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    Mass Effect 2 Decisions


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    Mass Effect 2 Decisions Empty Mass Effect 2 Decisions

    Post by ViralEnsign_ Mon Apr 02, 2012 5:38 am

    Mass Effect 2- I have to make all these Godawful choices before I can play Mass Effect 3 in earnest.

    So far my Shepard is a Sentinel- The most badass class in the universe.

    No relationship-Mass Effect 1

    Rachni Queen-Saved

    Wrex- Alive

    Kaiden or Ashely- This one is the real kicker (Who to have in ME3?)

    Destiny Ascension Saved- Like a really noble hero I sacrificed human lives to be cool

    Councillor- Udina or Anderson (Whats the diff in ME3? Without spoilers please.)


    All Loyalty Missions- DONE!!!!

    Romance- TALI! CAUSE SHES GONNA BE A BABE UNDER THAT HELMET and is just too awesome to pass up.

    All fights between crew resolved- will be done on my new play through

    Crew of Normandy- Saved

    Collector Base- Blown the Hell Up

    Info incriminating Cerberus- kept

    etc I'm sure you can imagine all the Paragon actions I've taken.

    The kickers are who to make councillor and who to save from Virmire. Please gimme some suggestions.

    Also my team is always Shepard (Sentinel), Garrus (Tech/Sniper), and Tali (Tech/ Shotgun/Squad creator). The original ME team. Might add Legion in to my ME2 team as he's pretty cool.
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    Mass Effect 2 Decisions Empty Re: Mass Effect 2 Decisions

    Post by Whknight Mon Apr 02, 2012 5:58 am

    I chose Anderson as he doesn't act stupid like Udina, also can get Spectre status back in 2 with him easier, he will depart the council regardless between 2 and 3 and put Udina in control, much to everyones annoyance as you find out fairly early on I think. Virmire it just depends who you want to keep, doesn't really effect the story to much. If you have a relationship with that person there are a few extra scenes, but it doesn't really matter. Ash has a new look though compared to Kaiden.

    Really I think it depends on how much of ME3 you want to spoil if you want to know what to do to get a decent ending, I know of one section late in ME3 that has a hard call and you can only get a good outcome with sheer luck and some spoiling of the plot to know what you should do.

    I have been doing most of my poking on this wiki,, so far it has been good to me.

    Heh, Garrus is pretty nice, I run a Soldier with Grunt as well so I can cover close, medium, and long ranges. I'm playing on Hardcore sometimes Insanity and I'm not even challenged really...

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    Mass Effect 2 Decisions Empty Re: Mass Effect 2 Decisions

    Post by ViralEnsign_ Mon Apr 02, 2012 6:21 am

    Tali will survive I know that much of ME3. I have the guide but only use it for multiplayer and weapons info.

    Ashley and Kaiden are annoying as Ash seems to have overwhelming daddy issues ( as I remember from ME) and Kaiden has out of character man love momments with Shepard (also from what I recall of ME).

    I find the Sentinel to be the best all round class. It can strip any kind of barrier in seconds and the tech armour allows me to not only look bad *** but also survive each battle as the last man which means I'm always in command of my troops.

    Tech and biotic combos allow me to choose my range and become the core comboist of my team.

    Also whats are you opinions of the ME2 additional weapon choice you get in the Collector vessel. Shotguns, Assault Rifles, or Snipers. What do you choose, and what do reccommend for me?
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    Mass Effect 2 Decisions Empty Re: Mass Effect 2 Decisions

    Post by Whknight Mon Apr 02, 2012 6:30 am

    I think you can have a male relationship with Kaiden in ME3 now that I think on it.

    As for the Collector ship, it depends on what you want. You can play on your strength or suppliment yourself with something you don't have. Seeing how Sentinels don't have any of those proficencies you are just unlocking them, you can't get the weapon unless you already have that proficency. I took assault rifles as I use them pretty much all the time and having the machine gun is fun, although I have the Geth Pulse Rifle also and it's just as good and in some ways better.

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    Mass Effect 2 Decisions Empty Re: Mass Effect 2 Decisions

    Post by ViralEnsign_ Mon Apr 02, 2012 6:49 am

    i think I'll replay it from before the Haestrom mission where you get Tali (BOOOYEAH!) and get the Geth Pulse Rifle and run a mid range Power Damage Shepard.

    Of all the Mass Effect Characters I hate Ashley the most. But not more so that Kaiden so I'll take Ash.

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    Mass Effect 2 Decisions Empty Re: Mass Effect 2 Decisions

    Post by ViralEnsign_ Wed Apr 04, 2012 4:40 pm

    Also does anyone still following this thread hate the bonus powers mechanic of the game. They essentially give you a power Shepard will never use at the start of the game and clog up my power wheel.
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    Mass Effect 2 Decisions Empty Re: Mass Effect 2 Decisions

    Post by Whknight Wed Apr 04, 2012 4:59 pm

    You mean Advanced Training? I find that it's helpful, Barrier or Geth Shield Boost and the ammo powers are good additions, I have AP rounds to fight the husks since Inferno and Disrupter don't really seem to affect them as much.

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    Mass Effect 2 Decisions Empty Re: Mass Effect 2 Decisions

    Post by Scudman_Slayer Wed Apr 04, 2012 5:01 pm

    i have made the perfect playtrhough (at least for me anyway) of ME2 to follow up to ME3 (this was on ME2 for the PS3) if anyone want to know what i did all there is to do is ask winking


    Im with you on sentinel being badass its my favorite class in the entire series

    and i hate how underrated it is i almost never see anyone that plays ME and has a sentinel as favorite class
    they're all vanguard,soldier,adept, and thats about it really nothing else :/

    i like the sentinel because i can survive on insanity difficulty more easily due to my tech armor saving my *** all the time,also because i can take down the defenses enemies have on insanity difficulty which is good and as long as my team survives i can survive as well (most times im the last one standing and end up having to solo everything :/ which is possible but not much against 2 heavy mechs >sad )

    who did you guys romanced on ME2? i romanced tali,i like her

    on advanced training i use Warp Ammo due to its all round defense penetration and great killing potential on enemies affected by biotics (i always have someone in my team that has pull silly)

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    Mass Effect 2 Decisions Empty Re: Mass Effect 2 Decisions

    Post by sen545331 Wed Apr 04, 2012 5:07 pm

    My first class and arguably my favorite is the infiltrator, at least for single player. But, as for ME3, don't forget you have to try and augment the tech armor cooldown timer increase, its not too bad, if you go low weight weapons, but its still there. And I've been through the game with a sentinel and infiltrator, every class has it's bonuses, just depends on your playstyle. I tend to be reckless, so something like a vanguard is fun, but frustrating (I die A LOT with a vanguard, lol).

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    Mass Effect 2 Decisions Empty Re: Mass Effect 2 Decisions

    Post by ViralEnsign_ Fri Apr 06, 2012 5:23 am

    AWWWWWW HELL YEAH! I knew it was worth Romancing Tali throughout ME2 and I finally saw her face!!!!!!

    This is a momentous day for all the fans of Tali and Mass Effect!

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    Mass Effect 2 Decisions Empty Re: Mass Effect 2 Decisions

    Post by befowler Fri Apr 06, 2012 11:04 am

    ME3 ending being changed.

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    Mass Effect 2 Decisions Empty Re: Mass Effect 2 Decisions

    Post by ViralEnsign_ Fri Apr 06, 2012 7:23 pm

    befowler wrote:ME3 ending being changed.


    YOU FOOL! ( No I'm sorry I didn't mean that)

    I haven't even started ME3 yet just finishing off my ideal ME2.
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    Mass Effect 2 Decisions Empty Re: Mass Effect 2 Decisions

    Post by Whknight Fri Apr 06, 2012 7:38 pm

    Ugh I don't really want to throw money at EA anymore, I hope it's free but I know it won't be. I just started 3 and I did notice it feels a little better and some of the weapons seem changed, I didn't really get that into it before I left and went back to my Civ match. I just can't really bring myself into it much anymore, I feel that as a whole the direction they took isn't really exciting for me.

    Also a heads up on 3, you keep the power upgrade choices you made for yourself at least, but some of them get changed a little. In my case Adrenaline Rush tier 4 I went with the health damage -50% instead of more time stopage, but in 3 that tier is reduce health and shield -25% compared to I believe it was time stopage and +25% more weapons damage and as far as I can tell it's permanent and can't be changed. It appears that you do keep any unspent points though, or you can just read what the upgrade paths are in 3 and base your decisions off that. That is another one of my irks, stop changing everything just leave it as is.

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