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    My final form


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    My final form Empty My final form

    Post by Jansports Sun Jul 28, 2013 11:44 pm

    All the spells. All the Killing. A pretty dress.

    This build has honestly been a little too much fun. It doesn't always work, but when it does ohhh boy. I've been getting KJ over 1k consistently and I almost want to try using PW in addition to all this (would curse myself and grab sanctus to extend my active time) But I don't think it plays nice with KJ and I find I win as many fights simply with a WoG tickstab so I wouldn't want to let go of my Dagger.

    Sometimes I drop a WoG for Chameleon and just hide somewhere and Bead OHKO people as they pass by.
    Abyss Dweller
    Abyss Dweller

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    My final form Empty Re: My final form

    Post by Dibsville Sun Jul 28, 2013 11:47 pm

    But why not Painting Guardian Gloves so the sleeves go all the way down instead of those God-awful Antiquated Gloves? :O

    But honestly, that looks like a fun build to play with. Nicely done.

    Shoutouts for Dagger.

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    Age : 33

    My final form Empty Re: My final form

    Post by Devokai Mon Jul 29, 2013 12:18 am

    jan this is pretty much another version of one of my favorite anor/sens griefers except i do 50 faith 16 int and use the darkmoon cat to scale off faith for dark beads, and chameleon :)red tear waffagods + chameleon = win and sometimes fall control if I invade catacombs.

    edit: found it OP jerks ftw big grin-high five-

    Posts : 1612
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    Join date : 2012-07-27

    My final form Empty Re: My final form

    Post by Jansports Mon Jul 29, 2013 5:26 am

    Dibsville wrote:But why not Painting Guardian Gloves so the sleeves go all the way down instead of those God-awful Antiquated Gloves? :O

    But honestly, that looks like a fun build to play with. Nicely done.

    Shoutouts for Dagger.

     That's a good point, for some reason while making the build I thought I only had the weight limit for the lightest gloves in existance, but I could use PG gloves to look a little nicer thanks for the idea.

    Dagger es gud.

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    Age : 29
    Location : Milliontown

    My final form Empty Re: My final form

    Post by Myztyrio Mon Jul 29, 2013 12:03 pm

    I'm basically making the same build, but with vitality and small endurance.

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