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    need quellags soul, or chaos blade PS3 SL51

    Paradoxal Ewok
    Paradoxal Ewok

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    need quellags soul, or chaos blade PS3 SL51 Empty need quellags soul, or chaos blade PS3 SL51

    Post by Paradoxal Ewok Thu Mar 22, 2012 10:07 am

    Request on this thread what you want in return and ill see if i have it happy

    Ill be waiting from now at Sunlight Altar

    PSN: BakeyKakey

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    need quellags soul, or chaos blade PS3 SL51 Empty Re: need quellags soul, or chaos blade PS3 SL51

    Post by ErrJon6661 Thu Mar 22, 2012 4:33 pm

    I can get it to you in a little bit, I've been on the hunt for pricilla's dagger for a while so thats what I'd be wanting in trade.
    Paradoxal Ewok
    Paradoxal Ewok

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    need quellags soul, or chaos blade PS3 SL51 Empty Re: need quellags soul, or chaos blade PS3 SL51

    Post by Paradoxal Ewok Thu Mar 22, 2012 4:41 pm

    Alright i havent gotten the dagger yet, but an hour or so and i should have it.

    *edit* Maybe half an hour, but in any case ill let you know when i have it.

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    need quellags soul, or chaos blade PS3 SL51 Empty Re: need quellags soul, or chaos blade PS3 SL51

    Post by ErrJon6661 Thu Mar 22, 2012 4:47 pm

    Sounds good. I have to level a bit and kill queelag also, and won't be able to get on my ps3 for a bit.
    Paradoxal Ewok
    Paradoxal Ewok

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    need quellags soul, or chaos blade PS3 SL51 Empty Re: need quellags soul, or chaos blade PS3 SL51

    Post by Paradoxal Ewok Thu Mar 22, 2012 4:54 pm

    alright i have it now.

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    need quellags soul, or chaos blade PS3 SL51 Empty Re: need quellags soul, or chaos blade PS3 SL51

    Post by ErrJon6661 Thu Mar 22, 2012 4:55 pm

    Alright dude. Add me on psn and I'll be on in a bit, it should take me 20-30 min to get queelags souls and then we can trade. JonErr661
    Paradoxal Ewok
    Paradoxal Ewok

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    need quellags soul, or chaos blade PS3 SL51 Empty Re: need quellags soul, or chaos blade PS3 SL51

    Post by Paradoxal Ewok Thu Mar 22, 2012 4:59 pm

    ErrJon6661 wrote:Alright dude. Add me on psn and I'll be on in a bit, it should take me 20-30 min to get queelags souls and then we can trade. JonErr661

    I can't add you due to the ID not being registered? are you sure its correct?

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    need quellags soul, or chaos blade PS3 SL51 Empty Re: need quellags soul, or chaos blade PS3 SL51

    Post by ErrJon6661 Thu Mar 22, 2012 5:06 pm

    There may be more or less r's hahaha. That or the e may not be capitalized.

    Sorry I'm a bit spacey right now.
    Paradoxal Ewok
    Paradoxal Ewok

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    need quellags soul, or chaos blade PS3 SL51 Empty Re: need quellags soul, or chaos blade PS3 SL51

    Post by Paradoxal Ewok Thu Mar 22, 2012 5:09 pm

    ErrJon6661 wrote:There may be more or less r's hahaha. That or the e may not be capitalized.

    Sorry I'm a bit spacey right now.

    Would you just happen to be JONerrr661 ? silly

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    need quellags soul, or chaos blade PS3 SL51 Empty Re: need quellags soul, or chaos blade PS3 SL51

    Post by ErrJon6661 Thu Mar 22, 2012 5:10 pm

    There you go!

    Hahahahahaha. Sorry about that.
    Paradoxal Ewok
    Paradoxal Ewok

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    need quellags soul, or chaos blade PS3 SL51 Empty Re: need quellags soul, or chaos blade PS3 SL51

    Post by Paradoxal Ewok Thu Mar 22, 2012 5:25 pm

    ErrJon6661 wrote:There you go!

    Hahahahahaha. Sorry about that.

    Alright, i sort off forgot myself and raised my level to 60... lol, still able to do it?

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    need quellags soul, or chaos blade PS3 SL51 Empty Re: need quellags soul, or chaos blade PS3 SL51

    Post by ErrJon6661 Thu Mar 22, 2012 5:37 pm

    Yeah, it'll just take me a bit longer. I just got out of the shower and I'll be on in like 10 min or so. Depending on where I am it shouldn't take long. I think I'm at sl 40.
    Paradoxal Ewok
    Paradoxal Ewok

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    need quellags soul, or chaos blade PS3 SL51 Empty Re: need quellags soul, or chaos blade PS3 SL51

    Post by Paradoxal Ewok Fri Mar 23, 2012 5:00 pm

    Anyone else? still havent gotten the item.

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    need quellags soul, or chaos blade PS3 SL51 Empty Re: need quellags soul, or chaos blade PS3 SL51

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