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    The Darksign


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    The Darksign Empty The Darksign

    Post by Valanor Wed Aug 28, 2013 10:40 am


    I've been trying to find out more about the Darksign the Undead are brandmarked with.I couldn't really find some useful facts on the internet,so I suppose that the darksign is a thing nobody knows how they got it.Now I'm wondering: are you born with the darksign or can you still get it later in your human life?

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    The Darksign Empty Re: The Darksign

    Post by Hart Wed Aug 28, 2013 11:17 am

    These are a few threads discussing the Dark Signs origin/lore/placement on the body etc.

    Most info is speculation based on observations and general trends in the in-game lore, so unfortunately I really doubt you'll find a definative answer.

    Also those links aren't a suggestion to move discussion to one of them, just some resources you might be interested in/haven't come across yet.

    I've got nothing to add on topic lol, but I'll be lurking this thread to see what ideas you guys have about it silly
    Chosen Undead
    Chosen Undead

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    The Darksign Empty Re: The Darksign

    Post by GrinTwist Wed Aug 28, 2013 1:15 pm

    The Darksign signifies an accursed Undead. Those branded with it are reborn after death, but will one day lose their mind and go hollow.
    Death triggers the Darksign, which returns its bearer to the last bonfire rested at, but at the cost of all humanity and souls.
    ~Darksign's description

    I'm a little mixed on whether or not the darksign is there from the very beginning of birth. It clearly states that those branded with the darksign are undead but I have no exact answer as to when and how they are branded. My thoughts are that they are branded shortly after their original death, once that happens they are seen as an actual undead.

    Now as for the location, I'd check out the threads Hart already linked they'll help. I believe though that the darksign itself is located within the undead, a lot of people have speculated that the darksign is in the eyes of the undead, I haven't seen it on any of my actual characters though.

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    The Darksign Empty Re: The Darksign

    Post by Wintercatalyst Sat Sep 07, 2013 10:32 am

    The Darksign I assume happens on the inception of death. We can compare it to the nexial binding in Demon's Souls.

    It does not affect everybody. Only those unfortunate enough to get it. When you get the darksign you can no longer retain that humanity that made you look so human and nice, same with souls, but your in a kind of limbo in which you can still have some just not keep them when you die (thus letting you die) instead you are cursed to recollect and assemble your human form in a desperate struggle to prevent the second stage. 


    I am in the same boat with GrinTwist on the location, since the darksign is not anywhere visible on the hollow I would say it is actually on its heart (hence that weird thingy on the heart area)

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    The Darksign Empty Re: The Darksign

    Post by DemonDrink Sun Sep 15, 2013 3:30 am

    Just a small thought, Gwynevere uses the phrase "undead sacrifices" so I have to wonder if undeath is a sort of tool used by the lords somehow. I thought of this while looking at the darksign more symbolically, that the image of the darksign somehow describes the purpose of the undead.

    The Darksign Tumblr_inline_mnndnbJmF01qz4rgp
    A ring of fire encircling unbroken darkness

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    The Darksign Empty Re: The Darksign

    Post by Wintercatalyst Sun Sep 15, 2013 3:54 am

    maybe it is possible to force the darksign upon someone, this 'sacrifce' now lets bonfires be kindle prolonging the age of fire. Gwynevere being the illusion of Gywndolin expresses what he wants to do. As for what it looks like, you could take it as the eternal loop of dying. It may have been an unfortunate consequence of linking bonfires and all inside this link of bonfires would possibly contract the curse.

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