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Bassman Bob
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    Just an idea I had


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    Just an idea I had Empty Just an idea I had

    Post by IHateTheFourKings Fri Aug 02, 2013 2:33 pm

    I recently watched a let's play of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, and I thought it would be really cool to see a "Cave of Ordeals"-like gauntlet in a Dark Souls

    I'm sure From is too far along in the production of Dark Souls II at this point to add such a thing if it doesn't already exist, but I think it would be really cool as part of a DLC or possibly in a third game.

    There would be lots of enemies of increasing difficulty as you descend, and perhaps even some bosses unique to it every ten or so floors. There would also be no bonfire except for in the very beginning and at the end.

    So how does my idea sound? I'm interested in hearing others' opinions on how such a thing could be implemented, as well as a potential prize or prizes for completing it.
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    Just an idea I had Empty Re: Just an idea I had

    Post by Bassman Bob Fri Aug 02, 2013 5:51 pm

    Seems like it's be pretty kickass. Especially if you get some sort of important lore stuff when you cemplete it. A very "Souls" idea.

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    Post by DanTastic Sun Aug 04, 2013 5:04 am

    I'd be up for it.  Devil May Cry 2 had a mode similar to what you're describing and it was far and away my favorite part of the game.

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    Post by twigsterxd Sun Aug 04, 2013 10:10 am

    Actually, that would be cool. Especially if it was done 1 of 2 ways.
    1. You fight certain enemies at different levels, (much like Zelda's), And it gets harder as you progress.
    You have PvP matches and can't progress unless you win.
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    Post by Reaperfan Sun Aug 04, 2013 10:17 am

    twigsterxd wrote:Actually, that would be cool. Especially if it was done 1 of 2 ways.
    1. You fight certain enemies at different levels, (much like Zelda's), And it gets harder as you progress.
    You have PvP matches and can't progress unless you win.

    Why not both? We already know we're getting a PvE/PvP combo boss fight in the Mirror Knight. Whose to say you couldn't make it so the enemy on a level is "an invader" and on later levels you have "X enemies/boss and an invader."

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    Post by ResIsBestStat Sun Aug 04, 2013 10:23 am

    I would also like something like a time-attack mode where bosses that you have killed are summoned to fight you but they have more HP, defenses and deal more damage, at the end you would fight a secret boss which has no time limit but is the hardest boss in the game.

    I also think Reaper's idea is a good one.

    p.s internet cafe is too leet

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    Just an idea I had Empty Re: Just an idea I had

    Post by twigsterxd Sun Aug 04, 2013 10:29 am

    So you mean something like, with zelda, you have to clear 10 areas to either continue or stop. So clear 9 areas of mobs and the 10th is PvP?
    I like it but my comment was written wrong. I meant it as in you choose either/or.

    Reason you get to choose is you could be stuck there ALL day waiting for a fight. If you choose PvP matches, could you get help before you fight? Do you only get to solo them?
    I do like this idea. We need more options to make it useable.
    Don't forget how dead the arena is these days.
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    Post by Reaperfan Sun Aug 04, 2013 10:36 am

    twigsterxd wrote:So you mean something like, with zelda, you have to clear 10 areas to either continue or stop. So clear 9 areas of mobs and the 10th is PvP?
    I like it but my comment was written wrong. I meant it as in you choose either/or.

    Reason you get to choose is you could be stuck there ALL day waiting for a fight. If you choose PvP matches, could you get help before you fight? Do you only get to solo them?
    I do like this idea. We need more options to make it useable.
    Don't forget how dead the arena is these days.

    I guess I'd expect it to be handled more like the Old Monk fight. Certain floors would have "an invader" as an enemy listed on them, and the game would start checking for invaders 5-10 floors beforehand (depending on how long the fights are expected to last). If no invaders were found by the time the player got to the actual floor where the invader was supposed to be, they'd have a Black Phantom NPC or randomly generated Black Phantom spawn instead.

    It would make those individual encounters much easier, but both this and your suggestions make it into an "opt in or out" scenario on if you want to be invaded and PvP by choosing to take the dungeon on while on or offline. The "Old Monk" style situation just makes things alot less random.

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    Just an idea I had Empty Re: Just an idea I had

    Post by IHateTheFourKings Sun Aug 04, 2013 3:15 pm

    Haha, I hadn't even considered PvP when I wrote this. I'm a strictly PvE player, but I wouldn't mind if PvP was incorporated as long as it wouldn't feel incomplete without it. That said, I like Reaper's idea.

    As for the reward(s), any ideas? Or just any more ideas in general?
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    Post by Serious_Much Sun Aug 04, 2013 3:28 pm

    Would be a great idea, but it would need to be a few things:

    The balance of it would need to be done well. They couldn't drop the difficulty of enemies and bosses so that people could do it. It would need to be a hardcore challenge for the most avid souls player.

    I think personally they would have to remove the online component for those areas, since it is just a pve challenge. Have it just like the arena- completely separate from the main game.

    Other than those points, this would be epic. I'd love it... Though if you got 20 estus, 99 humanity, casts after each boss (heal/great heal) etc it could become kinda easy
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    Post by Sentiel Sun Aug 04, 2013 3:30 pm

    Love the idea. Sounds amazing imho.

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    Post by twigsterxd Sun Aug 04, 2013 7:26 pm

    IHateTheFourKings wrote:Haha, I hadn't even considered PvP when I wrote this. I'm a strictly PvE player, but I wouldn't mind if PvP was incorporated as long as it wouldn't feel incomplete without it. That said, I like Reaper's idea.

    As for the reward(s), any ideas? Or just any more ideas in general?

    I haven't played Twilight in a while but I do remember that after every 10 areas, you'd get to go or continue. The gauntlet in wind waker, gave you goodies after every 10 areas.Depending on which gauntlet scenario, you could pick certain items up along the way, or once completed, you would get boss soul from final battle and/or a slab. But I'm thinking red, white or blue slab. Mainly 1 you would need to get as it's not available anywhere else. That way it forces us to run the gauntlet so it doesn't die like the arena in dlc.

    @Sent - if done like zelda games, you heal every 10 areas. So if you used your estus by round 9, you better not die in 10 lol

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    Post by IHateTheFourKings Sun Aug 04, 2013 7:37 pm

    I really like the idea of getting a boss soul from the boss at the end as a reward. Maybe it could be used to make a weapon from any class in order to make it worthwhile for all types of players.

    Either that, or a unique ring of some kind would be a good reward, in my opinion.
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    Post by Sentiel Sun Aug 04, 2013 7:43 pm

    Not sure if I like having PvP in there, but so far, the idea sounds great. Screw healing. Bonfire every 10 rounds/floors sounds reasonable. Be it in DkS, the place would be a cakewalk, because we can stock up on 99 Humanity fairly quickly.
    There's no details so far, but let's say we could farm and stock up on those Soul Gems that heal you in DkS 2. The same would happen. So I'd give the place Arena rules. No healing except for Miracles.

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