Now then if I can start with myself, the technical term for what I am would be an Irreligious Atheistic Agnostic with no spiritual affiliations. I personally do not believe in any gods, any spiritual beings, and I do not belong to any religious order. I do believe that after death the person you identify yourself as ceases to exist forever. Now, some things do interest me such as the concept of a human brain wave and essentially brain pattern signature persisting after death in something like an ertificial brain or computer. There are ideas like a meta-conscious, another plane of existence in which scientifically our consciousness may descend. Now, I don't know if these things exist currently or ever will exist. I merely mention that since there is a bit of scientific founding for those two ideas. However until something can be proven as existing I will believe as a fact in my mind that humans simply cease to be after dying. Death is actually something I focus on a lot, the thought of not existing at some point terrifies me more than anyone can ever imagine. I don't care much about the pain of death, how I will die, just the fact that one day I will. Some have told me that I should just believe in heaven, or some other afterlife to keep myself from getting depressed but honestly I could never do something like that. I feel that a belief is a belief, something you hold true. Not born of convienience or whatever will make you happy, you believe it because you consider it true. Not to mention it would probably be pretty sacreligious to simply lie to myself and others when I really don't consider it to be true. While I did make death such an important part the truth is I don't like to talk about it too much, I'd rather questions towards me not be about that subject since it upsets me. Aside from death in which I can be a bit loopy, generally I take more of a scientific approach. Big Bang Theory, Theory of Evolution, the works. However being an agnostic I never really do consider something absolute. I don't believe in a god, but if I found something that was evidence to me that a god exists I would believe it. Simply put, I think we can't know. I think we can't know if a god does or doesn't exist, at least when you're alive. Oddly enough I'm very interested in religions so I do study them a lot and know a deal about them and the beliefs of their people. At a young age I was rebellious, I remember I hated all religion and it was how I became an atheist. I was some stupid punk, but eventually I matured. However I realized that, lack of belief just was for me. I became an Atheist for the wrong reasons but I stayed one for the right reasons. I'm a skeptic, someone who focuses more so on senses and experiences that can be shared among humans. Though I will admit I'm not lost to ideas like object permenance. A little idea I always tease myself is with the concept that nothing else exists but myself, maybe I'm a being creating the universe around me, or maybe this is all fake. I think most of us have seen the Matrix, but frankly until I see evidence to believe that none of this is real I'll continue to be content with the world around me.
Now then, feel free to join in and post about your views and ask questions about others. This is a nice place for us to learn about each other and the beliefs of the world. And remember to follow the forum rules, I will not hesitate to report posts.