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    car break in rant...


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    car break in rant... Empty car break in rant...

    Post by passivefamiliar Thu Aug 01, 2013 11:15 pm

    so last night my wife came home, tells me my car door was ajar and the light was on. she shut it and thought i left it open. stupid us, didnt think someone broke into it. my faith in humanity has now dropped a peg. her and i both initially thought i'd just had a slip of the mind, not that some scumbag broke into my car.

    but thats what happened. the pathetic soul took: loose change, maybe 2 or 3 bucks, tops. a flashlight. a pocketknife. 2 pairs of sunglasses (one was very broken and fell apart alot, i'd been meaning to throw them away anyway) a partial roll of duct tape. and, the only real valuable thing a lockpick set i kept for emergencies. (really, you'd be surprised nothing illegal) doubt the person even knows how to pick a lock with them, but they were expensive. and gum, a almost empty pack of gum.

    im not horribly upset, they didnt trash my car or destroy anything. but i feel, violated. i went out and staked my car out today. not sure what i wouldve done if the guy came back. probably shot him to be honest...ashamed to admit but most likely. 

    but i just wonder. how sad of a life this person must live, if they stole such petty things. they obviously didnt spend long in the car, left the door ajar even when they left. there was other things they could have taken but didnt. i wonder if they are living a better life now...because of 3 bucks, a flashlight a knife and some lockpicks and shades. what a world we live in. im leaving a note on my car tomorrow, saying that "the gum was laced with poison because my car had been broken into before. have a nice life, the affects take a few days to kick in if you want a antidote leave your contact info and call the police"

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    car break in rant... Empty Re: car break in rant...

    Post by KrazykevS10 Thu Aug 01, 2013 11:25 pm

    I know how you feel.I had a break in at my house when I was out,when I found out I was beyond furious.I almost punched straight through a solid oak door,my fist bled from it.Don't worry about wanting to shoot him,somebody came and stole your belongings,it's a normal reaction to be angry.
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    car break in rant... Empty Re: car break in rant...

    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Thu Aug 01, 2013 11:30 pm

    It was probably young neighborhood punks, y'know, at least that's who it was when my car was "stolen" and taken on a joyride the next street over. Seriously, that's all they did, they made a bit of a mess of the car's interior, it was a rainy night IIRC so that was unfortunate for me, I had to clean my car. Other than that, the geniuses managed to leave behind a couple of their crappy 50 Cent CDs and that was that. Small headache that I could have done without but not the end of the world.

    Honestly, no one deserves to die for just breaking into a car; community service, a fine, or even jail time is more than enough. A death sentence is far too harsh.

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    car break in rant... Empty Re: car break in rant...

    Post by KrazykevS10 Thu Aug 01, 2013 11:34 pm

    We can still dream of revenge though. biggrin

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    car break in rant... Empty Re: car break in rant...

    Post by PaPaSmVrf Fri Aug 02, 2013 4:29 am

    I could use a lockpick set, took 2 hrs to break into my own car because silly me left the keys inside. And there was NO WAY I was gonna call the rents at 2 in the morning to bring the spare set when i was 30 mins from home.

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    car break in rant... Empty Re: car break in rant...

    Post by twigsterxd Fri Aug 02, 2013 6:36 am

    drug addicts grab anything they think they can sell. Most people who break into cars do a smash and grab. Unless it was personal, they never destroy the car. They break in, take wut they want and leave before they get caught. It sucks. My car was broke into 3 yrs ago by the same guy twice. Only reason he got caught was I happened to wake up in middle of the night, went for a cig and caught him. Beat the holy hell outta him before calling cops and found out he'd broken into many cars on the street. Not sure why he hit me twice. I never leave anything of value in it. Guess he forgot he'd been there before.

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    car break in rant... Empty Re: car break in rant...

    Post by crbngville2 Fri Aug 02, 2013 7:48 am

    Crackhead or meth addict. Flip a coin. Sorry, you got jacked. I have had it happen too. The feeling of violation is way worse than what was lost.

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    car break in rant... Empty Re: car break in rant...

    Post by passivefamiliar Fri Aug 02, 2013 10:16 am

    WhatDoesthePendantDo? wrote:
    Honestly, no one deserves to die for just breaking into a car; community service, a fine, or even jail time is more than enough. A death sentence is far too harsh.

     well, I say it in the anger of the moment. although when iI went back out to my car I did have my gun. But that's not actual intent, I have my CCW and carry everywhere I can legally anyway. But, had someone been there breaking in again I would of course draw on the person but only fire if needed.

    but you bring up another issue. Punishment. Which is difficult. Because imI'm not sure any of it works, criminals get away with ala lot. I think punishment should be a lot more strict. A death sentence for breaking.into.  1 Car, ya a bit harsh. But repeated offenses...not so harsh.

    and  crbngville2 stated my thoughts and feelings exactly. That the violated feeling, the insecure doubt is far worse than anything they could have stolen. and I honestly feel bad for the person, how desperate and pathetic of a life they must be living. But if I find them, I won't be very kind.
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    car break in rant... Empty Re: car break in rant...

    Post by PlasticandRage Fri Aug 02, 2013 3:21 pm

    Nothing quite like that feeling of being violated. I had someone break into one of my old apartments while I was at work once, and I've never felt so violated in my life. They also didn't make off with much, a big full cd case, a VCR/DVD combo, a big five gallon container of change, and a few odds and ends. What really killed me about it was that my little 22 year old girl friend at the time was upstairs asleep in my room the whole time. I worked nights at that time, and it must have happened between around 1 when I was home on break and around 6 when I got home. They could've done anything to her and she probably wouldn't have been able to stop them. She weighed all of probably 100 pounds soaking wet and was sound asleep. It was that more than anything that bothered me. Made me feel really helpless like I couldn't protect her, which we all as men know is a subconscious thing we need to be able to feel like we can do. Just have to accept that some people are scumbags.

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    car break in rant... Empty Re: car break in rant...

    Post by MosquitoPower Fri Aug 02, 2013 4:16 pm

    Someone stole my mothers iPod right out of the car in the middle of the day in the city. Luckaly she wanted to get a bigger one anyway and had the backup of the music on the computer.
    Luckily the thief did not see my Nintendo DS behind the seat whew 
    (or maybe the thief did and knew it was not worth the effort of trying to sell it...)

    I mostly live in very remote area of Alaska and there is a strange collection of views of thieves/stealing.

    One of our neighbors (42 miles away) would do anything he could to help out a stranger in trouble. But he would not think twice about shooting someone taking his stuff. Which goes to show it may be better to knock and ask for money than to break in and steal it.

    Then there is another group of people in that same area that believe that stealing is a "means to survive". I was never able to understand what that was all about and tended to avoid them like the plague, but my cousin ran with them for a while and he was just like:
    "Yeah they steal, but that is just the way they are"
    Look Skyward 

    For the most part once you get out far enough into the woods people respect (fear) people enough not to steal stuff... but this year someone stole 100 gallons of gas from this one guys mining site. Just the world we live it I guess.

    Got to have lots of locks  =(

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    car break in rant... Empty Re: car break in rant...

    Post by KrazykevS10 Fri Aug 02, 2013 4:23 pm

    I wouldn't think twice if I caught somebody in my house.I'd stab them straight through the throat and lung and call the ambulance when they stop gagging on the blood.I don't expect anyone to agree with such an extreme response but people here do have a reputation for assaulting people during a robbery so I will take no chances.You want money? Get a job or at least rob a business rather than someone's home. I could have a tiny bit of respect for a more professional thief but most are violent idiots anyway.

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    car break in rant... Empty Re: car break in rant...

    Post by passivefamiliar Fri Aug 02, 2013 5:35 pm

    KrazykevS10 wrote:I wouldn't think twice if I caught somebody in my house.I'd stab them straight through the throat and lung and call the ambulance when they stop gagging on the blood.I don't expect anyone to agree with such an extreme response but people here do have a reputation for assaulting people during a robbery so I will take no chances.You want money? Get a job or at least rob a business rather than someone's home. I could have a tiny bit of respect for a more professional thief but most are violent idiots anyway.

     im on your side of the thought process. If someone is in my place, and shouldn't be I'm shooting, twice. And not calling the cops till they stop breathing.
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    car break in rant... Empty Re: car break in rant...

    Post by PlasticandRage Fri Aug 02, 2013 5:46 pm

    I couldn't agree more. That's why those laws have been in place for such a long time. If you catch someone breaking onto your property like that you can respond with whatever force you deem necessary to protect yourself. As far as I'm concerned if someone is breaking into my place they should consider that the price could be their life taken completely free of consequences. I'm not a big gun guy, but I am a gun owner, and I can promise that if anyone decided they wanted to break in here at night and I became alerted to their presence they would get their damn head blown off. I like to think with things like this it only takes me one time to learn my lesson and be prepared for it to not happen again, and that's exactly what happened. It's not ever going to happen again.

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    car break in rant... Empty Re: car break in rant...

    Post by KrazykevS10 Fri Aug 02, 2013 5:54 pm

    For anyone looking in on the thread that may get the wrong idea,I don't think any of us condone murder. We are just very protective of our homes and the feeling from being robbed is undescribably unpleasant.None of us will let it happen again as it is our home,where we and our families live. We have the right to defend our homes and possessions.
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    car break in rant... Empty Re: car break in rant...

    Post by PlasticandRage Fri Aug 02, 2013 6:08 pm

    I can't even imagine how much worse the feeling would be if I'd had children. I'm sure I'd have gone ballistic, with the combined parental protective instinct and that same feeling of violation.

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    car break in rant... Empty Re: car break in rant...

    Post by MosquitoPower Fri Aug 02, 2013 8:57 pm

    The house is our castle...and all the rules change when there are invaders in the castle.

    I knew a retired State Trooper for many years. His take on home invaders:
    -Identify target.

    But on the flip side, I always worried about the idea of missing and hitting someone else because I don't use a firearm that often.
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    car break in rant... Empty Re: car break in rant...

    Post by PlasticandRage Fri Aug 02, 2013 9:11 pm

    The whole identify target bit is awfully important as well. It's easy to get all worked up when you're in a situation like that, and a concern I've always had in that regard, as a gun owner, is that I could end up shooting someone whose not there to rob me. I have faith that I wouldn't bring it out for that reason unless I absolutely knew I'd need it for something though. As of now that's never happened. I do some target shooting every summer just for fun and to keep myself sharp with it, but thankfully that's all I've used it for.

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