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    Advice on balancing a Dex/Int build

    Back Lot Basher
    Back Lot Basher

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    Advice on balancing a Dex/Int build Empty Advice on balancing a Dex/Int build

    Post by Back Lot Basher Wed Jul 31, 2013 6:48 pm

    I have a toon that is currently sitting on 16 Int and 18 Dex.  I have 30 more levels to 55, which is where I want to leave it.  My question is, would I be better taking Dex high and leaving Int where it is, and using the Great Magic Weapon.  Or do you think it's better to take Int high enough to use Crystal Magic Weapon, and leaving Dex a bit lower?

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    Advice on balancing a Dex/Int build Empty Re: Advice on balancing a Dex/Int build

    Post by Jansports Thu Aug 01, 2013 1:00 am

    I'd take the Dex up enough so that it's scaling makes weapons better than their elemental counter parts. At 25 you also get access to the tracers so it's not a bad spot to stop. 16Int is pretty ideal for mid level spellswords, GMW with the ivory catalyst and if you want you can also use Bead at 16int and with Crown it's not terrible damage.
    Back Lot Basher
    Back Lot Basher

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    Advice on balancing a Dex/Int build Empty Re: Advice on balancing a Dex/Int build

    Post by Back Lot Basher Thu Aug 01, 2013 10:16 am

    So, 25 Dex would leave me with 23 levels remaining.  Split those between Vit and End, you think?

    I've never used the Ivory catalyst.  Is it good for low level magic use?

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    Advice on balancing a Dex/Int build Empty Re: Advice on balancing a Dex/Int build

    Post by Jansports Thu Aug 01, 2013 6:53 pm

    The Ivory Catalyst has a static 180 magic adjust, which the other catalysts wont pass up until around 30Int. So if you stick to 16 for Great Magic Weapon and Dark Bead then the strongest catalyst for you to use will be the Oolicile Ivory Catalyst(OiC for short)

    Splitting the rest of your points between Vit and End would be best, but a dead even split might not be best. Figure out what armor you want to use then get just enough End to wear it with your weapon(s) of choice, then put the rest into Vitality
    Compulsory Poster
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    Advice on balancing a Dex/Int build Empty Re: Advice on balancing a Dex/Int build

    Post by Animaaal Thu Aug 01, 2013 7:00 pm

    What Jans said.


    And don't forget to hit the thanks button on Jans. Bow 

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    Advice on balancing a Dex/Int build Empty Re: Advice on balancing a Dex/Int build

    Post by Sneezer Thu Aug 01, 2013 9:49 pm

    An SL55 dex/int? GMB and chameleon are your only real advantages (well, I guess there's always dark bead.) Personally, I don't think it's dex/int really gives you an advantage until SL100 due to your lack of options and the amount of cutbacks you have to make in Vit and Endurance, but it's your choice.

    If you post the mugen build, it'd make suggestions easier to make for you, so that'd help.

    This is what I'd say to do based off your stats and the like. 
    Putting on the Crown of Dusk wouldn't be a bad idea, boost the spell damage to compensate for your low int.

    Over 1100 vit, 54 poise, over 250 base armor rating, this would do you fairly well.
    Back Lot Basher
    Back Lot Basher

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    Advice on balancing a Dex/Int build Empty Re: Advice on balancing a Dex/Int build

    Post by Back Lot Basher Thu Aug 08, 2013 2:49 pm

    Jansports wrote:The Ivory Catalyst has a static 180 magic adjust, which the other catalysts wont pass up until around 30Int. So if you stick to 16 for Great Magic Weapon and Dark Bead then the strongest catalyst for you to use will be the Oolicile Ivory Catalyst(OiC for short)

    Splitting the rest of your points between Vit and End would be best, but a dead even split might not be best. Figure out what armor you want to use then get just enough End to wear it with your weapon(s) of choice, then put the rest into Vitality
     Right.  I'm an idiot.  I forgot that's what the Oolacile one was called.

    Thanks for all the advice.  I'm going to work on getting this one done.

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