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hey its andres
6 posters

    The Dream Journal.

    hey its andres
    hey its andres

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    The Dream Journal. Empty The Dream Journal.

    Post by hey its andres Wed Sep 04, 2013 7:52 pm

    Post your most interesting dreams here. Obviously due to the nature of human psychology and the rules of this forum please try to keep explicit things to a minimal or describe them in an "appropriate" way. I'l start with an old one.
    (I write my dreams in the present tense to help me remember them)

    I am in the middle of the ocean. The water is a simple blue. There are no waves and the surface of the water is still like glass. Within a medium sized radius are numerous islands. These islands are very small, being around the size of a large building, and are all shaped like hills covered in grass. On top of these hills are houses, a radio tower, a wall with houses hanging off of it, and a small garage for little boats. Some of the hills are large enough to hold multiple buildings while others have a single house. The sky is a bright, deep blue that is lined with small wispy clouds. The horizon, however, seems darker with a storm brewing above it. In this small community I am not alone, and although I do not actually know these people in reality, they feel familiar and warm to me. We stand on sidewalk on one of the hills ( there are only several of us). Suddenly, we see a lone ship approaching our community. Despite our hopes that it will merely pass by, it heads straight in our direction. As it approaches I notice that it is an old wooden ship. It looks rather strange on the deck though because it has a large wooden dome that looks much like a modern observatory. The dome is decorated by colorful patterns and reminds me of an onion dome in Russian architecture. The crew of the ship makes it onto one of the islands and starts unloading filming equipment. As I look back on the ship I realize that I have seen the ship in a previous dream and wonder if it is the same one. All of the inhabitants of the islands have hidden and the crew keeps trying to film me as I walk away in anger.

    Now it's your turn.

    Editing this so more people see this. If you're new to lucid dreaming or don't understand what it is this is the guy who proved it to the scientific community:

    Last edited by hey its andres on Thu Sep 05, 2013 12:53 pm; edited 1 time in total
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    The Dream Journal. Empty Re: The Dream Journal.

    Post by Latitoast Wed Sep 04, 2013 8:26 pm

    Oh boy

    Well, one time I was in a stereotypical desert city, but it wasn't hot. I was walking around when all of a sudden, robots attacked. One of my school's biggest jerk teachers proceeded to pop out of nowhere and arrest me for no real reason. After she attempts to arrest me I transformed into Ezreal from LoL, and blast her with my gauntlet. I then proceed to fight off robots with magic, turning all of them into nothing. I then proceed to fly to the robot overlord's HQ, how I knew it's location is a mystery. I then proceeded to have a fight with the robot overlord, who looked strangely like Full Metal Rammus, however my magic proved ineffective against his magic shield. Then I dropped him into a random metal grinder conveniently located in his HQ saving the world from robot overlords.

    Then I woke up.

    The inner machinations of my mind are an enigma.
    hey its andres
    hey its andres

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    The Dream Journal. Empty Re: The Dream Journal.

    Post by hey its andres Wed Sep 04, 2013 8:49 pm

    Thank you Patrick lol! 

    And Lucid Dreams are just as appreciated!
    Duke's Archivist
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    The Dream Journal. Empty Re: The Dream Journal.

    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Wed Sep 04, 2013 10:46 pm

    I don't dream much these days but I did when I was younger and this is a recurring one from my youth:

    It starts with me finding myself in a crowded cityscape, people all around me, going about their business in an unsettling rush. I try to tap someone on the shoulder and say, "Excuse me?" - no response; I try a couple more times with the same lackluster result, then I begin to panic and I begin to shout there is still no answer when - suddenly - a sinister clown appears (a devilish mix between Sweet Tooth and It) and it scares me, I begin to run away, sweat coming down in bucketfuls and the old heart rate increased. I take off and the clown gives chase, I soon learn that I have superhuman powers (they are only limited to super speed and super jump), to my dismay, so does the clown so he has no problems keeping pace. Soon enough, the chase inevitably makes its way to the skyscrapers (as it always seemed to do) and we keep this cat and mouse game for a while until either I lose focus for a second and trip myself on something and get send down falling or the clown corners me and I jump. As I'm falling I scream and scream but nothing happens and I wake up short of breath, always before hitting the ground.

    straight face 

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    The Dream Journal. Empty Re: The Dream Journal.

    Post by bunnywink Thu Sep 05, 2013 1:32 am

    I always have dreams about being late. I'm not sure why? Last night I dreamed about being late for some sort of Shakespeare play. Apparently I had spend $290 dream dollars on a pair of tickets. I ended up missing it completely. A week ago, I would keep dreaming about being late for a fashion show - which was a real event, so I can somewhat understand why I'd feel anxious about it... But I don't have any plans to see a play anytime soon. These dreams always make me so anxious.
    hey its andres
    hey its andres

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    The Dream Journal. Empty Re: The Dream Journal.

    Post by hey its andres Thu Sep 05, 2013 2:20 am

    Maybe some subconscious anxiety causes the dream, which in turn causes you to consciously feel anxious?

    And Pendant...that's kind of scary. I've had recurring nightmares as a kid as well and I totally know where you're coming from.

    Actually, just a year ago plane crashes were a huge recurring dream symbol. Sometimes I was in them and other times I watched them fall from the ground. Sometimes they were fiery and explosive while other times they were quiet and magnificent. After a few months they stopped and I haven't had them since.
    Zeta Prime
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    The Dream Journal. Empty Re: The Dream Journal.

    Post by Zeta Prime Thu Sep 05, 2013 2:39 am

    I'm running away. I can't Remember why but I'm running. I find my way into a parking lot and decide I need to steal a car. I can feel myself getting more worried by the second so I quickly start the car and drive as fast as I can to the highway. Alas it wasn't a normal highway, it was shaped more like a rollercoaster than anything.. although still made of paved roads. It's at this point that my dream self remembers that I am somewhat afraid of driving. At that point I notice I'm driving in the wrong lane and I've got younger siblings in the car with me. I Panic and I have to swerve the car away from oncoming traffic so I don't hurt anyone else. Just like right before most dreams end im about to get what's coming to me.

    Then I wake up and my hearts all poundy and stuffs tongue

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    The Dream Journal. Empty Re: The Dream Journal.

    Post by WaffleGuy Thu Sep 05, 2013 10:24 am

    Time to share my worst nightmare so far. The discussion in the chat about dreams was fun though silly 

    I'll point out that this was the most realistic dream I ever had. I could feel everything, and it was in 1st person view:

    So it appears me and my brother, along with some random people are swimming is some kind of fast river. Somehow I know it's a public attraction. People are screaming and laughing as they go towards the waterfall, and I get nervous too. My brother seems stocked, although he doesn't like heights.
    We fall down, and scream out lungs out. The fall itself into the lake below was not as bad as I thought. Falling from that height means we fall deep down into the lake. It takes a couple of seconds before I resurface. Lots of people do the same thing, but I can't see my brother.
    I try to look underwater, but I don't see very well. After a minute, I get out of the lake. There's a man standing near me. I ask if he's seen my brother. He says he's been watching for a while, but hasn't seen him.
    I start to panic. I dive into the lake again. Swim around as fast as I can, but I can't find him anywhere. The lake is empty by now. Where did all those people go?
    I get out of the water and start running. I'm completely exhausted, but I don't care. I finally catch up to a man. I'm literally screaming at him to help me. The man doesn't even look at me. People are slowly walking away, but don't acknowledge I even exist, it appears. 
    I'm screaming my lungs out. My brother is dying. I don't know what to do. I start running, away from the lake, looking for help. No one even reacts to it. 

    I woke up after what seemed like 10 minutes of running. I had a fever and it was raining really hard outside. I couldn't stop crying for almost half an hour. :/
    hey its andres
    hey its andres

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    The Dream Journal. Empty Re: The Dream Journal.

    Post by hey its andres Thu Sep 05, 2013 12:48 pm

    There is somewhat of a "Reality Shift" sometimes when you wake up. I guess some of these are "harsh reality shifts" in that you go from the dream reality to the, well, real reality. Since it's so abrupt, there are often lingering emotions mostly sadness and fear but also happiness as well. I've had dreams where I wake up smiling because I experienced such a euphoric sensation such as riding on a dragon/bird and flying so high up that day turns into night and I can see all the stars.

    Here are somethings I've pretty much confirmed about dreams and their logic:

    1)Fear is one of the greatest ways to control dreams. I tested this in one of my first lucid dreams. If you trick yourself into fearing the apparition of a phantom girl, then a phantom girl will appear beside you. If you fear getting grabbed from behind, an invisible force will grab you backwards. All you have to do is trick yourself into fearing something to make it appear. If you "fear" being able to fly to the moon where a colony of naked women await you, then it will happen. It's an interesting form of control.
    Zeta Prime
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    The Dream Journal. Empty Re: The Dream Journal.

    Post by Zeta Prime Thu Sep 05, 2013 1:28 pm

    Have you ever watched inception? I don't doubt you have.. it's a great movie all to do with dreams and such.

    more interestingly if you have the movie.. you should really check out the special features.. it's got a documentary about dreams and Their effects, purposes, and sometimes unnatural occurrences and coincidences. It was very insightful you should give it a check out.
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    The Dream Journal. Empty Re: The Dream Journal.

    Post by hey its andres Thu Sep 05, 2013 1:37 pm

    Oh yeah I love Inception. If you like Inception you should check out Paprika.

    You don't even have to like anime to appreciate it, you just have to like good films.
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    The Dream Journal. Empty Re: The Dream Journal.

    Post by Zeta Prime Thu Sep 05, 2013 3:10 pm

    looks interesting I may have to check it out..
    this is a feature length animated film? like it's separate from a series and stuff?
    hey its andres
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    The Dream Journal. Empty Re: The Dream Journal.

    Post by hey its andres Thu Sep 05, 2013 3:18 pm

    Yeah it's a film not a series or anything, which is why I noted that you don't have to like anime to enjoy it. If you like inception you'll definitely enjoy it.

    But enough about movies! Back to dreams! Mage 

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