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    SL80 Darkwraith sorcery build


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    SL80 Darkwraith sorcery build Empty SL80 Darkwraith sorcery build

    Post by eninala Thu Mar 29, 2012 5:30 pm

    Hey everyone, wanted to get some advice for a build I'm planning. My main is a Dex/Fth Darkmoon and I wanted a bit of a different experience with my next character. Here's what I was thinking:

    SL 80
    Vit 26
    Att 19
    End 20
    Str 12
    Dex 16
    Res -
    Int 50
    Fth -

    HP 1164
    Fast roll (no flip), will use stamina grass
    MLGS/Velka's, TCC/Dark Hand
    Crown of Dark Sun (or Dusk), 0 poise armor
    RoFaP, Bellowing Dragoncrest Ring

    I guess my main question is whether it's worth it to go to 16 Str to one-hand the MLGS. And whether 5 attunement slots are worth it - maybe I should drop 3 (or 5) extra points in Vit instead? Or Dex for faster cast time?

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    SL80 Darkwraith sorcery build Empty Re: SL80 Darkwraith sorcery build

    Post by WyrmHero Thu Mar 29, 2012 5:40 pm

    Hum...level 80 is a bit tricky, let me think...

    Edit: I think you are planning a Pure-Mage build, Darkwraith.

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    SL80 Darkwraith sorcery build Empty Re: SL80 Darkwraith sorcery build

    Post by eninala Thu Mar 29, 2012 6:00 pm

    WyrmHero wrote:Hum...level 80 is a bit tricky, let me think...

    Edit: I think you are planning a Pure-Mage build, Darkwraith.

    Yeah, thats't the idea, so I was thinking the difference in cast-time could be important. SL100 would make things easier, but I want to see what happens if I stick to 80 silly

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    SL80 Darkwraith sorcery build Empty Re: SL80 Darkwraith sorcery build

    Post by WyrmHero Thu Mar 29, 2012 6:04 pm

    Start with a Sorcerer. As you are not going to use Crystal Magic Weapon, 4 Slots is enough. You will need at least 20 endurance for equip load to be @ 25%, as the MLGS + Velka's Rapier is a lot of weight. Also you'll be two-handing the greatsword. If you want to use it one handed also, you'll have to sacrifice Vitality points. 16 Dex is enough and the difference of casting speed between 16 and 20 dex is very minimal.

    SL 80 Sorcerer

    Vit 30
    Att 16
    End 20
    Str 11
    Dex 16
    Int 50
    Res base
    Fai base

    Posts : 28
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    Join date : 2012-03-13

    SL80 Darkwraith sorcery build Empty Re: SL80 Darkwraith sorcery build

    Post by eninala Thu Mar 29, 2012 6:09 pm

    That looks great, thanks!

    Posts : 8742
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    SL80 Darkwraith sorcery build Empty Re: SL80 Darkwraith sorcery build

    Post by WyrmHero Thu Mar 29, 2012 6:30 pm

    Also after putting endurance on 20, try to test your equipload for your favorite armor. You may have to increase it a little more, if so, sacrifice Vit points on endurance.

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