ish -- need Golem axe or Soul

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