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    No HUD Playthrough.


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    No HUD Playthrough. Empty No HUD Playthrough.

    Post by Frostacar Mon Aug 19, 2013 6:42 pm

    Midway through my 5th play through of my first character I hit a wall and was on nd off the play through for about a year now. Recently though I turned off the HUD and I found PVE was a whole different challenge now. 

    Though I am using an higher then necessary character (SL 240) I still finding it quite challenging, Not knowing where your health or stamina bar at all times, Not remembering the order of your spells or weapons. Having to under compensate gear and magic to figure things out and not knowing your enemies health bar and the damage they're receiving. This goes also for bosses.

    Also the game feels way more cinematic as well. I find myself watching my attackers more often then my health bar and HUD info and ore on the details of the creatures and move patterns. Granted I've overplayed the game and know where most enemy locations are and nothing can really surprise me but I feel way more suspense when I get hit or when I his something and they keep getting up for more

    I'm hoping by my 7th play through the game becomes even ore challenging with added damage and health to most enemies and also thinking of throwing on my calamity ring for even more of a challenge.

    Anyone else play with the HUD off or thinking about adding a bit more difficulty for your PVE experience?

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    No HUD Playthrough. Empty Re: No HUD Playthrough.

    Post by SadPanda Mon Aug 19, 2013 7:12 pm

    It isn't really hard. If you've played the game as long as I have, you rarely look at the bars. The only problem I see is O&S since you would have to be especially cautious.

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    No HUD Playthrough. Empty Re: No HUD Playthrough.

    Post by StiffNipples Mon Aug 19, 2013 8:01 pm

    A couple of months ago I started playing PvE and PvP with the HUD off, I love it.  
    Tips: Quality is best, if you do have spells I've found 3 is managable, anything after that gets wonky. Don't combine pyros/sorceries/miracles though, you'll just get the head scratch gesture.

    I only equip one or two items in my quick use bar, it's usually just Green Blossom (I tend to play fat roll strength characters lately). I use "start-X-X" for Estus, and "start-X-Triangle" for checking HP.

    Re-arrange your item list so that you have the things you need in easy to get places. So if you use Resins lots, don't leave them in the middle where you have to scroll to get them, put them at the bottom with humanities. Move the Dark Sign up so that "start-up-X" is use humanity, and "start-up-up-X" is use Resin. That sort of thing. Same for weapon menu swapping.

    Managing stamina is the hardest bit, but once you work out how many rolls/swings you can do you just start subconciously keeping count.
    Zero LeStrange
    Zero LeStrange

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    No HUD Playthrough. Empty Re: No HUD Playthrough.

    Post by Zero LeStrange Tue Aug 20, 2013 9:32 am

    Sounds like fun. The only worry is remembering how many hits you can take before Flasking. Because really, with no animations(minus BTSR/RTSR)whatsoever to tell you if you have low health. It's hard to tell.

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    No HUD Playthrough. Empty Re: No HUD Playthrough.

    Post by StiffNipples Tue Aug 20, 2013 9:35 am

    RTS is useful. Counter hits are what messes you up.
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    No HUD Playthrough. Empty Re: No HUD Playthrough.

    Post by GrinTwist Tue Aug 20, 2013 10:33 am

    Yes, I've done it twice. One with just the HUD disabled (it was a bit of a pain but manageable) and then the second time where the HUD was disabled and I limited myself with weapon upgrades and a few other things.

    It's not all to hard, I normally keep my vitality at 25 for each build so I normally have an idea of when to flask and when not to flask. I don't use spells often though, so you might have a bit more trouble with it then I did.

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    No HUD Playthrough. Empty Re: No HUD Playthrough.

    Post by twigsterxd Tue Aug 20, 2013 10:34 am

    I just tried that in Demons and WOW what a nitemare lol
    Just happy I had clever rats ring on. Don't think I'd wanna try it in Dark. I'm not as good at it as I am Demons. Don't get me wrong, it was fun, but without that ring, I'd die lol

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