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    X-box 360, PS3 or PC?


    On which Platform will you play Dark Souls 2 first?

    [ 10 ]
    X-box 360, PS3 or PC? - Page 2 I_vote_lcap11%X-box 360, PS3 or PC? - Page 2 I_vote_rcap [11%] 
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    X-box 360, PS3 or PC? - Page 2 I_vote_lcap49%X-box 360, PS3 or PC? - Page 2 I_vote_rcap [49%] 
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    X-box 360, PS3 or PC? - Page 2 I_vote_lcap34%X-box 360, PS3 or PC? - Page 2 I_vote_rcap [34%] 
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    X-box 360, PS3 or PC? - Page 2 I_vote_lcap6%X-box 360, PS3 or PC? - Page 2 I_vote_rcap [6%] 

    Total Votes: 90
    Back Lot Basher
    Back Lot Basher

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    X-box 360, PS3 or PC? - Page 2 Empty Re: X-box 360, PS3 or PC?

    Post by Back Lot Basher Tue Sep 24, 2013 3:15 pm

    I may just do what I did last time, and play it on both systems.

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    X-box 360, PS3 or PC? - Page 2 Empty Re: X-box 360, PS3 or PC?

    Post by carlucio Tue Sep 24, 2013 9:16 pm

    PS3 will have a bigger comunity and probably more coop and pvp, PC will have mods.

    I want both.

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    X-box 360, PS3 or PC? - Page 2 Empty Re: X-box 360, PS3 or PC?

    Post by TheWanderer101 Wed Sep 25, 2013 11:17 am

    PS3 for me, honestly there wont be a ridiculously massive difference between any version, sure the pc will have better frame rates and textures, etc, but thats not a big deal for most and from what ive seen on the tgs youtube vids Dark Souls 2 runs silky smooth on ps3. It looks like FROM`s promise of a solid 30 fps on consoles is holding true.
    The Letter X
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    X-box 360, PS3 or PC? - Page 2 Empty Re: X-box 360, PS3 or PC?

    Post by The Letter X Wed Sep 25, 2013 6:57 pm

    I'll be getting it for PC.

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    X-box 360, PS3 or PC? - Page 2 Empty Re: X-box 360, PS3 or PC?

    Post by OGS0ulsFAN Wed Sep 25, 2013 7:26 pm

    definettly  getting it for ps3. not only is it the viable system i got,but the communitys always been the strongest (as the pole shows) with the ps3, plus i played demons souls and dark souls on ps3. and i dont really care about graphics and 30 fps is fine with me. as long as it dosnt drop below that too often

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    X-box 360, PS3 or PC? - Page 2 Empty Re: X-box 360, PS3 or PC?

    Post by OGS0ulsFAN Wed Sep 25, 2013 7:27 pm

    plus PC always has more hackers (even with dedicated servers.)

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    X-box 360, PS3 or PC? - Page 2 Empty Re: X-box 360, PS3 or PC?

    Post by carlucio Thu Sep 26, 2013 10:57 pm

    PC version is win




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    X-box 360, PS3 or PC? - Page 2 Empty Re: X-box 360, PS3 or PC?

    Post by Noob-of-Artorias Thu Sep 26, 2013 11:20 pm

    This is actually a conundrum for me, I played Demons on the PS3 (obviously). But I played Dark Souls on the 360. I preordered the collectors edition for the 360...I'll probably stick with that. 

    I dunno, was the community on the PS3 really that much larger than the 360's? I know on here there's a heavy PS3 bias.

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    X-box 360, PS3 or PC? - Page 2 Empty Re: X-box 360, PS3 or PC?

    Post by SarahCassandra Fri Sep 27, 2013 1:59 am

    PC, hackers or not, cant stand a lot of console gaming.

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    X-box 360, PS3 or PC? - Page 2 Empty Re: X-box 360, PS3 or PC?

    Post by TheWanderer101 Fri Sep 27, 2013 2:21 am

    To answer noob of artorias`s question, yes the community is much larger on ps3 it's not really bias as much as it is fact. My friend plays dark souls on 360 and unless he's in the forest he gets almost no invasions, whenever he comes over to my place and plays dark souls on ps3 he's always amazed at the constant stream of invasions I get. I suppose the community is so big on ps3 because many of the hardcore dedicated souls fans started with demons souls and just stuck with ps3, but thats just my conjecture.

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    X-box 360, PS3 or PC? - Page 2 Empty Re: X-box 360, PS3 or PC?

    Post by Noob-of-Artorias Fri Sep 27, 2013 4:31 pm

    TheWanderer101 wrote:To answer noob of artorias`s question, yes the community is much larger on ps3 it's not really bias as much as it is fact. My friend plays dark souls on 360 and unless he's in the forest he gets almost no invasions, whenever he comes over to my place and plays dark souls on ps3 he's always amazed at the constant stream of invasions I get. I suppose the community is so big on ps3 because many of the hardcore dedicated souls fans started with demons souls and just stuck with ps3, but thats just my conjecture.
    If that's the case then I guess I need to switch my preorder right away....I should probably buy Dark Souls 1 on PS3 as well, give me a fresh new challenge.
    Onion Knight
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    X-box 360, PS3 or PC? - Page 2 Empty Re: X-box 360, PS3 or PC?

    Post by Onion Knight Fri Sep 27, 2013 8:55 pm

    SarahCassandra wrote:PC, hackers or not, cant stand a lot of console gaming.
    Oh boy! Here we go!
    Soris Ice Goldwing
    Soris Ice Goldwing

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    X-box 360, PS3 or PC? - Page 2 Empty Re: X-box 360, PS3 or PC?

    Post by Soris Ice Goldwing Fri Sep 27, 2013 10:38 pm

    Xbox because that is only console I have and I don't have a pc that can handle the game on it.

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    X-box 360, PS3 or PC? - Page 2 Empty Re: X-box 360, PS3 or PC?

    Post by SarahCassandra Sat Sep 28, 2013 12:08 am

    Onion Knight wrote:
    SarahCassandra wrote:PC, hackers or not, cant stand a lot of console gaming.
    Oh boy! Here we go!
    I dont understand?

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    X-box 360, PS3 or PC? - Page 2 Empty Re: X-box 360, PS3 or PC?

    Post by CaligoIllioneus Sat Sep 28, 2013 12:12 am

    Someone trying to predict the start of a PC vs Xbox vs PS3 argument or something, I guess.

    Anyways, I will get it on PC here. I hope the dedicated servers mean less hackers, hacking is the only downside of Dark Souls PC.

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    X-box 360, PS3 or PC? - Page 2 Empty Re: X-box 360, PS3 or PC?

    Post by Myztyrio Sat Sep 28, 2013 2:54 am

    PS3 biatch. Best everything.
    Back Lot Basher
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    X-box 360, PS3 or PC? - Page 2 Empty Re: X-box 360, PS3 or PC?

    Post by Back Lot Basher Sat Sep 28, 2013 3:32 pm

    TheWanderer101 wrote:To answer noob of artorias`s question, yes the community is much larger on ps3 it's not really bias as much as it is fact. My friend plays dark souls on 360 and unless he's in the forest he gets almost no invasions, whenever he comes over to my place and plays dark souls on ps3 he's always amazed at the constant stream of invasions I get. I suppose the community is so big on ps3 because many of the hardcore dedicated souls fans started with demons souls and just stuck with ps3, but thats just my conjecture.
    I wouldn't be too sure that will be the case this time around.  The community here leans heavily toward PS3, but in North America sales were almost equal on both.  I play on PS3 and Xbox both, and in the last few months the Xbox traffic has absolutely exploded (most likely due to all the previews of the new game). 

    You are right in that the game will always have more players due to the contingent of Japanese players, something which is absent on the Xbox.  But I believe people will be surprised at how popular Dark Souls 2 is going to be on the Box.  Remember, Xbox built its reputation on superior online play, so games with invasive PvP are a natural draw in that market.  There will be no shortage of players.
    Hingle McCringleberry
    Hingle McCringleberry

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    X-box 360, PS3 or PC? - Page 2 Empty Re: X-box 360, PS3 or PC?

    Post by Hingle McCringleberry Sun Sep 29, 2013 2:01 am

    Pc. Because its velvet:thumbs up:

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    X-box 360, PS3 or PC? - Page 2 Empty Re: X-box 360, PS3 or PC?

    Post by TheWanderer101 Sun Sep 29, 2013 1:47 pm

    Back Lot Basher wrote:
    TheWanderer101 wrote:To answer noob of artorias`s question, yes the community is much larger on ps3 it's not really bias as much as it is fact. My friend plays dark souls on 360 and unless he's in the forest he gets almost no invasions, whenever he comes over to my place and plays dark souls on ps3 he's always amazed at the constant stream of invasions I get. I suppose the community is so big on ps3 because many of the hardcore dedicated souls fans started with demons souls and just stuck with ps3, but thats just my conjecture.
    I wouldn't be too sure that will be the case this time around.  The community here leans heavily toward PS3, but in North America sales were almost equal on both.  I play on PS3 and Xbox both, and in the last few months the Xbox traffic has absolutely exploded (most likely due to all the previews of the new game). 

    You are right in that the game will always have more players due to the contingent of Japanese players, something which is absent on the Xbox.  But I believe people will be surprised at how popular Dark Souls 2 is going to be on the Box.  Remember, Xbox built its reputation on superior online play, so games with invasive PvP are a natural draw in that market.  There will be no shortage of players.
    Oh no doubt dark souls 2 will sell well on both platforms, but I have a feeling most xbox players wont stick with it for the long run. But who knows I could be completely wrong im just stating my opinions based off of the past. When dark souls 1 released the population was huge on both consoles and over time both populations dwindled away, 360`s more than ps3.
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    X-box 360, PS3 or PC? - Page 2 Empty Re: X-box 360, PS3 or PC?

    Post by Serious_Much Sun Sep 29, 2013 1:59 pm

    Noob-of-Artorias wrote:This is actually a conundrum for me, I played Demons on the PS3 (obviously). But I played Dark Souls on the 360. I preordered the collectors edition for the 360...I'll probably stick with that. 

    I dunno, was the community on the PS3 really that much larger than the 360's? I know on here there's a heavy PS3 bias.
    Well back when the game was pre AOTA and only ps3 and 360, ps3 had about twice the sales of 360

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    X-box 360, PS3 or PC? - Page 2 Empty Re: X-box 360, PS3 or PC?

    Post by Shakie666 Sun Sep 29, 2013 2:27 pm

    I'll be getting it on PS3 probably. My PC's getting on a bit now so I doubt it would run much better on there. Not to mention the increased numbers of hackers...

    By the way; has a next-gen release been officially confirmed anywhere? It wouldn't make sense for there to not be a next-gen release, but I've not seen it set in stone.

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    X-box 360, PS3 or PC? - Page 2 Empty Re: X-box 360, PS3 or PC?

    Post by CountAntonius Mon Sep 30, 2013 2:15 am

    Put 400 hours into the Xbox version. Sold it off and built a gaming PC. Currently playing at 60 frames in hi res and I'm in heaven. 

    DS2 seems like it will ditch GFWL so Steam+dedicated servers should really help with the hacker problems and it being developed on PC and not ported should help it sell more than the first.

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    X-box 360, PS3 or PC? - Page 2 Empty Re: X-box 360, PS3 or PC?

    Post by Noob-of-Artorias Mon Sep 30, 2013 1:16 pm

    Switched my pre-order to the PS3, got my friend to join me, so I won't be going alone, lol. 

    The only reason I don't use my PS3 much is because it's a launch model fatty and it only has a 60 gig hard drive that's mostly used up at this I'll probably have to delete a lot of old game data to play DSII on it. 

    I wonder if it's worth buying a better hard drive at this point...
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    X-box 360, PS3 or PC? - Page 2 Empty Re: X-box 360, PS3 or PC?

    Post by skarekrow13 Mon Sep 30, 2013 1:42 pm

    You can likely buy a hard drive for it cheap, and switching the drive is no problem at all. If you're a plus member you can back up your saves to the cloud and then have them right after you put the new drive in. I had a similar issue with my phatty thanks to Plus. I added a 160Gb and it helped out a lot.
    Back Lot Basher
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    X-box 360, PS3 or PC? - Page 2 Empty Re: X-box 360, PS3 or PC?

    Post by Back Lot Basher Mon Sep 30, 2013 2:23 pm

    TheWanderer101 wrote:
    Back Lot Basher wrote:
    TheWanderer101 wrote:To answer noob of artorias`s question, yes the community is much larger on ps3 it's not really bias as much as it is fact. My friend plays dark souls on 360 and unless he's in the forest he gets almost no invasions, whenever he comes over to my place and plays dark souls on ps3 he's always amazed at the constant stream of invasions I get. I suppose the community is so big on ps3 because many of the hardcore dedicated souls fans started with demons souls and just stuck with ps3, but thats just my conjecture.
    I wouldn't be too sure that will be the case this time around.  The community here leans heavily toward PS3, but in North America sales were almost equal on both.  I play on PS3 and Xbox both, and in the last few months the Xbox traffic has absolutely exploded (most likely due to all the previews of the new game). 

    You are right in that the game will always have more players due to the contingent of Japanese players, something which is absent on the Xbox.  But I believe people will be surprised at how popular Dark Souls 2 is going to be on the Box.  Remember, Xbox built its reputation on superior online play, so games with invasive PvP are a natural draw in that market.  There will be no shortage of players.
    Oh no doubt dark souls 2 will sell well on both platforms, but I have a feeling most xbox players wont stick with it for the long run. But who knows I could be completely wrong im just stating my opinions based off of the past. When dark souls 1 released the population was huge on both consoles and over time both populations dwindled away, 360`s more than ps3.
    Very possible, I suppose.  I flip-flopped between the two when it released, as I had some good friends on the Xbox.  This time around I may get both again, because my friends don't play as much as I do, so I may keep an Xbox toon in range with them, and then run another on the PS3 that I can level at a faster rate.

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    X-box 360, PS3 or PC? - Page 2 Empty Re: X-box 360, PS3 or PC?

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